Reading Time: 9 minutes

by Zebsaid

Lois’s Lesson From Professor Trumbly
“Young lady!!” summoned Professor Janet Trumbly, an attractive, authoritative woman wearing a white blouse and black miniskirt. Lois immediately snapped her head up from behind the computer screen. It had to be the professor calling, it was late at night and they were the only ones left in the building. Lois stared blankly at the wall as she heard the click of her teacher’s high heels approaching from down the hallway. “Young lady!!!!” called her biology professor in a slightly more agitated tone. “Yes ma’am,” the younger woman answered in a shy hesitant tone.

The imposing figure of a tall woman suddenly encompassed the doorway of the lab. “Why didn’t you answer me the first time? I know you heard me,” she reprimanded with an icy stare directed at Lois. The younger woman shuddered in response to the slight scolding from the tall elegant woman. Lois was only a 20 year-old sophomore with the rare opportunity to intern for such a well respected expert. Professor Trumbly was known to be tough on her interns, but they all went on to brilliant careers. Lois quickly averted her gaze in retreat from her mentor’s intense stare. She felt herself beginning to regress into a little girl.
“Answer my question,” Professor Trumbly commanded, “and tread very carefully my dear,” she warned. “I…I didn’t hear you,” the shy student stammered with an awkward grin. In a swift coordinated motion, Professor Trumbly leaned down and swiveled Lois’s chair around to face her. She anchored her hands onto the arms of the chair, and leaned directly into Lois’s face. The grin vanished. The younger woman let out a gasp, suddenly startled by the fierceness with which her professor confronted her.

“Your lies are quite charming,” Janet commented smugly, her face just an inch away from Lois’s. “However, I think you often forget just who you are addressing young lady,” she added sternly. “Yes ma’am,” Lois answered in a flat monotonous tone. “Yes ma’am?” Janet mocked in a condescending voice. Lois responded, “Yes ma’am, I will try to address you in a much more respectful…”

“NO!! You WILL address me with a thoroughly humble and respectful tone of voice and behavior young lady. Do you understand me?” she abruptly interrupted. “Yes…yes ma’am. I will… I will be very… respectful,” Lois frantically assured her teacher, as she lowered her head and began to fidget nervously.

The towering presence of the tall beautiful woman leaning over her greatly intimidated Lois. She began to tremble. Professor Trumbly was 5′ 8″ 33 year-old Brazilian-French beauty with long black curly hair and sleek muscular figure. Student’s called her “Amazon Woman.” Her body was so different from Lois’s slight mid-western build that the young woman felt drawn to her. Lois was only 5’3″ and described as “boyish” with a slender waist , small breasts and a cute round bottom. The professor quietly studied her captive for a moment, greatly intrigued by Lois’s submission, yet reveling in her own power and control over the girl. “You are afraid aren’t you?” “Yes ma’am,” Lois offered meekly, pushing her blonde hair behind her ears.

“Well you should be,” the professor confirmed with calm dominance. “Okay, get up. Now!” Janet ordered as she offered her hand to Lois. “No…I…,” Lois started and then abruptly reconsidered as she saw the angry frown settle into her teacher’s brow. “That is positively the LAST time this evening that you will tell me ‘No’ young lady. I suppose I will have to make myself unquestionably clear,” she emphasized as she arched her eyebrows. “Now get up from that chair. Right now!” Lois obeyed quickly.

The younger woman stood quivering before her professor like a naughty child awaiting punishment; she knew the punishment would come and in abundance. The tall elegant figure stepped forward and enveloped the tiny frame of the younger woman. As she reached out and clasped Lois’s shivering hand, she felt the girl’s pulse racing wildly. Confidently, she led her student out of the lab and down the hallway.

She brought Lois into her back office and motioned for her to be seated on a chair by the desk. Lois obeyed. As the professor sat back on her desk, she reached out and slowly caressed the young girl’s cheek with the back of her hand. Lois swooned at the tenderness of the caress. Then Janet slowly withdrew her hand. She turned and walked behind her desk where she began to stroke her long dark hair with an antique cherry wood hairbrush. She stared into the mirror at the reflection of the vulnerable young woman seated behind her. Lois also watched intently as Janet brushed her thick beautiful hair, staring at her teacher’s large firm breasts, thin waist and tear-shaped bottom. The silence between the women prolonged the anticipation.

“Do you enjoy telling me lies?” Janet asked, still looking in the mirror. “No. No ma’am. I don’t mean to tell lies. I just… I forget sometimes,” Lois attempted to explain, her pale blue eyes turning watery.
“Yes, I know you forget,” she agreed with an amused smile. “And do you equally enjoy talking back to me?” she asked with an entertained lilt to her voice. “No ma’am. I would never talk back to you,” the nervous girl answered. “Well then, you are telling me a lie right now,” the professor added soberly. “And will you likewise enjoy the spanking you are about to receive across my lap for your lies and back talk?” she asked, slapping the back of the hairbrush down on her hand and abruptly turning to face Lois.

