Reading Time: 19 minutes

by BlueKnight

Mistress Jaclyn Trains Hilary
Hilary knew she was late for her appointment with her recent Mistress Jaclyn, and Jaclyn could be so touchy about those kind of things, but she couldn’t help it. She’d been busy today, her modeling career was going well, still mostly catalog stuff, but coming along, and she went to the masseuse, and hairstylist today. Then their was her social life, with her model like looks, magazine face, stylish, and slender, long legs, sculpted body, small breasts (no ones perfect! At least they were real, high and firm) there was no shortage of men, (or women), to distract her with passes and propositions. But at 26, she knew where her real passions lie……., exploring as an S&M submissive, with Dom’s like Jaclyn. She’d met Jaclyn a couple of months ago. She was a professional mistress, who did life syle stuff on the side. At 39 she was attractive, and experienced, with many years in the scene. Because she was busy today, a night with Jaclyn, for a change, had not filled her thoughts and kept her panting all day. But Hillary knew that by the time she got to Jaclyn’s that would be a pretty apt description of how she felt.

Hilary reached Jaclyn’s house 15 minutes late. It was a cool, damp evening, but Hilary was quite comfortable in her jeans and sweater. She wore no bra under her sweater. She usually didn’t need one, and quite frankly she liked the feel of a sweater, scratchy, and teasing against her nipples, which had to be her most sensitive erogenous zone.

Maybe Jaclyn wouldn’t notice she was late, maybe she could just slip in without Jaclyn noting the time. Hilary let herself into the spacious house with the key she was given a couple of weeks before. She was right about how she would feel upon reaching Jaclyn’s, ok, not panting maybe, but trembling anyway. It was dark and quiet in the foyer, she closed the big door behind her as quietly as possible, tip toed to put down her purse and keys.

“Hilary!, Hilary! Jaclyn’s voice rang out. “Come in here”.

“Damn” Hilary breathed as she followed Jaclyn’s voice. She found Jaclyn ensconced on the sofa in the large living room. Hilary put on the most nonchalant smile she could muster.

“Your late”!

“I’m sorry, I….”

“Your sorry what”! Jaclyn demanded.

“I’m sorry mistress” Hilary responded flustered.

“No excuses, you’ve just earned yourself another spanking young lady”. Hillary’s stomach dropped, but her heart soared.

“Now take off your top”! Hilary complied quickly, feeling a sexual rush in her bare belly and a trickle of perspiration under her arm.

“Well at least your nipples are obedient” Jaclyn said mockingly. Of course they were hard already, and they seemed to tighten more as Jaclyn commented on them.
“Come here and kneel facing away from me”. Hilary bare from the waist up faced away from Jaclyn, and knelt back on her heels, her bare back pressing against the couch upon which Jaclyn sat. Hilary felt her breathing quicken. Jaclyn’s hands passed on either side of her, and then she felt Jaclyn’s fingers on her nipples. Hilary bit her lower lip.

Jaclyn teased and rolled the erotic nubs back and forth.

“God, these really do stay hard” Jaclyn teased. Hilary tried not to moan.

“I guess that makes you quite a slut, Doesn’t it?” Jaclyn continued to flick her nipples back and forth, back and forth.

“Am I right Hilary”? Jaclyn asked mockingly.

“Yes” Hilary answered breathlessly.

“Yes what” Jaclyn continued, “Use complete sentences”.

“Yes I’m a slut” Hilary responded her face blushing , her nipples seeming to harden and tingle from the humiliation even more. Jaclyn laughed.

“Ok slut I’m going to amuse myself with your hard little buds for awhile, and while I do, you are to remain completely still. Still! No movement at all. Every time you squirm, gasp, wiggle, jump, or even quiver too much it’ll mean 10 cracks of the paddle across your bare ass in addition to the 2 spankings you’ve already earned”.

“Yes” Hilary said in a small voice


Hilary steeled herself as she knelt. Jaclyn hummed as she worked and tickled and teased Hillary’s nipples. Hilary tensed every muscle in her body, bit her lip, stared at the ceiling, but it wasn’t long before her knee twitched.

