Reading Time: 7 minutes

by Jason

Dodie and Jason’s Kinky Cab Ride
Dodie and I had started our BSD relationship in a big way. She is a gorgeous brunette in her mid thirties that works for the same company as mine. Dodie is 5’4, 110 lbs with smallish firm tits and great legs. We had known each other for a number of years and only recently had broken the ice on our S&M relationship.

During the first session, I had her securely bound before I introduced her to my 5’10 180 lb muscled body and her first experience with a vibrator(which she fell in love with). It had been an incredible experience for both of us. Unfortunately, we were both in separate relationships and had only had short interludes since.

We managed a few long lunches where we made passionate love in the backseat of her car. One day, in a crowded park, I took the handcuffs off of my rearview mirror and cuffed Dodie’s hands to the steering wheel. She had on a slit skirt, and I did not hesitate to remove that when I opened the passenger side door. When she started to complain about someone seeing us, I ripped off her panties and stuffed them in her mouth. I pulled down her blouse and pulled and twisted her nipples as I pulled her legs out of the car and fucked her from behind.

At a pool party I had, which she attended for a short time, I managed to catch her in her bikini before she made it outside. Soon I had her hogtied and gagged in the spare bedroom. I put the clit vibrator on her and hid her in the closet. I came back in 45 minutes and got one of the best blowjobs of my life before I untied her.. None of the guests (or my girlfriend) ever caught on.

This leads me to my next story. The two of us were dying for an extended session. As it worked out, we had a weekend tradeshow coming up in a city several hours away. I had to go, and Dodie managed to convince her boss to let her go. I told him it would not be a problem and that it would be good for him to have someone to take his place at the shows he did not like. I made my plans carefully.

We had adjoining rooms, but I purposely avoided any sex the first night by claiming I was ill from the required socializing. We shared a bed that night and Dodie was as horny as I have ever seen her, but I managed to quiet her down and promised her tomorrow night would be an experience she would never forget. She tried awakening me with a blowjob, but I miraculously convinced her to wait.

During the show, I made sure that I fondled and rubbed up against her as much as possible. I had placed our booth next one with an acquaintance of mine, Wendy. Wendy and I had met several times before, and over drinks we had discussed sex (who doesn’t at a trade show). She was in her late twenties, single, 5’7, around 135 lbs with a great legs and huge tits. I had been with a girlfriend at one show when Wendy had propositioned the two of us. My girlfriend had been offended, but I knew another chance would come. I had not asked Dodie about being with another woman, but then again I did not plan on giving her a chance to say no.

I had contacted Wendy before the show and explained what I had in mind. She said she was interested, but she wanted to meet Dodie first. Watching the way she touched Dodie every chance she had, I knew she was agreeable to the situation. We managed to make more distinct plans during the day, and I told her what bar to “run into us” at that evening and to make sure she was dressed to kill

I promised Dodie a fine romantic dinner with some dancing that evening. She wore a short black skirt, a dark green silk top with spaghetti straps and no bra. Her 3 inch black heels accentuated the sheer black stockings, topped off with a tiny black g string. A short black jacket kept her constantly erect nipples covered. She was so horny that I convinced her to wear the little heart vibrator on her clit. I looped the control around her back and over and out her top, hidden under her jacket, but located such that I could reach it but she could not.

After a romantic dinner and a bottle of wine, we went to a nightclub to dance. We had a couple of drinks and when the first slow dance started I dragged her on the floor. I pulled Dodie close as I nibbled her ear and ran my hand inside her jacket to fondle her nipples. By the time the dance was done, Dodie was flushed and ready to go back to the room.

Wendy showed up on cue and we acted surprised to see each other. She had on a short black skirt with black stockings and a sheer white blouse. When she took off her jacket after we invited her to sit down, it was obvious she had no bra on as her nipples were protruding through the thin material and her heavy breasts swayed as she moved. Dodie was a little taken aback until Wendy explained how she had gone to dinner with a nice guy from the show who had gotten drunk and turned into an animal. She had left him and asked us if she could join us for a couple of drinks while she calmed down before going to bed.

Dodie sympathized with her and soon they were conversing about the improprieties of the opposite sex . While having several drinks, the two girls danced a few times to some fast songs as Wendy took every advantage to touch and rub against her, even slipping her arm around her waist as they left the dance floor the last time. Dodie was getting drunk by this time and she did not seem to notice.

