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by Carrie

I had the feeling you get when you’ve drank too much and the world is spinning around you. Sandra took my hand. I didn’t want to go. This was my apartment, my duplex, and a certain decorum is always needed when it’s your home. That’s just the way it is.

Lynn got hold of my other hand and by majority of two we were off to the small crowd gathering around Cassidy who was on a table, panties down. The stripper gripped her calves and with a smile for all of us he proudly slipped his big cock into her.

“We should stop this.” Sandra laughed, “Where have you been?” I said, “This is supposed to be an engagement party not a Girls Gone Wild event.” She laughed at me and I said, “Laugh all you want but this has gone too far.” Andrea leaned in and said, “Tell that to Cassidy.” Or maybe Lynn as I watched the other stripper take her away.

Some of the girls made a circle around her and it was Sandra who pulled me over and said, “Don’t be so ornery. You know what goes on.” I said, “You seem to forget this is my apartment.” “Yeah, well you sound like a broken record.” I said, “I don’t own any records.” She put her hand to my lips. It was all I could do not to yell at her.

Lynn’s dress had already been zipped down before I went out to talk to Thisley. Her pretty back was hard to resist. I hoped mine was as pretty if somebody zipped me down like that. I watched with utter amazement as the stripper put his hands on her hips and got her into the groove.

I know Lynn and she is not that kind of girl. They must have doped her up, because she would never do this. And if she would it would be in the proper place. Nevertheless, I noticed her man with the bow tie wasn’t exactly hard yet, but he was getting there. Then he had the nerve to lie to her, “You’re the best dancer here.”

Bullshit. First of all, courtesy called for him to say that to me because it was my apartment, and anyway I’m a better dancer than Lynn and I think I happen to be even better looking. I had a lot more boyfriends at Princeton than she had.

He told her more lies. They were absolutely awful and she believed every word he said, about her tits, her bottom, her legs, her eyes; I mean it was way over board and she sucked it all up even though she and everyone else knew that I was the artistically inclined girl there as well as the best dancer. It’s not that I minded Lynn getting all the attention, but I thought the stripper was for all of us.

Anyway…He didn’t waste time as he deftly lowered the straps of her dress. The top fell to her waist. He swirled her around with a twist of his arm and as they hoofed side to side he cannily unclasped her brassiere and swirled Lynn out of her dress. God was this prick unctuously smooth.

I looked back to check on other things and to my dismay, Cassidy was still getting fucked. She was totally gone. Her stripper was like a workout machine. I turned back to Lynn, my Princeton roommate, who was grinding her pantied bottom into the stripper’s groin and hooting. I have never in my life heard her hoot — maybe at a taxi cab, but that’s it!

Sandra whispered, “ We ought to do something.” Finally, Sandra was coming to her senses; or at least that’s what I thought…..

End of Diary of A Rich Girl – Chapter 171

Diary of a Rich Girl to be continued…
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