“Thats 10” . Hilary promised herself to do better. She bit her lip harder, tried to think of anything other than Jaclyn’s teasing….., Jaclyn’s fingers………, her nipples……

“Ummmm” a gasp escaped Hillary’s lips.

“Thats 20 ” Jaclyn said merrily. Damn, thought Hilary as Jaclyn’s fingers continued their maddening play. How long could she stand this? Perspiration had broken out on her forehead, her tense muscles had begun to quiver. Hillary’s knees twitched spasmodically.

“Thats 30”.

Hilary gave a small cry in her throat. 30 cracks of the paddle was nothing to sneeze at especially as only a part of a spanking and Jaclyn was still playing her cruel game. The teasing and arousal were too much. Hilary knew she wouldn’t be able to stay still much longer and then she would only increase her punishment. Hillary’s eyes began to tear, she began to feel some panic as a wave of perspiration and desire washed over her, and her body trembled like a leaf. Just then Jaclyn stopped.

“Ok thats enough, get up now”. It took Hilary a second to get her breathing under control and shakily stand up. She had begun to perspire, and her chest had begun to flush. Her nipples tingled and seemed to vibrate, as if an electrical current had passed through them connected right to her groin.

“Alright Hilary since I had to wait for you I feel like being entertained now. So you’ll strip naked for me”. Hilary automatically fumbled with the top of her jeans.

“No! Not like that !, Jaclyn stopped her. “I said entertained Hilary”!

“Your going to strip, and dance, and do your very best to entertain me and arouse me while doing it, or else”.

“But, but I don’t know how………” Hilary responded defensively..

“Yes, yes I know, your not trained as a dancer but as a model, but your going to WORK, your hardest to do a good job, because you have absolutely no choice.

Now go over and turn the CD player on. Resignedly, Hilary went across the big room to the stereo.

“Alright get back here.” Jaclyn ordered after Hillary had put on the CD.

“No, no, get on the table slut”. Hilary blushingly stood in the center of Jaclyn’s coffee table.

“Ok start”. The music played, Hillary swayed slightly standing on the table wearing her jeans and casual shoes, unsure what to do.

“Alright I’ll tell you what to do” Jaclyn admonished.

“Start with your arms over your head”. Hilary raised her arms all the way up lifting her naked breasts.

“Now sway your hips”. Hilary did.

“Thats good get into it, feel it”. Hilary did her best moving more sensuously.

“Now play with your nipples for awhile”. They were still tingling and aching for attention and despite her face coloring at the lewd exhibition, Hilary was glad to drop her hands from above her head and finger them awhile, immediately being awarded with stabs of pleasure between her legs.

“Now run your hands over your tingling wet crotch.” Again although embarrassed, Hilary was glad to do so.

“Keep your hips swaying”, Jaclyn admonished. “Keep moving to the music, Get into it Hillary, I want a 100% effort from you or else”. Hilary did her best to do so swaying ever more sensuously. Concentrating on following Jaclyn’s exact instructions as she swayed and moved, and the music played.

“Now just finger the waist band of those jeans”.

“Thats right, now slide your fingers in a bit”. Hilary did feeling her silky skin and the denim.

“Come on turn around slowly I want a 360 degree show”. Hilary turned slowly on the table.

“Ok go back to your nipples now”.

“Slide your hands down your belly make it sensuous”. Hillary’s hands slid over the slight, tanned six pack of her abs.

“Cup your crotch”.

“Undo the your jeans”. Hillary’s slim fingers popped open the snap.

“Keep your hands moving tease the waist band”.

“Now move your hands over your belly, come on, smooth that flat belly make it sexy”. Hilary half closing her eyes tried her hardest.

“Good girllllll…………..

“Waistband and belly, sway sensuously, turn slowly, do a good job.” Hillary’s eyes closed as she listened to, and complied with Jaclyn’s voice.

“Now legs far apart, start a slow bump and grind”. Hilary on the table complied, her hips slowly undulating.

“Do it good, like your fucking, I know you know how to do that, and give your nipples some attention”. Hilary bit her lip at the insult, but carried out the desired motion with her hips and hands.

