Reading Time: 15 minutes

by shyflower

My Sex and Submission Fantasy
I am waiting for my Master. My house is clean, the air is filled with the aroma of his supper. It is almost time for his return.

I enter the shower. The heat of the water enters my body and colors my skin with the tints of an unopened rose. I step back and scrub my body. The lather is slippery and smooth. I massage my breasts, getting them ready for my Masters touch. My hand moves down over my abdomen gently caressing; sending the heat throughout me. My fingers find my clit and begin stroking gently. My legs begin to tremble but I will not cum. I wait for my lover. My other hand brushes by and I insert a finger into my steaming pussy. Slowly as my Master has taught me. And then just as slowly withdraw it. The torture is exquisite. I want to cum, but I know I must not. I move my hand from my clit and my hands pass once again. I insert a finger into my anus and work it around and around. I am dreaming about how my Master will do this to me also as he prepares me to receive him.

My shower finished, I dry myself off. Stoking gently so as not to destroy the excitement I have created for my Master. I take the white gown from the hook and slip it over my head. The stiff lace scrapes against my nipples and they become as hard and red as little cherries.

I hear my Master’s footsteps. I go to the door to greet him. As he enters I kneel in submission at his feet. The sight of him makes me wet with anticipation of the pleasures that will soon follow. I hand him the silk scarf that he has commanded and stretch my hands out obediently. He ties them together securely, The knots are firm and binding, but I am in no pain. My excitement mounts.

He says to me, “Unzip”

I take his zipper between my teeth and pull it down. His strong cock thrusts out to greet me. I gently lick the tip and then the shaft. I suck on his balls and nuzzle against his scrotum. He pushes my head back and thrusts himself into my mouth. My lips wrap around him tightly and my head moves to accept his rhythm. His hands are massaging my breasts. I tremble.

My Master lifts me by my breasts and pushes me gently to the table. I reach across and grab the far end as he has taught me. My legs spread and he finds my open pussy lips. His fingers begin massaging my clit, sending shivers through my body and teasing my love hole, at first not entering but circling gently until I think I will explode. He inserts one finger and then two, my pussy contracts in pleasure but there is no release. My juices overflow, He gently spreads them back to my hot ass and inserts a finger. He works it around and around. I gently moan. He begins pumping me. Suddenly he stops.

“Do you want it now?” he asks.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“What do you want, tell me,” he commands.

“Please my love, please fuck my ass,”I beg.

He gently laughs. “Will you cum?” he asks.

“No, I promise,” I answer.

“Good,” he says. He removes his finger and tenderly pushes his manhood into my ass. I feel so full, so rewarded.

He begins pumping slowly. I feel my body stretching to accept him while at the same time my muscles constrict to hold him in me. Faster now, he pumps. His right hand grabs my breast and pushes me closer to him until I have accepted him all. His left hand reaches around my front. His palm grinds against my clit as he pushes two fingers into my pussy. I am in agony. My moaning stops only as I draw ragged breaths. Finally he says, “Do you want to cum now.”

“Yes,” I answer. “Please, yes.”

“You may cum, now,” he says.

With his words I feel him explode into me and at the same time I explode in return. My body shakes and convulses. My pussy spasms and spasms and spasms again in joyful release. My bowels are warmed by his hot cum. We, my master and I, are spent. We lay quietly on the table together. “Thank you master,” I say.

“I am pleased with my little servant,” he says.

My wetness begins anew with his praise.

My Master, fully satisfied, removes himself from my body and commands me to kneel before him.

He unbinds my hands and allows me to go to wash myself and prepare for the evening meal. I quickly go remove the soiled gown and wash away all traces of our session. I return to him, naked, and humbly kneel before him with my collar and lead.

He securely fastens the collar around my neck and attaches the other end of the lead to his chair. Now he will leave me for a moment as he washes and prepares for the evening. I hurry to set his place at the table and fill his plate with the steaming meal I have prepared for him.

My Master has two robes. One is red and the other is black. I am glad to see that he returns in the black robe for this means I have pleased him. He will treat me tenderly — if I continue to please him.

As Master takes his place at the table, I kneel at his feet. As he eats, I lick and suck his toes and massage his feet as he has taught me. When I especially please him he feeds me a bit of food from his plate. When he has finished, he hands me his plate. He holds my hair back as I lick it clean; careful not to spill any on my body or the floor. He commands me to clear the table. I quickly do so and bring him a glass of chilled wine.

“I would like some ice in my wine tonight,” Master says.

“I am sorry, Master. I did not anticipate. Please forgive me.”

“Get the ice, slave,” he replies.

Master adds the cubes to his wine, one by one. I stand before him trembling . “You need a lesson in anticipation,” Master says. “Lie down before me.”