Lois felt thoroughly humiliated by the scolding. She hung her head and sat in nervous silence. She felt genuinely ashamed because she knew that she had earned her teacher’s discipline. “Answer my question!” The disrespect of Lois’s silence angered her. Lois snapped her head up in complete terror, but continued to tremble in silence. “Answer me young lady!!” she screamed. “How many times have you laid across my lap sobbing because you know you deserve what I give you? How many times have you silently begged for a spanking from me to admonish the disobedience of your lies and disrespect? And how many times, my dear, have you secretly worshipped my hand after I have thoroughly worn your sweet little bottom out?” She raged, “Answer me girl!!! Have you lied to me today?!!!”

“Yes…yes I have lied to you ma’am. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m very, very sorry for lying. I…I really am,” Lois professed. “Do you need to be spanked?” Janet asked, “Hmmm? Do you?” “I’m not sure,” Lois hesitated. She approached Janet and sat down softly beside her on the floor. “You’re going to spank me anyway, aren’t you?” Lois asked as tears welled up in her eyes. “I don’t know, am I?” Janet cooed rubbing the girl’s head. “Yes ma’am,” said Lois quietly. “Are you sure?” she asked one more time to dispel any doubt. “Yes ma’am, I am sure,” Lois passively confirmed. “All right, stand up,” she ordered. Janet sat down in the chair and drew Lois near her.. Janet smirked as began unbuttoning the demure girl’s tight jeans and let out a slight giggle as the clothing slowly lowered around Lois’s waist. “There,” she said, as she quickly yanked the jeans into a heap around Lois’s ankles.

As Lois stood before her disciplinarian, she ambivalently contemplated her impending punishment. She felt scared, yet excited. She would love it, and she would hate it. She would cry… Janet looked up and met Lois’s sad, anxious gaze with a gentle smile. “What’s this sad mistreated look?” she joked with a smile as she clasped Lois’s wrists in her hands and pulled the repentant girl across her lap. “Did you think if you flashed those sweet little blue eyes and sniffed just a little that I might feel sorry for you? Hmmm? Did you think I might change my mind about taking you over my knee? Hmmm?” she lured as she rubbed the young girl’s bottom, giving her pantie-covered backside a preparatory massage. “No, I don’t think so,” said Lois. “Here you are face down , naughty bottom pointing to the sky. And my, my, my what nice red glow you are going to have when I get through with you.” She raised her hand and smacked Lois’s bottom sharply. “OH!!” Lois gasped.

Janet resumed rubbing the girl’s bottom. As she circled the area she had just struck and waited for Lois’s heaving breaths to subside, she felt her own face growing flush with excitement. Then she spanked Lois again and continued with ten to twelve sharp slaps which graduated in severity. Lois kicked, and tried to squirm her bottom away from the stinging slaps but Janet held her down firmly and spanked her soundly. Janet briefly halted her assault, and once again began soothing Lois’s stinging bottom. “Quit squirming dear, or I will have to pull your panties down,” she threatened.

“NO!! DON’T!!” Lois impulsively blurted out before she realized what she had said. The rubbing immediately stopped. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOUNG LADY?” Janet’s temper erupted. Lois lay paralyzed in horror. Oh, how could she have just said it! How dare she defy her professor in such a rude manner! She trembled in anticipation of the response from her punisher. “What did you say, young lady?!” she growled as her hand clenched Lois’s bottom., “I…I didn’t mean it ma’am. I’m really…I’m sorr…” The timid voice trailed off. “I ASKED YOU WHAT YOU SAID!!” Janet screamed.

“I…I said…no…,” the frightened young woman stammered and then paused. “Yes, and…” she urged impatiently, “Speak up child!” “Please, it just hurts so bad already. Please don’t take down my panties. Please,” Lois pleaded. “Does it really hurt?” Janet remarked sarcastically. “And did you think I was just going to toss you over my lap and tap your little bottom a few times after the way you have repeatedly challenged me all day? Answer me, you spoiled whining brat.” “NO!!” Lois blurted out in a loud impatient tone of voice. “WHAT?!!” she questioned in complete disbelief.

“No ma’am. I said no ma’am,” Lois frantically tried to convince her teacher. “Your foolish challenges will stop right this minute. Do you understand me?” she scolded. “Yes ma’am.” “And when I ask you a question I want an expedient and intelligible answer. Is that clear?” “Yes ma’am.” “And when I tell you to do something, you do it without hesitation and without back talk.” “Yes ma’am.” Lois lay quivering across her teacher’s lap in terror. She had been harshly scolded, and she felt completely humiliated.