“Good, now ever so slowly lower the zipper on your jeans.”

Hillary continued her slow bump and grind, bare from the waist up, her jeans undone teasing her tight nipples.

“Now Hilary your going to get your jeans down. BUT ONLY BY WIGGLING YOUR PERT ASS OUT OF THEM. Don’t touch them, don’t push them down, just wiggle and shake your ass. Turn sideways to me.” Hilary did.

“Good, keep swaying, slowly bumping and grinding,smoothing your belly, touching your nipples. As Hillary did her undone jeans crept ever so slightly over the prominent points of her hip bones. NOW, DANCE AND WIGGLE YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR JEANS, MY LITTLE SLUT!!” Hilary did her best, but the jeans moved down only slightly.

“There’s a time limit honey, I’m going to count to 20, and when I reach there I want to see those jeans fall, just from your photo perfect ass wiggling, or you’ll really be in trouble. One, two……

Hilary jiggled her ass more vigorously, sucked in her belly and banged her pelvis back and forth, shook her hips from side to side. She was getting quite desperate, then she found by standing on the balls of her feet and doing all those actions at once her unfastened jeans slowly crept down over her hips. Jaclyn continued her count. It was going to be close, Hilary really had to concentrate on her movements and strive, but she managed to wiggle her hips and thighs out of her jeans, and they fell down her long legs just as Jaclyn counted 20.

“Good !” Jaclyn complimented. Hilary only wore a g-string under her jeans. “Now really wiggle in your G-string, for a while, WORK your belly and ass. WORK!”. Hilary needed no more encouragement, the concentrated movements of getting the jeans down, and all the sexual play had left her yearning to move, and she fairly lept to slam her ass and pelvis back and forth and shimmy as if she had stepped on a live wire.

“Hee, Hee, Hee” Jaclyn chuckled,” very good my little slut. But, now, stop, and go back to being slow and sensuous”.

Hilary had begun to sweat, her perfectly styled hair was coming undone, she was now swaying in front of Jaclyn, nude except for her G-string. And she was very aroused by the exhibition. She knew the crotch of her tiny G-string was soaking wet. She hoped, against hope Jaclyn wouldn’t notice.

” Run your hands up and down your body”, Hillary’s body moved to meet her touch.

“Thats right arch your pelvis out in that cute little G-string.” Jaclyn teased.

” Now run your hands over that wet crotch my little slut”. Hilary did and pressed her lips together noticeably to keep from moaning at the sensation.

“Hee , hee, hee” Jaclyn chuckled.

“Alright turn around show me that tight ass of yours”. Hilary turned and kept swaying.

“Bend over slut, run your hands over it”. Hilary complied feeling a rush of embarrassment and sexual electricity as her hands ran over the buttocks she worked so hard to keep firm and strong.

“Good, good, stick it out keep swaying….thats right do it good”.

“Ok Hilary turn around.”

“Get your thumbs hooked in your g-string” Hilary got her thumbs hooked under the thin elastic band of the tiny garment.

“Stretch it out from side to side.” With her thumbs Hilary stretched the elastic band out from her right hip out from her left.

Come on play with it, move your hands around, keep in time with the music”. Hilary played with the waist band of the g-string she was stretching out.

“Now really stretch it out to each side, farther all the way, good!”

“Now! let it snap back! Jaclyn demanded. Hilary did the elastic striking her, stinging her flesh hard enough to make her gasp. Jaclyn laughed. Again Hilary felt her face flush in embarrassment “Now play with your nipples arch out your pelvis.” Hilary did tweaking, teasing, and rolling her hardened nipples, for about 15 seconds, sending jolt after jolt ot teasing pleasure to the spot still covered by her wet g-string between her trim legs.

“OK run your hands on that tingling crotch”. Hilary wanted nothing more, and felt a lurch of desire and quivered as she did so.

“Good keep it up”, Hilary ran her hands over and over the tiny patch of fabric barely covering her hot pubis between her toned thighs. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning as she massaged the mound of her pussy through her g-string.