I involuntarily shudder. His words tell me I have spoken out of turn. Behind his smile, I see the displeasure in his eyes. I quickly obey. I lie down before him, and he pulls my back against his knees. I arch my back and bring my quivering pussy to his lap. He takes an ice cube from his wine and places it in my mouth.

“Suck the wine from this cube, slut, and then rub it on your breasts and abdomen until it is gone.”

The ice is cold against my tongue and teeth. The taste of wine quickly gone. As I massage my breasts and abdomen with the cube, I begin to shiver. My nipples grow erect and hard.

Master takes the second cube out of the glass and holds it over my sex. The cold droplets of wine drip on my clit, cause me to shudder. He uses the ice to massage my clit. So cold, but my cunt is wet and burning with desire. Another cube. Master thrusts it into my hot love hole and then another, and more until only one cube remains. My body is filled with cold and I have begun to shiver uncontrollably.

“Please, Master!” I cry out. “Please have mercy on me!”

Master smiles, but I can see from the coolness in his eyes that my outburst has displeased him.

“You are doing very well with this test, slave,” he says, “but are you telling me that your cunt is too full? We will remedy that then.”

Master takes the final cube from his glass and rubs it through my slit. My body jerks, but he persists until the cube has melted to about half its original size. Then he takes the cube and quickly thrusts it up my anus. I have begun to sob quietly. I am so sorry to have displeased him.

He tenderly puts my legs on the floor and bids me kneel in front of him.

“You pleased me well, slave,” he said. “You have passed this test and now I will reward you. You may suck on me until I am hard and until the water has finished running from your body.”

I shine in Masters praise. My tears quickly dry and I am filled with gratitude. I take Master’s lovely shaft into my hands and begin licking the tip. Hmmmm. How I love the taste of him!

As he begins to grow, I take more and more of him in my mouth and at the same time massage him gently with my fingers, running them up and down his impressive length. When he is full and hard he takes my head, one hand on each side and holds me to him. I part my lips to receive him. He
thrusts forcefully into my mouth, the tip of his cock touching the back of my throat. Still in complete control, my Master suddenly stops.

The water has flown from my body and is in a pool at my knees. “Leave that,” Master says, “you may clean it later.” He unhooks my lead from his chair and bids me to crawl before him into the living room.

“You have been such a good slut, my pet,” says Master as he settles back into his comfortable leather recliner. “Tonight we will listen to your favorite music during our session. Put in the Gershwin love songs.”

I shudder. Master loves to mix pleasure with pain. I know that tonight’s session will be particularly intense.

I open my mouth and Master puts the end of my lead between my teeth. I rise to get the Gershwin CD when suddenly I hear, “Pet! Down!”

His tone is stern and I know I have blundered again. I quickly fall to my knees and crawl across the floor. His tone has aroused me and I am sure he can see my wetness as I complete my task. Turning around I can see that his robe has parted. I look longingly at the bulge in his trousers that tells me he is aroused, too. I love my Master’s big cock and the sight of it makes my knees weak. I tremble with longing for him.

“Rise, pet, and dance for me.”

My body begins to sway to the sweet strains of Summertime.

“Touch yourself, slut,” he says. “Show your Master what a good whore you are.”

I begin rubbing my breasts, pinching my nipples hard between my long fingernails. He smiles at me and my knees grow weak at seeing his pleasure. My hads move down over my abdomen ——- almost at my clit. Hmmm

“STOP! Down, pet.”

I immediately drop to my knees, lowering my head to the floor, in respect.

“Quite a little show you were putting on,” he says. “Do you enjoy touching yourself more than you enjoy your Master’s touch!”

“No Master,” I whisper. The lead in my mouth, muffling my answer.

“Come here,” he commands.

I quickly scurry to his side.

“Turn,” he commands.

I obey, my backside now entirely at his mercy.

“Here is what we will do tonight,” he says. “We will listen quietly to the music. I want you to be very hot for me when we retire. So remember, whatever happens, you are NOT to cum. If you do, I will turn off the movie and retire alone,– and you my little servant will sleep here, in your nakedness on the floor. Do you understand this?”

I nod in compliance.

“TELL ME!” he commands.

“Yes master, I understand,” I respectfully answer. ” I will not cum. I promise.”

“That is better, ” he replies.

My ass at his knees and my face to the floor, still I can sense how he is relaxing to the soothing strains of the romantic music. Soon I feel his fingers stroking my slit. I love my Masters touch. His finger are so strong and smooth. His motions so sure and confident. Master has sought the seeds of my pleasure and now uses that knowledge to both our advantage. I am so very blessed to be his!

“Move back,” he whispers. His voice is rough with desire and sends chills cascading down my backbone. I readily comply.

He picks up my knees and puts one on either side of him. Suddenly I feel him entering me. My face and breasts are lying on the rough carpet as he begins to pump into me. Slowly at first and then faster and harder. Waves of heat and desire wash over me. My breasts scrape against the carpet and soon I feel my nipples stiffen in approval.

