Reading Time: 7 minutes

by doormat

The Luckiest Man on Campus
Aside from the opportunity to stare across the auditorium at Jennifer Johannson, his college Biology class completely bored Mark.

Jennifer had to be the most attractive coed on campus. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at nine a.m., he spent the hour trying to hide behind the fact that he admired her. Her cheerful face, bright teeth and eyes, long blonde hair and snow-white complexion made Jennifer appear like a Nordic goddess. She was a tall woman with oversized breasts that came to shapely points. As tall as Mark, Jennifer’s enchanting appearance set her far above her peers

Every Don Juan on campus chased her in vain. Oh Jennifer didn’t mind the attention either, but she remained strangely unattached, turning them down one after another. Her name crossed the lips of every frat member as she flashed her tanned skin and soft curves. Her trim body looked firm and solid. It was difficult for Mark to decide if her ample bosom attracted him more or her shapely round bottom.

Who would win Jennifer? Surely not himself Mark thought. Jennifer’s qualities were far beyond his abilities to attract, he thought.

In fact, Mark had lingering doubts about himself. Being less than an honor student, he changed majors several times. Business classes created stress for him, he failed the pre-med exam, and the idea of teaching in front of people scared him. His college counselor suggested the library program, since the results of an interest inventory clearly suggested a reading related career might be best. Spending so much time in the library would have bored other students but not Mark. He found comfort behind the book shelves and did not have to deal with people.

So the day Jennifer moved to sit directly behind him in the required Biology class, Mark thought that she noticed his constant staring and moved to block his view. That Friday when the professor returned their midterms, Mark felt a tap on his shoulder after class.

It was Jennifer who asked, “ What did you get on the exam?”

“Ah, B plus,” Mark replied surprised she wanted to know.

“I got an A minus, pretty good , huh?”

Mark began to smile. Why was Jennifer talking to him? What could she want of him?

“I see you up at the library often,” Jennifer smiled

“Yes, I’m studying to be a librarian,” Mark told her as they began walking out of the auditorium.

“Strange, I thought librarians were old and wore thick glasses.”

“Well, not so,” Mark smiled back.

“I’m sorry , I shouldn’t have said that,” Jennifer pouted sweetly. “I’m fixing a small dinner this evening up in my apartment. Mark, would you like to join me?”

Dumbfounded, he nodded his head in the affirmative.

Jennifer winked saying, “ 515 University Court at 7 p.m., see you later Mark.”

She waved goodbye. Mark stood there asking himself, “Could this be real?”

Promptly, at 7 p.m. Mark knocked on the door. Jennifer, wearing a black evening dress accepted the bottle of wine he brought. Candles lit the dining table and soft music enhanced the atmosphere.

“I thought a budding librarian would appreciated classical music tonight,” Jennifer giggled.

“Bach isn’t it?” Mark asked.

“Yes, sit down, dinner is ready. You may pour the wine.”

Throughout the scrumptious meal, they both made light conversation, mostly about their classes. After seconds of ham and scallop potatoes, Mark finished his wine.

“Delightful dinner,” Mark complimented.

“Would you mind helping with the dishes? This evening dress just came back from the cleaners and I don’t want to get it dirty,” Jennifer explained.

“Sure, I’ll help,” Mark offered.

While he cleared the table, Jennifer opened a drawer and took out a checkered apron with a big front.

“Here Mark, wear this so you stay dry.” Before he could respond she was pulling the strings around his waist and tying them behind his back.

“Good, you look fine in an apron,” she smiled. “ Wash the dishes, and when you’re finished call me in my bedroom. I’m going to study for a while.”

Mark didn’t know what to think of her demands. The apron strings seemed strangely feminine. But this was Jennifer. He would to anything this gorgeous lady asked. So he went about the task of washing and drying all the dishes. Reaching for the apron strings in back, he heard Jennifer’s voice. “ Did I say you could untie those strings?!” Stunned by the sudden change in her tone, but not wanting to displease her, he replied, “No.”

“I’ll tell you when you can take your apron off Markie! Look here, you didn’t wipe off the table! Wipe it down and serve me my wine in the bedroom!”

After completing his chore, he felt like a waiter as he served Jennifer her wine on a tray. She sat back on the bed and kicked off her shoes. Pointing to the floor beside her bed, she beckoned him to kneel and massage her feet, as she took a sip of wine. Mark went down on his knees next to the bed and began doing just that. He loved the feel of her toes and feet through her black nylons, and Jennifer was enjoying every second of it. After several minutes he looked up to see her smiling, smug face. Purposely, she parted her legs slightly, allowing him a view up her thighs to her black panties. Finally, she told him to stop and he knelt back on his haunches, waiting for her next instruction.

