Reading Time: 3 minutes

by Bob

Kinky Couple’s Night Alone
It was 6pm on a Friday evening, their kid was away for the weekend and her husband was late. Just as she was beginning to worry the phone rang, and she was glad to hear her husband say he was on his way back, he had stopped to collect some things on the way. Before he hung up he asked of her “Meet me on our bed, nude.”

Smiling to herself she put the phone down, walked up to their room and stripped, laying back naked on the bed, awaiting her husbands arrival. She didn’t have to wait long as she soon heard the door open, as her husband came up the stairs he called to her “Shut your eyes and sit.” Shutting her eyes and perching on the edge of the bed she wondered what had been collected. She heard her husband enter the room, then felt him softly tie a kinky blindfold round her head.

His breath and lips brushed her ear as he leaned in to whisper “I love you, do you trust me?” A shiver ran down her spine as she nodded, of course she trusted him. His hand softly cupped the back of her head, fingers entwining with her hair as his lips brushed hers. She leant into the kiss, their lips parting as they pressed together, tongues darting into each others mouth, his other hand going to tease her breasts. Breaking the kiss he gently pushed her down, laying her on the bed, legs wide and arms above her head. She heard the slight jangle of metal as he took out a pair of kinky cuffs, feeling the cold metal close around her wrists as he cuffed her to the bed. His lips brushed her neck, causing another shiver to run down her spine as he took her left thigh in his hands.

Slowly his fingers trailed down the bare skin of her leg, causing more shivers to run through her body until he reached her ankle. Gently pulling her leg aside she felt the silk caress her ankle as he tied it to the corner of the bed. After this was repeated with her other ankle she shivered again as his fingers brushed her already damp slit. She smiled as she felt something damp and cool being gently massaged into her pubic hair, knowing what kinky thing was to come. Sliding one finger in her, causing her to moan softly in pleasure, he began to gently shave away the hair. After a few strokes he slid another finger in, eliciting another, louder, moan of pleasure.

Just before he finished he slid those fingers in and out, round and round, causing her to nearly cry out. Having shaved her totally bald he took his fingers away and gently cleaned and dried her off, leaving her smoothe to the touch. “Mmmmm god I Love you” she moaned as his lips brushed her clit. He continued to lick, suck, kiss and tease her all down there, causing her to moan loudly and writhe in her bonds. “Kiss me.. Take Me..” she begged, unable to cope with the constant teasing. Smiling he kissed up her body, teasing her navel with his tongue, wrapping his lips and tongue round her nipples, nibbling softly at her neck, till finally he pressed his lips to hers.

They kissed passionately as he slowly slid deep into her, causing her to groan loudly in pleasure into his mouth, her whole body shivering, burning for him. Breaking the kiss, still lying atop her, deep inside her warm , wet, welcoming passage, he slowly pulled up the blindfold so she could see. Smiling she begged “Ohhhh fuck me, Hard, Please, I need it.” Happy to comply he placed his hands either side of her, leaning deep into her and began to thrust his hips, causing her to buck and writhe, moaning and screaming his name, crying for him to go harder, faster. Leaning down onto her, thrusting hard, deep and slow he reached up and uncuffed her wrists.

Immediately she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close, digging her fingers into his back as he thrust faster. In the heights of passion she latched her mouth to his shoulder, biting down hard as he pounded deep and fast within her, getting her to peak again and again. With a groan he bit back on her neck, before leaning up, going deeper, her hands roaming round to grasp and tease his kinky nipples.

“Uhh I’m so close” he cried as she screamed his name out, her hips bucking as be thrust fast and hard. Finally with a cry he collapsed upon her, cumming hard within her, causing her to cry out as she orgasamed with him. Arms wrapped round each other they held tight together, whispering “I love you, kinky lover” in the other’s ear.