“Now sweetheart, I want you to pull your little pink panties down to your ankles right now,” she ordered calmly in an overtly patronizing tone. Lois whimpered an inaudible response as she looked back, and then slowly began sliding her panties down as ordered. Already embarrassed over her teacher’s knee, Lois’s face reddened as her panties slipped over her nether hips and revealed her round firm bottom. Janet swelled with authority as the young woman finished lowering her panties, and then tensed her body in anticipation. “Now what is it that you are so obediently waiting for? Shall I teach you a real good lesson this time? Hmmm…” she tempted.

“Yes ma’am,” Lois whimpered. “How hard shall I spank you dear?” she teased, pushing Lois’s cotton shirt up her back to fully reveal the girl’s tense, round bottom. “Real… hard… ma’am,” Lois sobbed. Janet began rubbing the cool wood of the cherry hairbrush on Lois’s behind. “Not the bush…” sobbed the girl, “…nnnnooo…” Janet raised the bush over her head and let it land with three quick, sharp slaps. She continued to spank slowly, pausing to delight in her victim’s reaction. As the rhythm of the spanking progressed and intensified, the spanks gradually increased in severity as well, and Lois’s bottom reddened deeper with each slap. After a long series of steady smacks, she suddenly gripped Lois tightly and bore down on her bottom with ten harsh punishing whacks. Lois bucked and kicked as her teacher spanked her ass to a bright scarlet tint.

“OUCH! OUCH! OOOUUUCH!” Lois cried out with each blow, “IT HURTS, IT HURTS…..PLEEZZZ!!!! “Is your bottom starting to sting a little?” she teased as she rubbed each tender cheek with the bush. “Oh God, I’m on fire. It hurts sooo much. Please ma’am, please no more,” Lois begged. WHACK!! WHACK!! “OHH!!” Lois cried, and she reached her hand back to protect her sore bottom. “Take your hand away NOW, young lady!” she snapped. Lois obeyed. “Are we getting a little tender back here?” she teased while circling the red hot globes. “Ohhhh…yes ma’am,” Lois moaned. WHACK!! WHACK! WHACK!!

“OHHHH!!” Lois yelled as she reflexively darted her hand to her flaming backside. “I would LOVE to use a belt on you right now. Just give me one more reason,” Janet threatened, pulling Lois’s hand away.
“Okay, okay…please, please. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Lois pleaded as she quickly removed her hand.
WHACK!! WHACK!! “OHHHHH….” Lois groaned. “Did you want to tell any more lies while you have my undivided attention?” she toyed. “No! No! No more lies! No more lies!” Lois desperately vowed.
“Are you sure?” she lured flippantly. “Yes ma’am, I am quite sure,” Lois asserted. Janet finished with a flurry of slaps and a final warning, “This means SLAP WHACK no more SPANK SMACK rude behavior SLAP SMACK doesn’t it SPANK SLAP CRACK young lady!”

“Yes, yes…” sobbed the girl. The two women remained silent for several moments, breathing heavy from the activity. Janet gently caressed Lois’s flaming bottom, as the young girl’s sobbing slowly subsided. “Come up here sweetheart. Let me hold you,” Janet whispered softly. Lois slowly raised herself up from her teacher’s knees. The fragile younger woman stood up, wiping the tears off of her face with the back of her hand, and Janet pulled her petite student onto her lap. She tenderly embraced Lois, cradling the beautiful young woman’s blonde head under her chin.

“Are you all right dear?” she asked quietly. “Yes, I’m fine,” Lois answered. She lifted her head to gaze at her teacher’s face and was greeted with Janet’s reassuring eyes and warm smile. Lois returned a beaming grin. ” Did you enjoy that?” Lois asked enthusiastically. “Oh yes, very much. Very much my sweet,” the older woman replied. Lois smiled at her teacher once again, and then settled her head against the woman’s chest. Grinning, Lois began unbuttoning Janet’s blouse, kissing her bra straps and cleavage.

“You’re such a wicked professor, do you know that?” Lois commented between kisses and licks. “Yes, I know,” Janet sighed breathlessly, “but you are my naughtiest intern, therefore you deserve the wickedest treatment,” she smirked. “I never have to look very hard to find a reason to take you over my knee.” By now, Lois had unsnapped the front of teacher’s bra and tenderly sucked each of her dark brown nipples. “Since when do you need a reason?” Lois casually remarked as she removed her own top and sat naked straddling her teacher’s lap, massaging and licking her breasts. As Janet began to unzip the back of her black skirt, she reached around and smacked her student smartly on each of her bare cheeks. The two women looked at each other, laughed and embraced.