Reading Time: 9 minutes

by BrookLayne

Eyes Of Darkness
It is just before Midnight. She crawls into her bed, wondering if he will come tonight. Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t. But every night she hopes that he will. She is restless, but finally falls into a fitful sleep.

From the depths of darkness his touch draws her up. First, its his breath on her neck. Then his hands cupping her breasts. Soon she is awake enough to feel the warm pressure of his body molded into hers from behind. His flesh is warm. Real. She sighs. Tonight he has come to her.

No words are spoken and she never opens her eyes. As with every one of his visits, she keeps her eyes closed. Nothing matters except the feel, the touch, the passion. It does not matter to her what he looks like. She is in love with his soul, his lust, their fire.

She pushes back against his body. Loving the feel of this male body pressed into her very female body. His hands are ever searching, roaming over her flesh. She feels his shaft grow hard. Pressing into her. Nestled between her lovely ass cheeks. She wiggles a little. Feeling that hardness. He pulls her long silken hair up and kisses the back of her neck. Chills race down her spine. Her nipples instantly jump to attention. Almost without thinking, she cups her breasts in her hands, feeling the hard little points of her nipples in her palms. Gently she massages herself. He lays his hand over hers. He loves it when she touches her own body. He nibbles on her ear lobe, tugging, biting…kissing. His fingers trail down her tummy…lighting a fire every
where he touches. He finds her golden mound. Dipping a finger and testing her wetness. A slight moan escapes her lips. He takes his finger out of her and brings it up to those lips. Eagerly she sucks at her own juice.

Now her eyes open with surprise. She can feel his manhood at the very opening of her anus. The one place he has never been; no man has ever been. Instinctively she tighten’s her muscles. Rejecting him. But then, almost immediately, relaxing and pressing back into him.

She is frightened. But she so wants to please him. He has never caused pain and she trusts him. So, with gentle urgency she pushes back against him. Encouraging him to make this intrusion. Enter that once forbidden place. She hear’s him sigh and then moisten his fingers with her juices. Now she feels the tip of his index finger begin to probe her pink, tight anus. It hurts a little and she tightens up. She knows that she needs to relax and so she takes a deep breath and loosens her hold on his finger. He wiggles it a little, and goes deeper. This time she doesn’t tighten up. He then inserts another finger. Flexing them so that she can feel the pressure inside her ass. His other hand pulls her hips towards him gently, causing his fingers to slide in even further. Now she could feel the head of his shaft, slick with his own lubricant. Slowly he replaces his fingers with his hard male member. She sucks in air and once again tightens up. She pulls away from him slightly. But he just moves with her. Pushing gently but steadily. Inch after inch of his cock is surrounded by her tight little ass. He watchs his shaft disappearing into that place, and it is almost too much for him. He is surprised at how willing she is. And God…how good she felt.

Her heart was pounding. It wasn’t as painful as she had imagined and she found that she was getting quite wet. She reachs down between her legs, into her soaking wet spot. Her juices are smeared on her inner thighs. Reaching for her clit, she squeezes it between her thumb and forefinger. Fire shoots through her and she jerks backwards. Taking the rest of his shaft deep inside. They both gasp. He slowly starts pumping in and out of her, his large hands massaging her firm breasts. Her own hands are slick with her wetness. She presses against her clit…constant pressure on that swollen little knob. The fingers of her other hand pumping in and out of her tunnel. She can feel his cock…..his steady rhythm and she matching her fingers to his insistent pulsing. With every new thrust she pushs back against him…meeting his cock, welcoming it, wanting it. This pleasure is different from anything before. The all-consuming fire spreads through her body and erupts as her orgasm comes crashing over her. He feels her shudder and the telltale tightening and it is too much for him.

He grabs her by the hips and pulls her up on all fours, never taking his shaft out of her. He pounds into her…grunting and gasping for air. He repeatedly pulls her hips on to his cock. Burying it deep…so very deep. At last…his cum explodes into her body. Her ass muscles milking him….sucking him dry. He collapses over her back, biting her shoulder. Would the spasms ever subside? Finally, his hardness begins to retreat and she lays on her tummy. She feels his lips on her back…kissing down to the curve of her ass….that eager little toy that is now his to play with. He sighs, staring at the firmness, watching her flex her muscles one more time and then relax. He kisses her ass softly…both cheeks.

