Reading Time: 5 minutes

by Richard Janzen

My Fantasy With Karen My Wife
I’m in our front room. My wife has done her usual great job of supper and entertaining a client. We enjoy doing that at our home as opposed to going out to some restaurant. My wife enjoys cooking and has a pretty wide variety of dishes.

As I said we’re in our front room. I’m in my chair enjoying a scotch, the girls are on the sofa sipping wine. Karen is from out of town and planning on staying till the morning when she can connect with her flight to visit her sister.

Her and my wife are sitting talking about their hobby, sewing. They’ve hit it off great. I’m enjoying the evening, a good meal, good scotch and two beautiful ladies to sit and admire and either they’re oblivious to my admiration or just enjoying it.

My wife is wearing a simple white blouse which allowed you to see the lace bra under it with an equally simple black skirt, a little shorter than she usually wears, but hey I’m not objecting. Karen is wearing a dark green blouse, quite open with a cream skirt a little below the knee with a slit which opens nicely to reveal her leg.

You know how women can touch each other with offending the other or being weird about it. Karen would brush a strand of hair out of my wife’s face, My wife would pluck a little bit of fuzz off Karen’s skirt. No big deal right. Well they were doing this back and forth.

Karen rested her hand of my wife’s knee for a bit as they talked. A little later she touched her hair and commented on how soft and fine it was. That led to a discussion of shampoos etc.

It was about this time that I noticed how whenever Karen put her hand on my wife’s leg she pushed her skirt up just a little bit. My wife didn’t seem to notice or care. Karen would just naturally lay her hand down on my wife’s leg and then in the process of taking it off push the skirt up a little. Her other hand seemed to drift to her hair once in awhile.

Hey I wasn’t objecting because I got to see more of my wife’s legs and as they talked Karen shifted a little and her skirt rode up her leg too. My wife isn’t a prude but I was surprised that she made no effort at all to push her skirt back down at least not till Karen had pushed it up high enough to reveal the lace top of her stocking.

“Do you always wear stockings?”

My wife looked down and blushed a little and now tugged her skirt down a little. “A lot of the time, yes. They’re a lot cooler in summer. You?”

“All the time. But be truthful. That’s not the real reason. The real reason you wear them is they make you feel sexy.”

My wife giggled and sipped her wine. She peeked at me from the corner of her eye.

“Alright. You are right they make me feel sexy.”

Karen was pushing the skirt up higher again despite the fact that my wife had a grip on the hem. “Are you wearing a garter?”

“No.” this made my wife’s blush deepen. She excused herself with the excuse that she had to get a tray of cheese and crackers she’d forgotten about. Karen and I talked a little about the ball season, our favorite teams. My wife came back in with a tray. This would have been a good time for her to choose another chair but she settled on the sofa again. I was happy wondering where this might all lead.

Almost immediately Karen’s hand went to my wife’s leg again and started the process albeit faster this time, again. Karen had pushed the skirt up high enough now to reveal the entire lace top and a little bare skin. She traced the sculpted lace top with her finger. “You know what makes me feel sexy?”

My wife just shook her head and sipped some wine. “Not wearing any panties.” Karen let that sink in. “And I feel real sexy right now.” She took my wife’s hand from her skirt and pressed it to her hip letting her feel the absence of a panty under it.

As a result of pulling my wife’s hand to her hip they more directly faced each other and were not very far apart. Karen’s one hand held my wife’s to her hip, the other cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer still till their lips almost touched. My wife wasn’t doing much to resist and Karen kissed her full on the mouth. Karen pulled back a little and then kissed her again, I could see my wife return the kiss this time.

They separated and my wife gulped the last of her wine. Karen sipped hers calmly. My wife was turned slightly sideways to me, more directly facing Karen. I couldn’t help but notice that a little nub was showing very plainly through her bra and blouse. Karen noticed it too. She lifted her hand from my wife’s leg and stroked the underside of her breast with her forefinger till she came to the nub. She held her finger there and I watched it grow longer and then Karen’s finger slipped over it with just enough pressure letting it spring back. My wife gasped a little and squirmed in her seat.

Karen opened a couple of buttons on my wife’s blouse. She slipped her hand inside and kissed my wife again as she gently massaged her breast. When they separated my wife was a little breathless as Karen had kissed her hard this time, covering her mouth entirely with her own, probably putting her tongue inside my wife’s mouth.

“Do you know what turns me on even more than not wearing panties?’ her finger was making little circles all around my wife’s now fully erect nipple.

“No.” it was a kind of cry or groan. My wife was squirming around but not moving away or resisting in any way.

Karen continued slowly running her fingertip around my wife’s nipple, teasing it and then she flicked it hard making my wife gasp and shiver. “Seducing a married woman in front of her husband.” She kissed my wife hard again this time pinching her nipple between her thumb and forefinger. I saw my wife shiver and squirm in pain and delight. I’ve pinched her nipple like that while kissing her and I know from experience that she loves the combination of tender love, pain and pleasure.

Karen pulled back and laid her hand on my wife’s leg pushing the skirt up even further till her entire hand lay on soft bare skin. “It’s so incredible watching the husband wondering how far it will go, hoping it goes ALL the way.”

Karen used her other hand to open her blouse to her skirt and then opened my wife’s blouse all the way to her skirt. “It’s so sexy watching the wife not wanting it to go farther but on the other hoping it does. Not wanting it to because she’s afraid of what her husband will think or do. She is terrified of her own desires. She loves being kissed by another woman. It’s so different and another woman touches her so differently.” Karen pulled her own blouse open to reveal her breasts held in a black lace bra.

Karen kept her eyes locked on my wife’s “But you want me to go all the way. Right Rich?”


“She is afraid of her feelings, of how badly she wants to reach out and touch the other woman.” Karen waited and I could see my wife trembling, her lip trembled and she bit it to stop herself from crying. “Do you want to touch me?”

My wife nodded and her trembling hand reached out almost jerking away from the first contact with the soft breast and then returning to explore. Karen opened her own bra and pulled it aside letting my wife touch the bare breast, touch the hard dark nipples.

Karen spoke softly “She wonders what it would be like to make love to another woman in front of her husband. What it might be like to watch him make love to another woman. What would it be like to make love to her husband a little later as the other woman watches.” Karen took my wife’s hand and stood up.

My wife found out what it was like to make love to another woman, to watch me make love to another woman and then make love to me under Karen’s direction. My wife learned how to do things she had never done with me before. Karen never used her hotel room that night or will again.