Reading Time: 10 minutes

by subused

Cindy Gets Punished By Her Master
I knew I was going to be late getting home from work. “Why tonight, of all nights,” I thought silently to myself as my car sat still in the heavy traffic. “I should have left earlier because I know tonight is important to him.” He is having one of his Marine buddies over for the weekend and he wants to make a good impression. While sitting there thinking about what he might do with me when I got home I started to feel the tell-tale signs of arousal between my thighs.

When I finally arrived home I rushed into the house. Part of me was hoping I had beaten them home from the airport where Brad was picking Tom up, and part of me was hoping I hadn’t. I ran in so fast that I didn’t even think to look in the garage for his car first. I quickly entered the front door, threw my briefcase in the coat closet, then began to unbutton my blouse as I hit the first stair on my way up to change my clothes. Suddenly I saw them coming out from the kitchen, each with a bottle of beer in his hand, looking right at me. I stopped dead in my tracks, startled to see them. “H-hello Brad, ” I managed to stammer to my husband, quickly re-buttoning my blouse. “Finally we meet,” I said to Tom with a polite smile. I attempted to compose myself while leaning over the banister and reaching to shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s certainly a pleasure to meet you, too, Cindy,” he replied as he took my tiny hand in his much larger one, shaking it in a friendly gesture. I couldn’t help but notice his deep brown eyes as he smiled at me, but I quickly turned my attention to my Master as he spoke.

His tone was soft, but direct, so I could not miss his meaning. “Where have you been? We were starting to get concerned about you.”

“I’m terribly sorry, Honey,” I said, trying to maintain my composure in front of our guest. “Traffic was much worse than usual and I failed to take that into account.”

“Well, the important thing is that you are home now and you are safe. Run upstairs and freshen up. Tom and I can occupy ourselves a little while more. Just try not to keep us waiting any longer than necessary,” he said with a smile and a wink. With that, I continued up the stairs to our bedroom.

I searched my closet for just the right outfit. Master is quite particular about such things, so I don’t want to disappoint him twice in one evening. Finally I decided on some form fitting blue jeans and a low cut, V-neck, yellow sweater. The outfit was casual but accented two of my best features – my small, round ass and my firm, ample breasts. “He will be very pleased,” I thought to  myself while undressing.

As I descended the stairs I saw the two gentlemen sitting in the living room. I could hear their deep, masculine voices as they chatted, probably about the “good ol’ days” in the Marines. As I approached them they stood, looked at me and smiled. “Tom and I decided that it’s Friday night, you’ve worked hard all week, so you deserve a break from cooking. What do you say to Chinese tonight? We can order in and we can all relax.” I told him I was pleased that they had considered my well being and that I liked the idea.

As we waited for our dinner to be delivered the three of us got a little better acquainted. Soon we saw the delivery car drive up and Tom immediately stood, stating that he would ‘catch this one’ in thanks for our hospitality. We graciously accepted his offer and thanked him, then he went to the front door where the delivery boy was approaching. When Tom was out of earshot Brad leaned over towards me and whispered, “I see you’re not wearing a bra this evening, you naughty girl,” then he winked. My Master was pleased.

After we finished our dinner I cleared the dishes and empty containers from the table and took them to the kitchen. When I returned to the dining room my Master spoke directly to me, “I waited to see how the evening progressed before determining your punishment for being late this evening.” I looked at him, then at Tom, in wide-eyed astonishment. We had never openly ‘portrayed’, if you will, our Dom/sub relationship in front of anyone before, so I wasn’t expecting this: I expected punishment for being late, but not with Tom present.

“That’s right,” Tom chimed in. Apparently he knew more about us than I anticipated. “Your Master has given me the pleasure of being the one to inflict the first leg of your punishment tonight and I must say, it’s been difficult for me to concentrate on much else as I’ve pondered the possibilities.” I sat in my chair with a ‘thud!’ still taken aback by this extreme turn of events.

“Don’t get too comfy there, Little One,” my Master continued. “Now, be a good girl Cindy, go upstairs and prepare yourself, then assume the position. You have ten minutes,” he said as he smiled deviously and motioned toward the stairs leading to our bedroom and our “chamber”.

