Reading Time: 6 minutes

by Topaz

Another Kinky Poker Game
It was just another Friday evening in our house. My husband and his friends were busy playing poker in the kitchen and I was banned from there while they were playing; “Women are bad luck” he said to me on more than one occasion. Not that I wanted to go in there anyway. The whole kitchen smelled of cigar smoke and beer. John and his three pals had been in there for several hours now and I hoped they were beginning to wind down and finish their game. There were shouts and laughter coming from under the door as I tried to watch tv in the lounge. Nothing on earth would persuade me to interrupt their game however. I remembered the one time I had done that. I had poked my head around the door and asked John how much longer they were going to be.

John had smiled pleasantly enough at me and said “soon dear”, but when the game was finished and his friends gone home, he was furious. “Never interrupt my game again” he said in a very quiet voice. “I am going to have to punish you severely for that”. He spanked me frequently so I was not too worried about his threat. The spankings hurt but were not too harsh. However this time, he took me upstairs and placed me face down on the bed. He pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panties, baring my ass. He then went into the cupboard and removed something from the back. It was a riding crop and my eyes widened. He whipped me with that crop till I was crying and begging him to stop. I had never interrupted a game since.

This game seemed particularly rowdy tonight, and I tried to concentrate on the tv. I hoped John won because we always had fantastic sex if he won. He would spank me then too but it was not the same as a punishment spanking, it was sexy and erotic. If he lost, he would always find a reason to punish me and the spanking would be painful. However, he had never beaten me with the crop again thank goodness. I never wanted another whipping with that.

The noise from the kitchen suddenly grew quiet then erupted into cheers and whoops of joy. John appeared at the doorway and then there were three other men there too, all with great big smiles on their faces. “Did you win” dear I asked innocently. “No I lost” he said “Big time”. “They cleaned me out” he went on to say. “Well never mind” I said “better luck next time”. He looked at me with a strange look on his face. “Well” he said “it’s not as easy as that, I ran out of money to bet so I sort of bet you”. “You did what”? I yelled. He was clearly drunk as were his friends.

At that moment the three other men picked me up and carried me upstairs to our bedroom. John followed closely behind. I started to yell in earnest by this time and John went to the cupboard and found a scarf to gag me with. He tied it on and I was unable to make any sounds at all. There was some talking in hushed voices when I heard one of the men say “Look we won fair and square and now it’s time to pay up”. One of the other men whispered into John’s ear and he said “In the cupboard”. The man went to the cupboard and came out with our sex toys and the crop. I blushed at the sight of some strange man handling my toys. “Let’s fuck her” said one of the men. “”No” said another one “I want to spank her first”.

He sat down on the bed and dragged me over his knee. He lifted my skirt and slid his fingers into the elastic of my panties, before pulling them down to my knees. He ran his hand over my smooth bottom before lifting his hand and bringing it down hard on my right cheek. He did the same with my left cheek and then rained a series of smacks down on my helpless ass. He smacked me long and hard until another man said “It’s my turn now and pulled me up. This man didn’t sit down but kneeled on one knee, dragging me over the other knee and spanking me hard. My skirt kept falling down and he ripped it off completely leaving him with a clear target for his slaps. My ass was really on fire by now and were it not for the gag, I would have begged them to stop. The third man said “My turn next and he sat down on the floor and pulled me across his lap. By now I wondered how much more my poor backside could take. He smacked me hard and tears were running down my face.

After what seemed like an eternity of smacks, one of the men said “Let’s take the rest of her clothes off” and began to strip me. They pulled off my blouse and ripped my bra off. They pulled my panties the rest of the way down and took them off. One of them lay me on the bed, face down and told me to raise my ass into the doggie position. I shook my head. I would not do that no matter what they did to me. I felt the sting of the riding crop as it slashed across my ass. Another stroke and another hit my already red bottom. One more stroke and I did as they said. I could hear some whispering, then I felt two hands part my labia and I felt a tongue on my clit.

I didn’t want to respond but I couldn’t help myself. He worked his tongue all around my pussy, exploring my cunt with little flicks of his tongue. He shoved two fingers into me and found me wet. I felt a hard cock being pushed into my pussy and I was completely aroused by then. He fucked me hard and brought his hand round and stroked my clit while thrusting into me. I was overcome with lust and I came there and then, the contractions sending shivers of delight from my pussy to the rest of my body. The next man wanted to whip me some more and laid on several strokes from the crop. My ass was covered in red welts by now. He poked his tongue into my asshole and I almost came again as the pain and pleasure melted into each other.

“The toys!” said one of the men and held up a butt plug. They lubed the plug and turned it on, shoving it deep into my asshole. I couldn’t help it, I felt the delicious waves wash over me as I came again. They turned me onto my back and another man took his place and rammed his hard cock into my pussy. One man took off my gag and brushed his cock against my mouth. When I refused to open my mouth, I felt the crop slash across my inner thigh. Twice more the crop slashed the tender skin on my thigh before I opened my mouth and began to suck on his hard cock. I sucked that cock for all I was worth, not wanting another whipping. I flicked my tongue up and down that erect shaft and sucked hard. I felt his hot sperm spurt into my mouth and I tried to turn my head away. I felt a slap on my cheek and a voice saying “Drink it, bitch”.

I heard a deep cry and the man fucking my pussy came loud and hard. My cunt was twitching from his thrusting and, to my surprise, I was disappointed when he pulled out. Then I felt the third man take his place and thrust into me deep; I writhed with pleasure and opened my legs wider to urge him on. I felt the vibrations of the butt plug deep in my asshole, driving me wild. Never had I felt so totally filled up. I could feel the butt plug and his cock rubbing against each other, separated by just a thin membrane. He fucked me hard and with the feeling of the plug and his cock, it was too much to resist.

I felt myself cumming again and cried out loud. The orgasm was explosive. I lay there as he withdrew his cock and the men gathered up their things and left, looking sheepish but satisfied. They left the house. John stayed behind and got out my vibe. “I’ll make this up to you” he whispered and turned the vibe on full. One touch of that toy to my clit together with the sensations from the butt plug and I was ready to cum again. He teased me with it until I begged for release. Finally, he shoved it up my pussy and I came harder than I have ever come before.

“Am I forgiven”? asked John, sometime later, in a tremulous voice. I forgave him and gave him a kiss. What I did not tell him was how much I had enjoyed myself tonight. The truth was though, I had never had a sexual experience like it before. I would never tell John how amazing it had been, but every Friday night from then on, I put on my best underwear just in case.