“Ohhhhh Master,” I sigh. “You are soooo good to your whore.” I am panting faster and faster now. As his pumping grows stronger, I feel that he has entered me completely.

Master knows my body, and just as I am ready to explode he withdraws. His action leaves my ass and pussy twitching with longing for him. I gasp for air.

“You weren’t going to cum, were you?” My master asks.

“No Master. Not without your permission. I promise!”

My body aches for his touch. My pussy muscles contracting and expanding over and over again in search of the beautiful shaft that is being withheld from it.

Master briefly fingers me to obtain some of my thick wetness which he uses to lubricate my asshole. He reaches down beside his chair for the dildo he has placed along side. Innocent enough looking, this slender black leather tool could have been a policeman’s night stick. But one press of a button and it expands to a full four inches in diameter and extends another two inches long.

“You may climb down now and stand erect on your knees,” Master says.
He inserts the slender rod into my vagina. “Lean back,” he commands, his voice stern. From his tone, I know that we are going to have a new experience tonight. It is the tone he uses when I will make exceed my limits once more.

I lean backon the stick, my weight pushing it deep inside me. Master presses the button and the tool begins to inflate. “Ahhhhh!” I cry out in surprise.

“Tell me when you are full,” Master orders. “I don’t want this to damage you, but neither do I want it to fit too loosely. If you lie to me I will know by the ease with which I can extract it.”

“Yes, Master,” I gasp. “I will obey.”

I feel as if all my insides are pushed together, as if there is no room left inside of me, for me. “Enough!” I cry. “Please Master, enough!”

He gives the end of the implement a sharp tug and it doesn’t budge. Ripples of pain wash over me.

“Very good, little slut,” he says. ” You enjoy the pain, do you not? Now you may come and join me on the chair.”

Master has unzipped his trousers. His hard dick shines in the dim light and as I risk a glance behind me, I see the hot spark of desire in his eyes. I am overwhelmed with love for him.

“Spread your cheeks, slut,” He whispers, his voice low and filled with passion.

I spread my butt cheeks for him and as I begin to receive him, he gently but firmly pushes himself into me. I am not lubricated and the pain is an agony, but I know how well my efforts will please him.

The feeling of fullness is indescribable. My ass stretches for him as he enters and constricts to hold him as he withdraws. He begins pumping me slowly, rhythmically. The friction of his big cock scraping roughly against the sensitive skin of my insides. Every muscle in my body is working — striving to stay in unison with his rhythm, and as full as I am, I feel the wetness start to seep from within me.

“Do you want to cum now?” He asks.

“Oh yes Master!” I reply, my voice ragged with exertion and passion.

“THEN COME NOW!” my Master commands and with his words he delivers one more mighty thrust. The searing heat of him rips through my insides like a flood.

I explode in passion. Every inch of my body is on fire and every inch, inside and out, begins to quiver and melt like snow in spring sunlight. The room begins to spin and I see streaks of light shooting in front of my eyes.

I think I will faint until I hear the strong tones of my Master’s voice pulling me back to him. “You have passed the test, little slave,” He says. “You are mine completely and from this day, you and I will share many adventures in such forms of pleasure.”

I am overcome with love for him. He treats me so kindly and tenderly. I am so proud to at last belong totally to him. “Thank you, Master.” I exhaustedly sigh.

The Master removes himself from my innermost places. He deflates the dildo and sets it aside. He massages my carpet-burned breasts and nipples. He takes one in his mouth. His bites send little needles of pain throughout my body. I enjoy this immensely. He kisses me full on the mouth, his tongue claiming it as he has claimed the rest of my body.

I am in complete surrender to him. He pulls away and with a twinkle in his eye, he says, “But pet, we have one slight problem?”

“Master?” I question.

“You pleased me so well that I almost forgot that you promised you would not come until we retired. You broke your promise.”

“But Master, you gave me permission. You said ‘Come Now’.”

“I merely asked you if you wanted to come and when you replied in the affirmative, I said ‘Then Come Now.’ The choice to obey or not to obey, as always, was yours.”

“Oh Master, I am so sorry. Please let me make amends for my foolishness. Please don’t make me sleep here on the floor in my nakedness!”

“Do you truly promise to atone for your mistakes in the manner of my choosing? Will you except your punishment, whatever it is, as my gift of discipline to you. If you refuse, you will sleep in your nakedness on the floor here and in the morning, you will no longer be my slave. Do you understand?”

The severity of his words, strike terror in my heart. What will I do if he casts me out, or worse trades me to another master. Others have been as cruel as he has been kind. They have used me only for their pleasure; then abased me, humiliated me and scorned me. ” Master, what would you have me do? I will do anything to earn your forgiveness!”