“Assume the position.” Now there’s a phrase I know all too well. I considered this as I climbed the stairs, somewhat hastily. “The Position,” as we so lovingly call it, is obtained with the aide of a prop Brad and I designed for our ‘activities’. It is a waist-high, antique, wrought-iron quilt rack with a padded top, and is freestanding for easy mobility. We attached self-locking ankle clamps to the front of the base, one clamp on each side, and two one-foot chains with self-locking wrist clamps to the rear base. When I ‘assume the position’ it means I must spread my legs wide and lock my ankles into the clamps. Then I must lean over the rack, struggling a bit, and attach the wrist clamps. It may seem like a lot of work but believe me, it’s well worth the trouble.

I did as I was told: I removed all of my clothing, freshened up a bit, then put on a black lace, crotchless teddy (the type that drives my Master wild with lust!). I examined myself in the full-length mirror, making sure that my 5′, 6″, 130-lb. frame was presentable. “I believe this will make Master happy,” I thought to myself, admiring the shapely figure I saw reflecting back at me.

I then went to our chamber, placed the rack in the center of the room and took my place on it. Several minutes passed and still no sign of Brad or Tom. Brad enjoys making me wait like this. He says that the anticipation is half the fun. I must agree with him because my pussy had gotten very damp as I leaned there imagining what might happen to me tonight.

Soon I heard footsteps as someone entered the room. My backside was toward the door, so I could not be sure if it was both of my captors or just one. Suddenly I felt a large, warm hand abruptly fall onto my butt cheek. I flinched and heard the unmistakable laugh of my Master. “Good girl,” he said. “You did not disappoint me. I would like to say that your punishment will be minor tonight but, alas, I have relinquished that decision to our friend Tom, here.” Just then I saw Tom step in front of me.

“What I intend to do with you,” began Tom, “may seem pleasurable to some but cruel to others.” With my curiosity piqued, I listened intently. “You see, I have this ‘anomaly’ that has brought great joy to many women over the years but has tortured many more.” He slowly began to undo his pants as I watched his every move. At this point I was totally oblivious to the presence of my Master. Tom began smiling widely as he continued to disrobe and watch my expressions. It was becoming clearer to me what he was referring to, but when he pulled his boxers down I saw before me the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life. My jaw dropped at the sight of his tool which, in its half-rigid state was already almost as big as my forearm!

“How could anybody take on that monster?” I exclaimed.

“Tonight you will find out first hand, My Dear,” Brad said, making me aware, once more, of his presence.

“But Master, that thing will rip me in two!” I cried.

“Maybe so, but what a way to go,” he teased.

Tom remained in front of me, methodically rubbing his hands up and down his ever-increasing shaft. By this time I had no doubt it was at least 13″ in length and 7″ in diameter. My mind was racing with fear, yet my pussy was beginning to throb. Yes, I was actually getting excited by the thought of that log being shoved up inside me, but at the same time I was as frightened as a lost little girl.

“Have at her Buddy,” Brad said to Tom, motioning toward my helpless body. “I’m going to sit this one out,” he continued, taking a seat only a few feet from us, where he would have a bird’s-eye view of the action.

“You bet!” exclaimed Tom. He approached my face, cock in hand and said, “Suck it you little bitch!”

Damn! I just love that forceful tone! I eagerly opened my mouth as wide as I could, hoping beyond hope that I could at least take in the head of this monster. Try as I might, I could not do it. Determined to make it fit, my new lover grabbed the hair on either side of my head and pulled it toward him as he thrust his hips forward. The head broke past my lips, crashing into the back of my throat, making me gag. He threw back his head and let loose with an animalistic growl of pleasure. In and out, slowly at first, he fucked my mouth, never letting loose his grip on my head as he stretched my poor mouth beyond its limits. I could see my Master out of the corner of my eye, sitting in his chair masturbating as he watched this spectacle before him. It was obvious by his 8″ erection that he liked what he saw: This made it all worth while for me.