“Now just with your thumbs start slowly working your g-string down, slowly.” Hilary complied it seemed to take forever before the clingy scrap was off and down her long legs. After the long slow erotic display Hilary suddenly felt a rush of erotic excitement and freedom, at finally having her pussy uncovered and at being totally naked.

“Now! STOP! Stand in front of me….. hands behind your neck……., legs spread wide…….Wide I said……..” Strangely Hilary now found it hard to stop moving and stand still. Her body was racing, warmed and tingling all over. She felt air moving between her spread thighs, and over her smooth vulva, that due to her modeling work and Jaclyn’s instructions she kept totally free of the slightest hair. She idealy wondered if her erect and yearning clit was visible..

“Good girrrrrl…..”. Jaclyn purred, Hilary felt an ashamed rush of pride at the mocking compliment.

“Now get down.” Hilary was glad to step naked from the table even if doing so did cause unsteadying jolts of arousal between her legs as her thighs moved.

“We’re now going to do it all over again……., because I think you can do better.” Hillary’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Go to the stereo, restart the disc, and put your jeans and g-string back on.”

Part Two

Hilary had to do the whole strip routine 2 more times, trying her utmost. Considering that each time (Jaclyn was remarkably consistent in her instructions), took about 10 minutes, she had to dance and arouse herself on Jaclyn’s coffee table for 30 minutes before Jaclyn was satisfied.

“Ok, thats enough,” Jaclyn finally said. “Go to the bathroom and freshen up, then come back.” After the 30 minutes of erotic exercise, Hilary was glad for the respite. Her naked body was covered by a thin sheen of sweat, her recently styled blond hair was now damp and matted, the nipples on her slender breasts engorged and reddened, and of course her juices were slipping down her tanned thighs. In the comfortable bath, she sponged off her heated body, toweled and gathered her hair into a smart pony tail, patted herself all over with the fluffy towels, helped herself to some cool water. Thus refreshed, and with her sexual arousal at least back to a high tolerable level, she padded out of the bathroom naked.

As she rounded the corner into Jaclyn’s well appointed living room, she couldn’t have been more shocked if a bus fell on her. Where, a short while ago there was an empty room, save for Jaclyn, the room was now full of people. At least 15 people, all fully and nicely dressed. Sitting here and there, standing about, talking, sipping drinks.

“Ahh, Hilary there you are.” said Jaclyn, all eyes (at least the one not already on her) turned toward Hilary.

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you I was having guests over today.” Hilary’s mouth had dropped open in shock, as she stood there naked and sexually aroused in front of everyone.

“I think you know everyone.”

With every fiber of her being Hilary wanted to bolt from the room. But she knew Jaclyn would just drag her back, as she obviously had set this up. Jaclyn began to introduce people by name, not that Hilary heard them through the rushing sound in her ears!

Hilary was sure that she was blushing totally red. She had MET, about 1/2 of the people there before. They were friends of Jaclyn’s. She had met them at cocktail parties, receptions etc., FULLY DRESSED cocktail parties and receptions! They knew about Jaclyn and S&M, and Jaclyn had introduced her as her new submissive but that was all. The other people she’d never seen before. To make it even worse everyone there was about Hilarys own age, or at least between her age and around Jaclyn’s. They were an upscale professional looking group, just the kind of people Hilary would usually hang around with. Hilary’s own peers. They would probably recognize Hilary from her catalog work. There were men and women, and clearly couples and singles. After awhile Hilary had regained enough composure to close her mouth, to smile at that person there, nod to that couple there, she heard a couple of snickers as she stood there naked and heated.

“Well” said Jaclyn, comfortably sitting on the sofa, finished with the introductions as Hilary stood there not knowing what to do with herself.

“We’re all comfortable with our wine and drinks, I think everyone is ready for some entertainment.”

“Perhaps they’d like to see a beautiful naked young woman…………. spanked till she’s in agony?” Hilary started and her lips parted at the suggestion.

” Yes I think so…………, Hilary go get your paddle”. Hilary was thunder struck, her heart pounding in her bare chest, very conscious of her nakedness, vunerability, and sexual arousal.