“Mark I want you to go over there on my dresser and bring me that hairbrush.” Mark started to rise to his feet, when she snapped, “On your knees!”

Resuming his kneeling position, Mark submissively did her bidding. Presenting the brush to her on his knees, she continued.

“Now Mark, I want you to strip.”

Looking appalled at her latest demand, he hesitated. Taking another sip of her wine, she raised her voice another octave. Clearly he felt under her thumb. He could either do it or leave. It didn’t matter to her, and it didn’t take long for him to make a decision. His fingers reached for the buttons on his shirt. Soon the garment lay on the floor. He untied his shoes, discarded them and his socks. Unbuckling his trousers, he unzipped and pushed them to his knees. Putting his butt on the floor, he pushed them completely off his legs and they joined his shirt in a pile. Clad now in only his white cotton briefs he heard her voice saying for him to stop stalling. Shortly, his jockeys joined the rest of his discarded clothes.

“What’s next,” he thought?

Reaching over she opened another drawer and pulled out a pair of pink ruffled panties. His face turned beet red. Surely, she wasn’t going to make him wear them! Indeed she was. She threw them at him and demanded that he put them on. He blushed as he slipped the tight pink panties up his legs and around his bottom. His bulge stuck out prominently in front as the soft material encased his privates.

Jennifer then began lecturing him as he knelt before her clad only in the pink panties. “All during Biology class you have been undressing me with your eyes, you naughty boy!… And you looked up my dress just now when you were massaging my feet. You’re a fucking pervert and I’m going to teach you a lesson!”

Mark’s lower jaw dropped amazed at the way she was speaking to him so harshly.

“Now prepare yourself for a good spanking Markie and you know you deserve it!”

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing!

Swinging her legs off the bed, she sat on the side and ordered the embarrassed Mark to lie across her lap. Red faced, he rose from the floor and draped himself across her soft thighs, reveling in the feel. But that didn’t last long.

She brought the hairbrush down hard on his panty covered derriere.

The sharp stinging had him whimpering as he laid there over her lap like a schoolboy, as she delivered one stinging blow after another. Left cheek, right cheek, over and over she rained crack after crack. He was writhing in pain as the hairbrush repeatedly met it’s target . After thirty swats with his face covered with tears, she ordered him off her lap. He stood up holding his searing bottom, and even though he was in agony, getting spanked by Jennifer, the coed every guy on campus drooled over, was an honor!

Then to his amazement, she stood up. Jennifer unhooked the back of her evening dress, letting it fall to the floor. Her luscious body was clad in a black bra, matching panties, garter belt, nylons and high heels. Not taking his eyes off her ripe, young body his male member stood at attention as she proceeded to take off the rest. When she slid her panties down her legs, she sat back on the edge of the bed, and she spread her knees. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Was she offering her most private part to him?

It brought her pleasure to see the wanton look on his face. She knew he had become infatuated with her sexuality. She felt an increasing power of control as she grabbed Mark’s hair and pulled his face against her love nest. He had no choice. Soon he felt the crack of the hairbrush against his panties.

“Get that tongue in there, slave,” she yelled.

The sharp stinging mixed with her juices that filled his eager mouth. She held his head in place and kept a quick pace with the hairbrush.

Jennifer’s long legs wrapped around Mark’s head and neck. The taste of her nectar overwhelmed him. Her moans of pleasure urged him to continue. Soon, he felt her body go tense and release spasms of delight as she climaxed. Totally satisfied, she laid back resting as Mark looked up at her radiance.

After she had recovered, she then commanded him to turn around, take his panties down to his knees and bend over.

He waited for the hairbrush to fall again. Instead of the pain he expected, she reached between his legs, and grasped his organ and began stroking it slowly. “You’ve been a good slave, Markie. Now you get your reward.” She pumped him with her left hand and smacked the hairbrush sharply down on his bare reddened bottom with her right hand. He could feel the rumble in his balls as his butt cheeks seared. He howled and gasped. She was literally spanking the cum out of him. Then she picked up her discarded panties and held them against his throbbing manhood just in time to catch the geyser like explosion.

Once he had recovered she was once again ordered her completely spent classmate to kneel at her feet. Jennifer informed him that he was to become her live-in slave. Mark couldn’t believe his ears as a wide grin crossed his face.

“Yes Ma’am.”