Reading Time: 6 minutes

by PC

Initiation Of A Princess
The forest is dark. There is only a distant light ahead. She continues to walk down the dusty path, to her princess initiation ritual. She’s wearing a long white princess gown, with a long slit one of the sides.

Not knowing what is ahead. As she gets closer there is screams of pain and chanting going on. She thinks that she are coming into some sort of cult.

Hiding behind the bushes she sees men chanting. They are wearing cloaks with hoods.

In the center of the circle is a table of some sort. Knowing that she has to get closer and not to be noticed. She grabs a cloak and covers her body with it. Walking up to the group. Not saying a word.

She sees that the table has ropes and tools for whatever they have planned. Then suddenly someone shows up and says.

“Our prize is missing”

Now the woman begins to shake and wants to sneak out. Knowing that she is the prize. Or should I say the prisoner to be sacrificed. She keeps her cool. And slips into the woods only to be spotted. She is caught after she has ripped her gown.

“Oh”, the captor says. ” You will not need that soon anyway”. Struggling to get away. She is unable too.

She is brought to the center of the circle. For all to see. The Leader is dressed in a white cloak. And says, ” strip her”.

Now they stand back so there leader can inspect the prize. Feeling and prodding his fingers. Fondling her plump breasts. Then with a quick blow smacks her face and forces her onto the table.

“Tie her. He first ties her wrists.. The chants are starting again. She can’t move. She is now bent over her feet barely touching the ground.. Her ankles are being held. Her breasts are rubbing against the roughness of the table. And her wrists are spread from the top corner of the table. Her ass is so nicely rounded that it makes an easy target.

The leader who will now be called “Master X” . Has granted that all of the group may feel,spank or fondle her lovely butt.

They begin. There is about 20 people in the group. The first ones start off my feeling .. Some spank. By the time all have felt her in a way. Her butt was warm and ready for Master X.

Master X calls for his bag. She is now going to feel pain like she has never felt before.

He takes a whip out and starts to smack her butt. All over her ass. Making it red and swollen. then He grabs a belt and smacks her butt, her legs and her lower back. And everytime she is hit. Her body moves and her breasts feel the roughness of the table.

There is a nice heat starting between her thighs. But that doesn’t not concern Master X. He continues to punish her. He wants her to be his. And he knows if he stops now she will just do the same.

He then takes a riding crop and starts to smack her red swollen ass. He takes the crop and smacks her pussy and thighs. She screams in pain or is it pleasure. Her feelings are so confused.

But Master X does not stop. Next he takes out a cane. He canes her legs,ass and lower back as hard as he can. Leaving welts all over her.

As the chants go louder he smacks faster. Not once. Not twice but at least in the tens or twenties. Then last he takes a hair brush.. Oh this feels terrible on her red swollen ass. But he continues. But this time he has ordered her to stand. She can barely stand from the pain.

The tears are running down her face. With the men in the cloaks holding her. He then takes the hairbrush and smacks her breasts. He hits her hard. Making them hurt. Then he uses the tools he used on her ass on her breasts. But not as hard. Master X wants her to remember what took place.

He takes the whip leaving red marks on her breasts as they jiggle with every blow. Then he takes the riding crop, then the cane. Oh her whole body aches.

But she is not finished she is then tied spread eagle onto the table. The chanters are issued to leave only to return.

A ball gag is placed in her mouth. A butt plug is then shoved into her ass. Clamps are placed on her nipples. Already sore and red. and clamps are then placed on her pussy lips. and a vibrator is placed. Making her totally in Master X’ s control. You will stay there and I will return for you in the morning. Master X states. and the chanters and he walks into the darkness.

Worried she tries to struggle free. She hears the nights noises of owls the in the bushes. Distant howls.She starts to doze but the vibrator keeps her awake. At one point something comes up and sniffs her pussy. and leaves..She is tired and uncomfortable.. She dozes off unaware that someone has come. They undo her bindings. She is still gagged and the painful clamps on her pussy and nipples. She is carried to a tent. Layed down still tied so not to kick or injure her self.

She feels a warm blanket covers her body.. But when she looks up the person is gone.

But now she is warm but very sore. and unable to move.

By morning she hears rustling her tent. She knows something is up and tries to move. That is when she realizes she can’t.

Two men enter the tent grab the woman and carrier her back to the center of the forest. Tie her again to the table. Now she is unable to fight. and wonders what is going to happen next to her..

Master X enters unknowing that she had been removed over the night. Remove the vibrator and the butt plug and the gag, he orders. Taking his fingers he tugs on her chain.. sending shivers down her spine. She lets out a silent scream. And utters “bastard”.

Master X hears but only tugs harder making her lips stretch even more in agony.

He whispers in her ear. “What did you say?”

She can only shake her head no. The pain. It feels like her pussy lips are tearing off.

Still holding the chain he stands up and cheers to the crowd “SHE IS MINE!”

Now she must be cleaned and prepared for the ceremony. The clamps are taken off making it more painful now . Then when first placed on her.She is untied and led to the lake wear she is washed by another female slave.

The girl starts to cry as the soap hits her. But not saying a word knowing that the slave has had the same treatment she has endured. Finally she is rinsed and instructed to walk out.

She is toweled. Still naked she is lead to the other side of the grounds to a tent.She notices that everyone is minding there own business. Like they are unawear that she is walking by them.Outside the tent door. She is asked to enter.She does and inside Master X awaits.

“Come my pet. Here is wear I will name you and plant my seed.”

Unwillingly she is layed on the skins on the floor of the tent. Her wrists are bound to the post. For her protection and of the Master X’s.He then takes off his cloak.

He is a magnificent man. Muscles are gleaming. He spreads her thighs and looks at his handy work. Smiling he kisses her pussy lips. and starts to lick them. Sliding his tongue all around and inside. She likes this feeling and it soothes the pain she had felt. He continues to suckle on her lips entering her clit as deep as he can go. The juices begin to flow and soon she is aroused and cums onto his tongue. Master X is pleased and moves his tongue up. He starts to lick and nibble on her sore breasts.. First it stings. Then it feels so good. His tongue is warm and sensitive to the torture he inflicted onto her. He then turns her over and looks at her swollen ass. and begins licking her butt cheeks. He feels the heat from them and rubs some cream on her ass and onto his shaft that he places on her butt. He guides it into her. Slowly and painfully it enters.. He starts to fuck her. Slamming it in and out. There is only grunts coming out of her now. When he is about to cum He spurts his cum all over her swollen ass. Then he flips her back onto her back.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“Ready for what?” she asks.

“My seed of course” he bursts out.

She doesn’t say a word and he guides his cock into her. Passing her swollen pussy lips. Pumping her he slides his cock deep within her and fucks her like there is no tomorrow. He cums inside her as she orgasms. Making them shudder with excitement. He leans over and unties her wrists and kisses her now. Now you are mine.

And your name is Princess from now on.

And now you are free to go. Dress in the robe and leave my Princess.

She walks out of the tent and there is nothing but cheers.