“Hilary did you hear me!” Jaclyn waited for a reply.

“Yes” Hilary responded weakly, looking around at all the expectant, mocking faces.

“Good your going to run to get it when I say go, and if you don’t return with it by the count of ten ( Her paddle, or the one Jaclyn had occasionally used on her in these last couple of months, was kept in a desk drawer in the study on the other side of the house), if you don’t your punishment is going to be raised to 60 strokes to each cheek of that tight ass of yours”. Hilary’s heart fluttered at the prospect, that was way more than she’d ever got so far.


“Yes Mistress” Hilary answered weakly again, her heart thumping.

“Good, Go!” What else could she do? Hilary took off running, thighs moving, bare breasts bobbing, the sound of giggles and laughter following behind her.
She ran naked down the carpeted hall, her pussy shooting now unwelcome jabs of pleasure into her flat belly. She pranced to the desk, hearing Jaclyn counting in the distance. Secured the paddle, which was a stiff wood affair covered by a very thin layer of rubber, considering for a second how it would feel against her bare toned ass , which already seemed to be prickling at the prospect of the smart, before sprinting back to the living room with it. She arrived just as Jaclyn was finishing up “9……….10.”

“Your lucky you made it” Jaclyn said taking the paddle from her.

“I think we’ll have you on your hands and knees on the floor.” Hilary couldn’t believe this was happening, but despite how cold her hands and feet seemed to have gone in mortification, she couldn’t help but notice how the rest of her body stayed heated, her nipples hard and tingling, her pussy wet.
Her face burning, trying not to look at anyone, and her bare body beginning to tremble Hilary dropped to all 4’s on Jaclyn’s luxurious carpeting. She was positioned on her hands and knees in front of the fireplace so everyone had a good view. Jaclyn made sure that her knees were placed about 10″ apart, so while she was punished, those on one side of the room could catch glimpses of Hilary’s smooth labia between her parted thighs, while those on the other side could see her face and penchant swaying breasts.

Hilary felt heat flush over her naked body as she waited there, air moving over the wetness between her parted thighs, everyone’s eyes on her, terribly conscious of the vulnerability of her bare ass, the flesh of which was practically crawling with anticipation. Then the first blow struck and she could think of nothing else but the atrocious smart that caused her whole body to tense and quiver for 3 seconds. Jaclyn spaced her blows about 5 seconds apart, so Hilary had to feel the full pain from each. Hilary received 30 cracks of the paddle to each cheek of her displayed bare ass. By the end Hillary could actually see streaks of light behind her screwed shut teared covered eyelids from the smart, , her knees burned from the friction of twitching against the carpet, and she had broken 2 of her long manicured fingernails, scratching helplessly against the floor. The last blow was extra hard.

“Whew that made me quite warm” Jaclyn said .

“Someone please hand me my wine.”

Hilary remained just as she was on the floor not even taking a breath her whole body quivering from the pain of the last blow for a whole 10 seconds. When the pain finally subsided Hilary did not break her position but merely hung her head, breathing heavy in relief.

“Ok Hilary get up now!” Jaclyn demanded. Slowly, Hilary did, facing her well appointed audience again. She felt languid and hot, very turned on, and her ass felt hot, soft and huge.

“Now” said Jaclyn holding her wine. “You can entertain us some more by masturbating yourself for us, one hand on your nipples and one between your legs if you please.” Hilary was shocked, and didn’t move.

“Not very obedient is she”, one of the guests commented.

“Oh, I think she is” Jaclyn said, putting down her wine, a vicious tone entering her voice as she snatched up the paddle, speaking to Hilary.

“Because if she’s not she’s going to get 100 more cracks of this paddle on those flaming cheeks, right now!” Hilary’s hands seemed to fly to the ordered positions of their own volition.

“See” Jaclyn said, to a round of laughter.

“Now come on Hilary you know what to do, this is probably one of the greatest talents of a slut like you, and now you can demonstrate it.” Hilary heard women in the audience giggle.