She lets her body relax. Slowly falling back into sleep. Tonight she has experienced a very seductive intrusion. She was already dreaming of the next visit and the passion that it would bring.

He had fed early this evening and was now wandering around the city. He loved this city. He loved the lights. He was dressed in black…from head to toe. He was usually more flamboyant but tonight, black suited his mood. His keen eyes watched the twinkling of the stars, the red and green of the traffic lights, all the colors of the night. He inhaled deeply. The smells of the city flooding his senses. The smell of mortals. He chuckled to himself, feeling the blood pumping through him…keeping him warm.

There was a small gourmet coffee house still open. He stopped outside the window…enjoying the aromatic smells that were filtering out into the cool night air. He remember the taste of coffee, the heat as it would flow down his throat. Warming him then, like the blood did now. He pressed his forehead against the cool glass. Watching the people inside. Oh how he craved the companionship that these people took for granted. He sighed heavily and turned to continue his aimless wandering.

There she stood, watching him from across the street. He caught his breath. Could she…would she recognize him? To his knowledge, she had never opened her eyes during any of his visits. Now she stood watching him, as he was watching her. He had never seen her clothed or any where besides her candle lit bedroom. She was wearing modern style clothes. It was still hard for him to accept a woman in trousers. She was clad in black denim pants, a black turtleneck and a plum color wool blazer. On her feet were chunky heeled black leather shoes. He was amazed that she was so boldly watching him. Most
mortals kept their distance and adverted their eyes. But she was intently watching him. Finally she moved…..she began walking towards him. He felt the blood speed up in his veins. Before she was close enough to speak to him, he was gone. She stopped in the middle of the road, blinking. A scowl etched on her pretty face. If she had known to look up, she would have seen him standing on the edge of the roof of the building in front of her.

She stood uncertainly in the middle of the paved road. She whispered to herself, “Why did you leave? I KNOW you were there. Do I know you?” The whisper was inaudible to any mortal ears, but he heard her loud and clear. Her voice made his heart ache. She was the most beautiful woman he had seen in over a hundred years. He wanted desperately to possess her very soul. To feel her passion for eternity. But he had no desire to hurt her. No desire for her life. But an intense desire for her blood. Though he knew he would never take that from her. As impossible as it seems, he loved her. He loved her with a devotion and passion and lust and longing that transcends what he is and the darkness he had been born in to. He watched her now. Walking down the street. Her Dark Angel protecting her. He followed her via the rooftops. He watched the way her lean body moved. The slight bounce of her golden hair on her shoulders. He listened closely and he could hear the beating of her heart. He could taste the saltiness of her skin. Smell the aroma of her sex. Tonight, he needed her. More than he had ever needed her before. Tonight he would feed again, so that he was warm when he went to her.

* * * * *

She heard her curtains rustling and she glanced at her digital clock. It was 2 a.m. She couldn’t sleep. That man on the street had touched her in a way that she could not explain. His eyes. They were mesmerizing. She had been unable to look away. She saw sadness, longing, passion in those ice blue eyes. But more than anything she saw love. An intense burning love radiated from him. When she could finally move, she started towards him, and then he was gone. She knew he was real. She knew he had been there. And now the thoughts of him were keeping her awake. It was long past midnight, so she knew her Dream Lover would not be coming tonight. He always came around midnight and was gone by sunrise. So she lay in her bed, naked except for the sheet covering her body. It was a warm night and she had left the window open.

She was startled by a shadow on her wall. Her eyes flew to the window. Standing there was a dark shadow, with the bluest eyes she had ever seen. “You!” she stammered.

He was surprised to find her awake. He touched his face, feeling the warmth from the new, warm blood flowing through his body. She sat up, forgetting to cover herself with the sheet. He watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath. He could tell she was nervous…but not frightened. He knew when he spoke…she would know him.