During the next slow dance, I kissed and fondled Dodie again and slipped my hand up her jacket, turning the clit vibrator on low. Dodie moaned and ground against me the rest of the dance. I left it on as we returned to our booth.

As Dodie cuddled against me in the booth, Wendy remarked how the two of us looked ready for bed. I laughed and explained that Dodie was wearing a clit vibrator and we were prepaing for a “special” evening. Dodie punched me and buried her head in my shoulder. Wendy claimed she did not believe me, so I told her to feel it. Wendy slipped around the booth and sat next to Dodie, pressing their thighs together. Wendy leaned over, making sure she rubbed her tits on Dodie’s arm and slid her hand slowly down her stomach until she felt the buzzing.

Wendy gasped and giggled remarking what a lucky girl Dodie was. I slipped her other hand up Dodies back.

I said “Turn it up a notch, but don’t let her touch it while I go to the bathroom.”

Dodie gasped as the vibrator sped up, but as soon as I got up, she hunched over her drink, forcing Wendy’s hand from her lap. I took my time in the men’s room. I knew the vibrator was turning Dodie inside out. When I returned, Dodie was still hunched over her drink and Wendy was rubbing her shoulder while whispering to her.

I told Dodie it was time to go, and remarkably, Wendy was staying at the same hotel, so we agreed to share a cab. We all slipped into the back with Dodie in the middle. I wasted no time in kissing her deeply and running my hand up her back and turning the vibrator to high. Dodie groaned and started moving her hips as I slid my other hand up to a nipple and rolled it between my fingers.

Dodie gigled as I lifted and turned her, laying her upper body on my lap. Her legs were pulled up and her lower body faced the back seat. I was kissing her neck as I ran my hand along her right thigh, pulling her skirt up slightly as I stretched her leg across Wendy’s lap. Wendy lightly grasped her ankle, but held it firmly. I had Dodies right arm pinned behind my back and the seat. I grabbed her left wrist with my left hand and held her arm gently but firmly up by her head. Dodie was moaning softly now, and as I glanced in the rearview mirror, I could see the cab driver was trying to see what was going on. I ignored him as I slid my hand up Dodie’s jacket and pinched a nipple. I looked over at Wendy, and I could see was breathing heavily as she massaged her nipples through her blouse and watched us with big eyes.

I kissed Dodie again as I made Wendy lean forward with my right hand. I ran my hand up Dodies right leg, spreading them slightly. I moved my hand back down behind her knee, and pulled on her leg. She straightened it out and it ended up behind Wendy’s back. As I slid my hand up her thigh again, Wendy leaned back. We now had control of all her limbs, but I am sure all Dodie had on her mind was my fingers massaging her thigh above her stockings.

I ran my index finger into the crack of her ass as I used my palm to press the vibrator firmly against her clit and moved it back and forth. Dodie’s skirt was up to her hips and she was pumping her mound against my hand. I slid my hand up to her tit and glanced at Wendy. She had moved closer between Dodie’s legs. Her skirt was pulled up and she watched us as her right hand moved Dodie’s stiletto heel in her crotch.

I slid my hand up to Dodie’s breast as I pulled my lips from hers. Her eyes were closed and she was still moving her hips as I fondled a tit. She was gasping and I knew she was close.

“Do you want me to rub your pussy until you come?” I asked.

“Yes.please..” was all she whispered as she made eye contact briefly and closed her eyes again. I reached over and grabbed Wendy’s left hand and moved it slowly up Dodie’s left thigh. Dodie started squirming more and immediately began humping Wendy’s hand as she rubbed the clit vibrator through the G string. Wendy was leaning over and I couldn’t resist slipping my hand down her blouse and fondled her dangling tits. Wendy moaned and rubbed Dodie harder.

By this time the cab driver had figured out was going on and he was spending more time looking in the rearview mirror than he was at the traffic. I turned back to the girls and Dodie was bucking in my arms and moaning loudly. I bent down to kiss her just as she started to come. I held her tight, but she still managed to buck wildly. I turned off the vibrator when she was halfway through coming.

Dodie moaned “Nooo.”

I told her we were at the hotel and as I got up, she continued to hump against Wendy’s hand. Wendy quickly withdrew it, but Dodie made no move get up. I pulled her out of the cab. Wendy came around and I asked her to hold Dodie while I paid the cab driver. Wendy didn’t hesitate to put her arm around her waist and pull her head to her shoulder. Dodie leaned into her and clasped her arms over her shoulders..