” Move your hands.” Feeling crushed by shame and keeping her eyes on the floor, Hilary did, teasing her yearning nipples and fingering her wet pussy. Despite the circumstances the touches of Hilary’s slim fingers on her hard nipples, and smooth vulva felt as good as ever.

“Come on Hilary, get into it” Jaclyn admonished.

But this wasn’t like ever, Hilary tried to remind herself, but her body didn’t care. She was already so sexually charged, it responded so quickly to her touch, she couldn’t help it, she wasn’t in control. She couldn’t help but moan, squirm her bare hips, and tremble, as she touched herself.

“Good girrrrrrl……” Jaclyn mocked to a course of more giggles. Hilary’s eyes teared, she felt scalded by the humiliation.

Hilary realized she was standing totally naked, sexually aroused, just after being viciously spanked, with her legs widely spread, lewdly masturbating and stimulating herself before a fully dressed, keenly watching audience, but she closed her eyes trying to forget all that, trying just to focus on the pleasure she was feeling.

But, it was no use! She couldn’t divorce herself from the situation, someone coughed, someone moved, someone laughed, she couldn’t forget them. She had to open her eyes,……. and as she aroused herself, and look right into their mocking ones………, embarrassed ones………,aroused ones.

“Don’t you dare orgasm without permission Hilary, or you’ll get the 100”, Jaclyn warned. Normally it would be difficult, standing like this, awkward, before an audience yet, but under the circumstances, or in spite of them, Hilary’s body moved quickly toward orgasm. After only 4 minutes, of her live sex show, she was desperately holding herself back from coming, making whimpering noises, jerking her head, all her muscles tense and shaking.

“Allright Hilary”, Jaclyn intoned. “You look quite desperate, you have permission to orgasm.” Thats what Hilary wanted more than anything, but not here, not like this. She looked around the room despertly at those watching, someone laughed.

“Plea….., Please not here” Hilary panted.

“What? You don’t want to come in front of us?”

“No……….please Mistress.”, Hilary moaned, she was so close, soon it would be inevitable.

“Ok STOP!” Jaclyn shouted. “STOP moving your hands NOW!” Taken aback Hilary did, the erotic spell broken. She had been so close she remained on the edge a few seconds, before subsiding. Hilary stood catching her breath, her tight body sweating, her perfect ass reddened, chest flushed, nipples engorged, her juices wet on her hand, as Jaclyn whispered to some of her guests.

“Alright Hilary, you don’t want to orgasm for us”, Jaclyn said.

“Randy, Tom, take Hilary upstairs and see if you can convince her otherwise”. Hilary looked around too late, the 2 young men, grabbed her arms and roughly spun her around. When she resisted one of them wacked her on her still flaming ass.

“Oww” Hilary howled as she was propelled up the stairs naked.

“Now look!” she managed, just before being roughly thrown sprawling on a bedroom bed. Hilary twisting her body popped right back up. Before being knocked back flat by a painful tug on her pony tail. All the beds at Jaclyn’s came with restraints.

Before she knew it she was bound spread eagle. There was very little play in the leather padded bonds that held her arms and legs down spread as far as they would go. A pillow was shoved under her ass, raising her pelvis. Now what was the point of this, Hilary wondered. Then she saw Randy and Tom as Jaclyn called them, approaching with long quill like feathers and devilish expressions on their faces.

Oh, no! Hilary thought. Just as she opened her mouth to yell out a ball gag was shoved securely in her mouth and then buckled around her head silencing her.
Randy and Tom went to work on Hilary’s super sensitive, overcharged shivering nipples with the feathers, they remained there for a full 15 minutes, before moving on to include her navel, vulva ,inner labia, and clit. The feathers were not hard or strong enough to ever make her come. They were only hard and strong enough to move her torturously toward coming, to make her maddeningly, insanely HAVE to come. To actually come and stop the torture, she’d have to MAKE her body orgasm, by straining with all her might against the ropes, contorting her body, contracting all her muscles, bouncing her ass up and down on the bed. Every time she thus worked to the threshold of orgasm however Randy and Tom would withdraw the feathers until her body just lost the edge, and collapsed back in it’s bonds, then they would start again. They maddeningly teased her to the brink of orgasm again and again, but just to the brink and then kept her there, minute after minute, after minute. If human strength alone could have broken the bonds that held her Hilary would have been free of the torment, but as it was all she succeeded in doing, as she found out later was pulling muscles in both arms and one leg. Hilary’s body shook, and vibrated, and bounded as if she was being electrocuted, she was slick with sweat, the outer and inner lips of her pussy under the assault of the feathers opened and gaped, her chest became so reddened from a sex flush, she looked like she had the worst sun burn ever.