“My Love…….” he whispered as he dropped to his knees beside her bed.

Her hand flew to her mouth involuntarily. “Oh..God….you…….”

“Please don’t be frightened, My Love……I would never hurt you.”

She smiled at him, “I am not afraid……I knew when I saw you on the street that we had a connection. I just didn’t know where from.”

He stared into her eyes. Silently pleading with her to still feel unafraid after this night was over.

“You are later than usual.” She said, reaching for him. He set back, out of her reach. “I had to…..I had something that I needed to do.” “Oh….I see,” she said, baffled by his behavior. “Why wont you let me touch you?” she asked, looking once more into his ice blue eyes. Every other feature of his face was in shadow. But his eyes seem to have a light of their own. They were quite hypnotizing.

“Oh My Love…..I want nothing more than to touch and be touched. My heart is yours. But you must know…about me…who…what I am…….” His voice was low. She could hear pain and fear. He watched her face. She smiled, that
angelic smile.

“I love you more than my own life. Whoever you are, or whatever you have done….will not matter to me. You are my soul.” She said, complete and trusting innocence on her face. Tears fell from his pale eyes. She reached up and wiped them away. They were warm and she wiped the wetness on her white satin sheet. When she did this, a pink stain appeared on the material.

Immediately she turned on the bedside lamp. She gazed at the sheet and them up at him. Again, she saw the fear in his eyes. She had never seen him in this much light. Her hand went to his face. He could feel her shaking. She could see a glow in his cheeks, his skin was luminescent. And the those eyes, even in the light, they glowed. His lips were so red. His hair was medium length, wavy, brown and very shiny. She looked at his hands. His fingernails were neatly trimmed. They looked manicured. She went back to studying his eyes. She knew…he was not human. She knew what he was. But she could not
bring herself to say it. She also knew that she was not afraid. If he had wanted to harm her…he would have done it long ago. The pain is his eyes hurt her. She wanted to make that pain disappear.

She slid over on the bed and extended her hand to him. “Come to me, Lover.”

He looked into her eyes. “Do you know what I am?”

“Yes, I know….you are My Lover.”

His eyes widened and in an instant he was naked beside her. Once again feeling the hotness of her flesh. She lay back and he laid his body over hers. Entering her. They both needed, wanted to be the closest a man and woman can ever be. Tonight, there was no teasing. Just pure passion flowing from them. She arched her back as he entered her most sacred of places. She threw her head back; baring her neck to him. He watched the blood moving through her veins. He could almost hear it…taste it. He put his lips to her neck. Kissing her….soft as a whisper. She moaned and said, “Taste me…..My Love, you know you want to…” He looked at her closed eyes. Felt the heat of her womanhood wrapped around his shaft. He did not know if he could stand just a small taste. He feared that he could not let go and he would drain her. She pulled his head back down to her neck. “Now…….” she said, hoarsely.

The needle tips of his fangs punctured her creamy white neck. She gasped but did not pull away. “I trust you……” she whispered as he licked the wound with the tip of his tongue. She bucked her hips up against him. Driving him deep inside her. Scratching her long nails down his muscular back. His head was spinning at the taste of her. He watched as the tiny droplets of blood appeared on her white flesh, then he would lick them up. He was almost oblivious to her wildly bucking body beneath him. She was screaming as her orgasm crashed over her body. Now he kissed her lips, and she could taste her own blood on them. He continued to move his shaft inside of her. Forcing her to ride out every bit of her orgasm. Before she was done with that one…a new one was building. And this time he was in perfect timing with her. Her legs wound around him…squeezing him as her pussy contracted wildly…milking him. He shot into her like a loaded gun. Driving his cock in with one last deep thrust as he came. Latching on to her neck…he sucked at her hot ruby life’s blood as she drained his manhood deep into her body.

Finally he looked into her eyes. He saw no fear there. Only the same unwavering devotion and smoldering passion that she had always had.

“Till the end of time…..I am yours…..” he said, as he disappeared through the open window.