Reading Time: 4 minutes

by Elaine

First Latex Catsuit Fantasy
Patches of sunlight flickered across your tense body as you rotated slowly, swinging from the heavy cord hanging from the ceiling above. The Latex of your borrowed Catsuit caressed my breasts much like your long fingers have done in those instances when I was hanging helpless as you are now! I was glad that you had not removed your “Fuck me” pumps for they accentuated the calves of your legs as your toes dug into the carpet, trying to lift the weight of your body in order to ease the stress on your bound wrists. One could almost vision a Ballerina practicing a pirouette in a Toe Dance if it were not for the subtle black ball peeking from behind your lips and the accompanying straps about your cheeks forcing the gag deep within your mouth.

With eyes wide with apprehension and curiosity (or perhaps a touch of fear for pay-backs are Hell!) you watched me search through your Treasure Chest for the special toys that you had so often applied to the most tender parts of my body as I was bound to your Ottoman, or spread wide on the bed where the multitude of eyes on the canopy unblinkingly watched as you practiced your magic on me!!!!!!!

The latex clinging to my legs added an erotic spring to my steps as I waltzed about the room surveying the situation. Mmmmmm ………yes, it will work, you are just close enough to the bed!!!!!! Retrieving two coils of soft nylonrope from the Treasure Chest I approached and kneeled before you. Looping a noose about each ankle, I pressed a shoulder against your left thigh and, bending your leg back at the knee, raised your leg to meet one of the bed posts supporting the canopy and lashed your ankle to it. Stepping back, I admired the magnificence of your torso, a skater gliding across the ice on one foot, the other trailing behind and with hands in the air!!!!!……..

Pressing my shoulder into the right thigh the other leg and ankle were soon in position, spread to the second bed post. How lovely you were!! Your body arched in a perfect bow. The stiletto heels of your shoes pointed upwards just like your ass was up while the breasts were hanging down, a perfect target for the clamps and weights which were to be added later. Your head drooped between your up stretched arms with hair straggling about your shoulders spoiling the image of perfection. Rummaging through the Chest again, I come up with a wide black belt and a matching thin leather thong about eight feet long. Tossing the thong over my shoulders, I cinch the belt about your waist, drawing your stomach in another 2-3 inches and lock it in place. gathering your long hair in my hands. I begin to braid a pigs tail down your back, plaiting the leather thong in with your hair as I go. When finished the leather is tightly woven among the folds of hair forming a single strand of gold and black. The braid was so tightly done that the skin about your eyes was drawn back also squinting your eyes and giving you an almost oriental look. (Sexy too!!)

With the woven hair and leather laying down your back between your stressed shoulders, I passed the remainder of the latex thong in the crack of your ass, through your legs, up the front and under the belt at your waist. With all my strength, I pulled on the thong which pressed deeply within your cheeks and at the same time lifted your face and head upwards! Mnnnnnnph !! (you gurgled through the gag) as the force of the bondage brought tiny tears into your semi closed eyes. On my knees I crawled under your motionless body to ensure that the thin leather strap was pressing on your vulva and luring your clit out its hiding place within the lips of your cunt. I traced my finger nail along the line of the strap, you jerked your head in response adding more tension to the strap and as if like magic the lips of your pussy swallowed the thong and your clit popped forth!!! I sat at the foot of the bed admiring your wide-spread form before my face. Little beads of perspiration had broken out along the lines of your body as I pondered which of toys you would enjoy the most!!!!! My only regret was that you were not the one enclosed in the black Latex Catsuit………………What a vision that would have been.

Your head, chin held high was locked between your arms. Long lashes flickered as you blinked again and again to relieve the tension on your stressed eye lids. The braided pigtail and its inter woven leather thong applied unrelenting pressure to the delicate skin about your eyes as well as to the softness of your pussy. Dark eyes darting from side to side glared at me through the narrow openings of your stressed features. I stopped and stood silent before your face. Your full lips now almost totally concealing the black rubber ball muting your moans so effectively were so temptingly seductive. Slowly I slipped the latex first off one shoulder and then the other. My breasts burst free from the sultry rubber garment and bounced before your eyes, which flitted nervously from one mound to the other.

Reaching behind your head, I unsnapped the lock and tugged on the straps, popping the ball from your mouth! Swallowing gratefully, you licked your lips and gazed at me with a questioning look as if to say.. what now?……..What now indeed! The latex of the cat suit had settled in a roll below my breasts causing them to stand proud and high, my nipples hard and pointed were just inches from your mouth ! Stepping forward my left tit brushed your ruby lips and then the right one passed before you.

Almost without hesitation your tongue reached out to lick each nipple in the instant of contact. I paused, moved closer. Looking down I saw your lips circling my aureole as you took a deep breathe, swallowed, creating a vacuum then sucking my nipple within your warm sensuous mouth.

Ooooooh! A chill ran down my spine.