“Go clean yourself my pet, and make yourself ready for me. You know what I expect. I will join you momentarily.”

Up the stairs I go. I try to hurry, but my sore and swollen pussy revolts with every step. I am softly crying now. I feel as if I had failed you. Why didn’t I listen carefully to your instructions. I should have said, “No Master, please don’t make me cum now. Let me wait until we retire!”

Then I would have felt the softness of your caresses on my pinched and tender nipples, the beautiful fullness of your tongue in my mouth — my throat . . .

Will these gifts still be mine tonight? Will I be able to complete, at least, this session with your approval. How I will try!

I go to the closet and remove the black corset. I put it around me and fasten the hooks in front that keep it in place. The underwires at the top push my breasts up and forward, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to your touch. I leave the laces loose. You will tighten them to your satisfaction.

I quickly brush my hair and repair my mascara streaked face. A spray of cologne — your favorite fragrance, other than my own. I am ready for you now, my love.

I kneel, legs spread wide, facing the door, my face to the hard oak floor, my hands meekly folded behind my back. I wait for your footsteps. Hurry Master, please. The hour is late and I am getting so sleepy. Please, please don’t let me fall asleep!

Only once have I fallen asleep while waiting for my Master. That time he entered the room to find me in a fetal position. He woke me very gently and whispered to me not to move. Then he bound me with knotted cord and went to bed. Each time I moved that night, I moved into a new area of discomfort. The memory of that night helps me stay awake.

Finally as my knees and hips begin to get numb with the stillness of my pose, I hear his footsteps on the stairs. “Pet,” he says. Quickly as I can, I scoot forward and kiss his feet. I look up at him and he nods and smiles. I rise and walk to the foot of the bed. He puts his foot on my rump and pulls the leather laces of the corset tight . . . tighter . . . oh so tight I can hardly breath. This extension of his strong embrace surrounds my body and I become wet.

“Scoot up babe,” he says. My pulse quickens and I catch my breath. I know that he is pleased. I quickly scoot over the bedrail to the center of the bed. I lie face down, my palms touching, and my arms stretched above my head.

“Not tonight, pet. Turn over.” I shudder, knowing that the session tonight will be very intense, but I quickly obey. He comes to the head of the bed and ties my outstretched wrists together, looping the cord through the head rail and tying it securely. My eyes wander to the blindfold on the night stand.

“No blindfold tonight,” he chuckles, “I want you to see.” He fastens my legs, one ankle to each strap, to the sides of the wide foot rail. I moan as I feel the familiar sensation of tendons and groin muscles being stretched too far. My ass is raised high off the bed and my pussy is open to him and very vulnerable.

“I will use you tonight as I see fit. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Master.”
“No safeword, tonight.” My mind lurches. No safeword. I have never used the word that is between us. Master is so wise he knows when I have travelled far enough. Why, then, is he denying me use of the word? If I disagree, what will happen? Dare I ask?

“Yes Master,” I decide, in a trembling voice. “No safeword.” Then I see it. Master holds a short, single tailed whip with one knot tied in its tip. I gasp, but I can’t breath too deeply because of the tightness of the corset. The air seems to catch in my chest pushing my breasts forward to meet the sting of the whip. First the left nipple, then the right. My gasp turns into a squeal of pain.

“What do you say, whore?”

“Thank you Master. Thank you. Please whip my slutty tits.” The words come out ragged and broken as I fight back the tears.

“Good slut,” he says, “Slutty tits, I like that,”he laughs. “Good.”

Good. The one word that without fail makes me wet. The whip falls again and again. First one nipple and then the other. My tits are on fire, but my cunt burns with a stronger need. I squeal in agony each time the hard little knot bites at my nipples. I close my eyes to absorb the pain — this erotic extension of my Master’s touch.

“I told you to watch. Why can’t you obey?” Master says in frustration. I open my eyes just in time to see the knot descending. I scream as the whip bites into my clit, my hole, my ass. One, two, three. One, two, three. The whip waltzes over my cunt nd ass. My screams and sobs provide the melody for this strange music. Three measures, then four, then five.

My body rockets towards an explosion. “Master, please! I’m gonna cum.”

The whip stops. Master inserts too fingers into my swollen cunt just to be sure I am being truthful. My cunt muscles relax at his touch. I have to hold back my desire. I am so close to cumming.

Master looks into my eyes and smiles. “Oh my little servant, you please me very well. Tell your Master what you really want.”

“Oh Master, please fuck me. I so want to feel your big cock deep within me. Your fingers and tongue exploring my body — my mouth, my ass!”

Master loosens my feet and gently begins massaging my thighs and my groin, rubbing and soothing my slit and my aching cunt. Fingers deep in my pussy and ass, spreading the warmth of my pain thru my body. Slowly he enters me and with tenderness and love, brings me to the end of my Fantasy.