Pumping just a few more times, it was not long before Tom let loose a torrent of cum down my throat. There was no way, no matter how hard I tried, that I could keep from leaking his juices out the sides of my mouth. He grasped the base of his shaft, removed it from my mouth with a ‘pop!’ and continued to spray cum all over my worn out face. I could not believe that one man could produce so much!

While concentrating on what was happening with Tom I had lost track of Master again. Suddenly I felt the head of his cock at the entrance of my sopping love canal. Without much warning he grabbed my hips and thrust himself inside my pussy with a vengeance! Harder and harder he pumped my aching hole, causing our rack to rock so much that I though it would fall over with us on top of it. ‘Slap! Slap! Slap!’ his balls went on my wet cunt. “Oh yes Master! Fuck me hard! Please!” Faster and faster he pumped as my whole body convulsed with one of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced.

“Get…ready…for a…treat…you beautiful…slut!” he grunted between thrusts. “Yes! Yes! Oh yess-s-s!” he yelled as he released his own river of cum deep inside me. He slowed down his pace, never missing a beat, then stopped abruptly with a loud moan. I felt his softened dick slip from my tunnel as he leaned over and rested his head on my back, panting heavily.

“That was incredible Master,” I softly told him. I raised my head up far enough to see Tom walking around behind me, holding his revived member in his hands.

“What a great show Man!” he exclaimed as he playfully slapped Brad on the shoulder. “I’m ready for another round, and thanks to you there should be enough lubricant there to ease my way!”

“May I rest for awhile first, please?” I pleaded with Tom, as my Master stood then walked toward his seat with a weary, yet satisfied smile on his face.

“Oh no. Not tonight Darlin’,” Tom teased. “We’ve only just begun,” as his large hand slapped my ass. “I’m anxious to see just how well this pretty little ass of yours can swallow my cock!” and he slapped me again. I could feel the increasing heat in my ass cheeks, not to mention the cheeks of my face. I couldn’t believe he was actually intending to shove that thing in me! I soon found out just how serious he was.

He knelt behind me and I felt this incredible sensation as he began licking my rosebud. I let out a sigh of relief as he expertly ran his tongue in and around it. After I had let down my guard from the tonguing I was receiving, he stood and began smearing the juices that had escaped from my pussy all around my ass hole. First he inserted one, then two, then three fingers up my ass making, sure I was properly stretched and lubricated. As soon as I felt that giant mushroomed head touch my opening I gasped.

“Just relax Baby. It will be much easier on both of us if you do,” Tom said. My mind knew that what he was saying was true, but apparently my body wasn’t listening. I felt my ass tighten even more as he attempted to enter me. “Loosen up, I said!” he blurted at me as he slapped my ass even harder.

“I can’t! It’s going to hurt!” I cried.

“One way or another, I’m going in there so you may as well accept it,” he sternly said.

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, waiting for the pain. He used his fingers to retrieve more juice from my dripping cunt, in order to lubricate his shaft some more. Slowly, but surely, he began to penetrate my ass with his cock. The pain was so intense I let out a quiet cry as tears began trickling from my eyes. “Don’t worry Baby. I’m not going to shove this whole bad boy up you.I may be sadistic, but I don’t want to kill you.”

To help take my mind off the way his friend was assaulting my ass, my Master knelt in front of me and began sucking on and fondling my nipples. Before long my body had relaxed significantly, so Brad was able to get at least half of his shaft inside me. Slowly he began to withdraw and I held my breath momentarily. Then back in he moved, then out, in and out, gradually increasing his speed. The feeling of the combination of the attention Master was giving my tits and the workout Tom was
giving my ass was indescribable!

I was approaching another massive orgasm as Master stood, shoved his diamond-hard cock in my mouth and began pumping it in the same rhythm that Tom was pumping my chute. After about only five more strokes the three of us came simultaneously with such force I swear the floor vibrated under us!

After the rush had subsided, the two of them collapsed onto their backs on the floor, gasping for breath. I had no choice but to collapse on my rack, as I was still attached to it. Before long they unlocked my clamps and I, too, collapsed on the floor totally exhausted, yet so exhilarated!

That night was by far the single-most sexually exciting experience of my life. Yes, we have repeated similar scenes with Brad and a few other men, but none will ever compare with the first time my Master shared me.