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by Zebsaid

Dawn Sees The Red Light
Yesterday I went to the track with a buddy of mine and hit it big. Pulled in $2,300 bucks on a couple of long shots. After much celebrating and depositing most of my winnings, I had some mad money. Well I probably shouldn’t have been driving at that point, but it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, even the cops were at the beach.
Anyway, I dropped off my buddy and decided I owed myself one last stop. A local strip club I’ll call “The Hut” was on the way and in my sights. It was a typical dead ass Sunday, one dancer and a barmaid. The barmaid aloof and snotty is always hotter than the dancer. Two old men in the corner sipping Buds. Well I came roaring in and lit up the place. Shots for everyone, music, dollars in the G-string. But the barmaid, a blonde, Lisa, was a snob. Too good for the place, going to college, etc. The dancer, Dawn, was not as prissy looking, but still hot. About 5’6″ 120 lbs large C cup breasts, a bit of belly flab and a very spankable bottom. She was a party girl. I guess I brought her five shots, the barmaid two.

They were roomies, Lisa the level headed never got in trouble always looked down on guys. Dawn, party, party, party. After two sets, I was drunk and bored. I started offering tips for Dawn to take off her bottom. Lisa wouldn’t let her, we could lose the license, etc. Dawn starts to pick on Lisa, you should be dancing, you’re uptight afraid. Finally the two old guys leave and it’s just the three of us. Screw this, I was leaving too. But Dawn says please stay, I need the money. Lisa says, “Let him go, all men suck.” There was a special interaction between the two, the way they rubbed, touched and looked a each other differently.

I thought these two might enjoy an S/M relationship. So I said I would stay, if Dawn would spank Lisa and I put $100 on the bar. No way said Lisa, I’m calling the cops. I put down another $40 then $20. “You’re sick” said Lisa. As I walked out to my car thinking I can never go in there again, Dawn came running into the lot wearing a robe. “We’ll do it,” she said. Inside we argued about how I should pay before or after. We decided at intervals I would toss $ 20’s on the stage, if they stopped, so did I.

Lisa was nervous and said she would take only 10 soft slaps on her panties. What she didn’t know is I slipped Dawn an extra $50 in the parking lot to spank her bare beautiful bottom. Lisa locked the bar door as Dawn put a straight back chair in the middle of the stage. At first they danced together, Dawn stripped Lisa to her bra and black mini-skirt saying all the time that she was dying to spank her roommate for a long time. Then Dawn suddenly yanked Lisa over her knee.

“You’ve been such a bad barmaid,” she yelled rubbing her skirted bottom, ” the only way for me to show you how to treat customers is with an old fashioned spanking!” “Please no,” said Lisa,” this is so embarrassing.” Dawn slowly unzipped the back of her skirt to reveal blue bikini panties. “This is so weird” said Lisa. Dawn slapped her cheeks. “How dare you insult our guest’s wishes!” She then inched the mini past Lisa’s mid-thigh. Very quickly, Dawn pulled her panties up Lisa’s crack exposing her ass cheeks. “You’re a bad <spank> bad <slap> bad <spank> girl <spank, slap>. Lisa was crying and kicking her legs. Dawn was enjoying her work. After 15 spanks Lisa tried to get up, but couldn’t.

“Oh no honey, your spanking has just begun.” She unclipped her tired friend’s bra letting it fall to the stage floor and slipped her fingers in the waistband of her panties. “You know you deserve a bare bottom spanking, don’t you!” said Dawn. “Yes” said Lisa, breathing heavy. Slowly her panties came down reveling a beautiful tear-shape bottom, no fat, long muscular, tan legs. Lisa was now nude over her friend’s lap. “Please Dawn spank me,” she bagged. “spank my bare bottom for being a naughty girl.”

As spank after spank rained down on those tender pink, then red, cheeks, I got the sense that they had done this before. Lisa’s tight ass cheeks quivered with each blow, clenching and unclenching. By the time it was over that spanking cost me $300. Was I had? Maybe, but it was worth every single penny.