Reading Time: 4 minutes

by WBM’s lil venus

The Perfect Seduction
Her hair is long and spilling over her shoulders… a long black dress with almost no back…cut very low in the back so her Master will see the suppleness of her…she is impeccably dressed and ready for Him…candles burning to induce the mood a bit…a snifter of brandy in her hand when He walks through the door…she hands it to him and removes his jacket and escort him to his chair… a game of backgammon is set up for a quick game… the smell of dinner cooking is wafting through the air…her perfume is subtle but when he inhales he is able to remember their last intimate moment a gentle but slight kiss on the cheek makes him shiver slightly…a wonderful CD is in the player..playing nice and soft she kneels on a pillow and lay’s against him asking him how his day went and gently reaching over to touch his hand “by accident”

When she rises to check dinner she runs her hands down her body to straighten her gown…a quick look and gentle smile over her shoulder brings thoughts of complete love for her the sight of her back arouses every part of his body…with dinner on the table she fills his glass and waits until he has been seated to sit…she offers him the 1st bite of the wonderful meal she has fixed just for Him.

As she clears the table she makes sure to tenderly run the linen napkin over his mouth and gently kiss it as her first act of seduction… letting her tongue barely touch his lips… as she moves away she leans in and whispers… dessert is on its way my Lord… as she turns to leave she accidentally drops a napkin and with her back towards Him she gracefully bends over at the waist pushing her behind towards him but not within his reach…a knowing smile over her shoulder when she stands…

After a wonderful dessert she helps him to his feet and retires him to the living room while she prepares the evenings enjoyment…she proceeds to the bathroom and runs a very warm bath for him with candles burning and she changes into a beautiful dark colored gown and robe…she returns to him and brings him to the bathroom…she slowly runs her hands over his body as she undresses him placing a kiss on the head of his penis with her tongue gently touching it.

She wants to hear him moan and ask for her..she wants to feel the need he has to posses her…she wants to see the love and lust in his eyes for her. She slowly lets the robe drop and her gown fall in a puddle on the floor as she walks forward and joins him in the tub to wash and caress his body with her hands and body she washes him with her breasts, her tongue her fingers and once he is truly enthralled with her she stands and wraps a towel around herself and helps him out of the tub to be dried and tended to.

Candles and rose petals enhance the bedroom seduction scene… she has satin sheets on his bed and oil warming for a massage as he is a tired man coming home after a hard day at work.

She gently kisses his back before she starts and whisper in his ear is this pleasing You my Lord? A soft moan from Him will alert her that she is doing a superb job of being a slave and seductress for her Lord and Master.

As she slowly massages His back she uses her hands and breasts to rub the scented oil onto his backside…kissing his neck as she continues her seduction of him straddling him she gently turns him over and starts on his chest…her lips going down to suck his nipples and bite them softly…her breasts pressed against his chest…her pussy pressing against his hard cock…she kisses his neck and down his chest to his cock and slowly lets it slide into her mouth…a little at first…than slowly pushing more in her mouth…when he looks down he sees his cock disappearing into her ruby red lips…her hand gently massaging his balls…a moan escaping both hers and His mouth.

He pulls her up to him and kisses her passionately slipping his tongue into her mouth to explore her…she wraps her legs around his waist and pulls herself even closer to him as he sits up a sigh of passion escapes her mouth as she feels him enter her…she feels him completely possess her…her body pushing against his tightly…their bodies aching for each others touch…her hard nipples rubbing against his body…the feel of his chest against hers…he pushes further inside her…her moaning and whimpering in his ear tells him she is His completely…the look in her dark blue eyes as she stares at him tells him she loves him as much as he loves her…her muscles tighten around his cock and it moves faster and deeper inside her…he reaches up and grabs her long auburn hair and pulls it back exposing her neck as he bites her gently at first than with more pressure…his marking of her body a reminder of his love for her…

Her voice ringing out his name…my Lord you complete me…his voice singing out…my pet I adore you and need to feel you always with me…his mouth slipping down to flick her nipples just before he bites them…her body pushing against his mouth…her hips moving in time with his…the pressure building until nothing will stop them now…they must cum together to seal their devotion to each other…as he cums he screams my pettttttttt…as she cums she screams my Lordddd… they hold each other feeling the wonderful afterglow of a perfect seduction as he whispers in her ear…you never cease to amaze me My pet.

She sings softly in his ear…its not the pale moon that excites me…that thrills or delights me…oh no its just the nearness of You.

*purrs softly up at You* was that not a perfect seduction Sir?