Reading Time: 5 minutes

by ZensuaLLioness

The Garden of Unusual Kinky Delights
I walked up to the double gateway, and stood there for a moment, quietly. Deep breath in, to center myself, exhale slowly. I turned to look at the street, smiling to myself, as I saw women walking hand in hand, nuzzling each other. Public displays were the rule here. My eyes narrowed, as I saw the little collar on one of the women, and the delicate chains on her wrists and ankles. So, that’s the way of it, and a small smile came to my lips.

Opening the door, I walked into a grassy clearing, my shoes sinking into the thick carpet of green. The sun peeped through the clouds, and a small spring of water was trained to follow its pathway, meandering through the trees, bridged over at times by the wooden walk. I walked toward a gazebo, where I saw a steaming hottub bubbling merrily. The maid poured my cold drink, and placed it in my hand. One sip, and my mouth watered. A tart sweetness filled my mouth. As my eyes turned back to the tub, the water broke, and a dark blonde head burst through, eyes closed, water streaming down her face, her throat, her breasts bobbing gently, floating on the surface. I walked toward her, and reached down to lift and pinch her nipple. Her eyes flew open, and her lips parted in surprise. Keeping my fingers tightly against her skin, I enjoyed the feel of her skin as it crinkled, and fought against my touch. The sterling silver chains she wore on her wrists glittered in the sunlight, as she lifted her hands toward me, in supplication. I sipped my drink, as my gaze wandered lazily over her. Her eyes downcast, a tiny crescent of emerald shimmered softly. I bent to feed on her soft mouth, and slid my tongue gently over her lips.

She greedily sucked my tongue, wanting to deepen our kiss, but I pulled myself back, teasing her. Her mouth pouted sweetly, and I thought to myself, how my body reacts to her, the wetness pooling deep inside. Droplets of water were scattered over her chest, and I slid my hand under her breast, lifted it above the waterline,grasped her tightly, but my hand slipped a little on the wetness.

My thumb rubbed over her nipple, as I took firm hold. I reached toward my belt, and gathered the silver chain, attached it to her collar, pulled up with both my hands, I watched as she rose from the foamy water, and the shimmer of her skin, as she stood tall in the sun. I leaned slowly forward, and bit her soft skin, leaving my teethmarks on her breast. I felt her sway forward, offering me more. I turned and began to walk toward the gazebo, knowing she would follow. I felt the slightest strain on the leash, as she hurried to catch up with me. The soft padding of her feet on the grass, turning to soft steps on the wooden path.

The breeze that flowed through the garden gazebo was scented with lilies, gardenias, and roses. The pillars were covered with morning glories, and ivy. The huge wooden X stood in the center of the gazebo, polished teak, that shone. The stand of the X, was such that the legs of the X were supported, without being attached to the center, leaving a hole for her buttocks to hang freely out. She climbed the steps that led to the center of the X, and turned around to stand quietly. I fastened the thick hemp rope around her torso, winding around her breasts in a figure eight, and holding her tightly to the upper part of the X. I fastened her wristlets to the arms of the X, and spread her legs one at a time to hold them against the lower arms of the X. She hung supported by the rope, and I watched her roll her head back to rest, eyes closed. Walking away, I searched the tables at the edges of the gazebo, looking for the perfect choice. Finding a thick rubber paddle, springy, I turned and struck her thighs, watching the redness bloom against her white skin. The loud sound, music to my ears, her soft moan, erotic.

Striking her breasts, held high, and apart by the ropes, I enjoyed the bright red glow surfacing, and how her nipples hardened so tightly with each blow. As I walked around her, I slid the paddle across her abdomen, and felt it skitter across her hip bones, and as I stroked across her buttocks, she shivered. Lifting my arm, I struck her buttcheeks, and watched the ripple of the blow slide across her skin. Such white skin, a canvas for my painting.

Criss-crossing my strikes, the blood leaping to the surface, her legs writhing against the restraints, I heard her soft cries, as she struggled. Her struggles inciting me, to harder blows, firm thwaks resounding inside the gazebo, echoing her moans. I turned to exchange my paddle for a short crop, and as I walked in front of her, I saw the trickle of moisture trailing down inside her thigh. Rubbing the tip of the crop into her clit, I smiled as I saw her jump.

I began to strike her chest, hearing the whisper of the crop as it flew through the air, to strike her breasts, leaving a fine deep red line against the blush of her skin. The whiteness of her armpits contrasting in a pleasing way to the rosy glow. I continued to strike her breasts, breathing softly in, as I saw how they flattened against the strike, to curl up in rebound, and the deep red line instantly marking her. Her head pressed back against the teak wood, as she strained to thrust her breasts at me, wanting me to humble her, enjoying my pleasure in her beauty, needing me to subdue her proud flesh. I saw the moment the trickle became a river of wanting, as she reached that perfect moment. Her breasts puffy around the reddened strikes, her mouth open as she panted, her legs shaking as she floated above the garden ground, held in place.

I slid my finger in her river of wetness, feeling the warmth envelope my hand, the silken glide of her vagina sucking my fingers deep inside. She began to ride my hand, hips moving slowly, feet tangling with her restraints as she opened her thighs wider. I stepped forward into her, and opening my mouth, drew her blushing nipple into my mouth. running my teeth over the puffiness, enjoying the salty flavor of her skin, running my fingers over her labias, and pulling on them quickly. Her hips thrust against my belly, and I curled my hand to slide into her with one quick thrust.

Warm, tight, wet, juices running down my forearm, as she bucked against me. Her chest filling my vision, redness burning into my brain. I sucked harder on her breast, bringing as much as I could into my mouth, and curled my fingers deep inside, curling around her uterus, and squeezing her, thrumming against her cervix, I could feel her muscles contracting as she came. My hand opened wide to receive her gift, and I felt it pour out over my wrist. Such a beautiful moment. I slid my hand out, and walked toward the table, my eyes never leaving her, such a beautiful woman, submissive to me.

I chose a thick cock from the table. I strode toward her, and fastened it around her hips with a strong leather harness. Striding up the steps, I jumped up to hold the ropes that bound her wrists on the X, and raising myself just enough, wrapped my legs around her hips . Her emerald eyes looked down to fasten on mine, as she watched me ride her. My hips flexing against hers, as I felt my wetness mingle with hers. She began to thrust her hips against me, and I locked my knees around her hips, squeezing her tightly with my thighs, pulling her inside me.

The heat from her reddened chest radiated against my face, as I rubbed my face across the ridges of puffiness left by the crop. My belly tightened with each thrust, as she bent her thighs to support my weight, her arms bearing our combined weight as I grasped her shoulders.

Such a strong woman giving me satisfaction to the best of her ability, I cried out as I came, and felt my hips lock against hers. My arms up around her shoulders, my face on her chest. I felt her say my name, softly under her breath, and lifting my head, drowned in her eyes, an ocean of deep green waters.