After a solid hour of such treatment, Randy and Tom removed her gag, and asked her if she was now ready to orgasm for an audience. A simple yes was not good enough, she would now have to say please and beg for permission to be allowed to come in front of everyone. If her begging wasn’t judged good enough or sincere enough, they would just continue for another hour and so forth and so on. Sweat soaked, with wildly dilated pupils, no one could have ever been said to have begged more sincerely than Hilary did for Randy and Tom.

After releasing her, Randy and Tom unable to get her hair back into her neat pony tail they left it dis-sheveled. It was a very different Hilary that they led back downstairs, bedraggled, submissive, haggard looking. It was also hard for Hilary to walk, from the strain her strong legs had gone through with the ropes, yes, but also from the balloon of desire in her loins, her bare thighs rubbing against her strumming pussy lips, . She collapsed to her knees at the bottom of the stairs, kneeling there before everyone, sweating, and practically panting. Hilary knew her knees were splayed far apart as she knelt there, she didn’t bother to close them, she didn’t care anymore if everyone saw her bare wet churning pussy. Jaclyn seemed very pleased.

“Well Hilary are you ready to come for us?”

“Yes Mistress” Hilary answered without hesitation her head down.

“Well good but I think we need a little more than just a yes, I think everyone would be amused to hear you beg for it, say “Please Mistress may I entertain your guests with my orgasm””. Hilary made no pretense at resistance.

“Please, Mistress may I entertain your guests with my orgasm” she repeated looking down, to a few snickers.

“Well nice change of attitude Hilary, but I don’t think you’ve humiliated yourself enough yet………so you’ll crawl naked on your hands and knees to each person here and ask them personally.” Hilary’s head shot up, her eyes meeting Jaclyn’s.

“No…….? Another hour or two with Randy and Tom then?” They stepped forward. Hilary made a wounded animal noise in her throat, and moved forward crawling, her face now, burning in shame, dispite her condition.

She imagined the picture she presented crawling naked, terribly sexually aroused her swelled breasts swaying her hot ass offered up. She crawled to each person and repeated the required words trying not to look at their faces . Fortunately they all answered yes quickly, and having made the circuit she was now back in front of Jaclyn on her knees in the center of the room.

Jaclyn reached down and cupped Hilarys flushed breasts, pulled on her engorged nipples. Hilary moaned loudly.

“My you are a little sex animal” Jaclyn mocked, her fingers continuing to move and move until Hilary was shaking and quivering uncontrollably, her sleek thighs quivering like startled birds.

“Now ask me .”

“Please Mistress, may I entertain you with my orgasm.” Hilary managed to gasp out, not even thinking any more of the others watching.

“Yes you may” Jaclyn replied twisting her fist in Hilary’s damp hair and drawing her forward from her knees until she was stretched out laying on her stomach on the floor. Jaclyn pressed her booted foot firmly into Hilarys ass. Hilary moaned as her pubis was pressed against the rug.

” But just like a little sex animal dear, by rubbing yourself against the carpet right here in front of everyone. Now do it”!

Jaclyn joggled and pressed with her foot, mashing and moving Hilary’s yearning pussy against the carpet. Hilary couldn’t help herself, she had been so long denied, her hips moved , Jaclyn’s foot urged her on, wouldn’t let her stop, even if she wanted to. Hilary scratched, squirmed, ground, and humped her body against the carpet, her knees scrambling, twitching, burning against it, until……… she came As her orgasm subsided she heard the tail end of the applause……, and of the laughter.