Reading Time: 5 minutes

by steve

Southern Summers With Mistress Scarlet
It was the third night in a row that I was requested by Mistress Scarlet. I was beginning to feel favored as a sense of anxiety and profound love paradoxically swept over me. I listened attentively to the instructions given me over the phone by one of her hand-maidens.

“You are to come dressed in your 17th century period costume given you by Mistress Scarlet. You are to bring 3 doz. roses, a box of Godiva Chocolates, and four “switches” from your garden.” said Maiden Laura

“Yes and what time?” I said.

“8 o’clock sharp! Oh, and plan to stay the weekend, possibly the week.” she said, then abruptly hung up the phone.

I sighed heavily and let the phone down on the receiver. Six hours to prepare, plenty of time.

I had known Scarlet since we were children. We grew up together in Savannah, Georgia, in the same neighborhood. She is 2 years younger than I, but was always the commanding one. Strangely, we were the only children of both our wealthy aristocratic, old southern families (I guess they figured they would never have time for other children). I thought back to the moments as children that we played “doctor”, or “teacher-student.” Remembering the first time Scarlet took control…

“Young man! You have been very bad in school today. Very, very bad! I don’t know what I should do with you. You know bad students must be punished if we are to maintain proper discipline in this school.” said Scarlet as she looked at me with a stern expression. Her long fire-red hair fell around her face as her piercing green eyes bore into my skinny 15 year old body, looking it up and down. I gulped as I sat in the rickety old school desk/chair not knowing what she would do next.. The old barn was set far off in the back 40 of the old plantation and was sweltering in the heat of the summer. Scarlet kept cool by stripping nearly naked, down to bra and panties, and by spraying herself with ice water from a large bucket she had made me carry over 60 acres from her house. The perspiration and water on her body began to make her nipples slightly visible. The panties began to stick to her vulva showing the heart-shaped imprint of her increasingly wet sex.

“Stand up young man!” I hesitated, “STAND UP!” she shouted. I stood up. She took my shirt and unbuttoned it quickly then tore it off. Then she took off my belt in a single yank. My shorts were quickly unbuttoned and pulled down along with my jockey’s down to my ankles.
“Bend over the desk!”

“Scarlet, what are you going to do?” I implored as I bent over the desk.

“That’s Miss Scarlet to you young-man. You’re my student remember?” she said as she grabbed my balls and gave a good squeeze. I moaned in pleasure/pain. “Now look over to your right and don’t look back at me. Your going to get the punishment you deserve!” My buttocks tightened as I now knew what was going to happen. I could hear her walking around to my back left. The hay began to rustle. I looked back at her and could see she was pulling out a long tender switch, freshly cut from the tree that was a favorite of hers. I quickly moved my head back as she came around but it was too late she had seen me.

“That, young man, will cost you. I warned you not to look but you disobeyed.” said Scarlet as she swished the switch in the air to get a feel for it’s weight and elasticity. She then moved closer. Her milky white body with a faint smattering of freckles straightened and hardened against mine. She bore her vulva into my left hip bone. Her hand ran over my back.

“Take a deep breath Steven and try to relax, I promise it will be worth it.” she said softly and sweetly. I took a deep breath and relaxed my hips. Then I felt the first blow, the switch landed on the right side of my right hip. I flinched. She moved back a bit and hit again, this time landing squarely across both hips. Over and over Scarlet rained down stinging blows to my back side. First on my cheeks, then to my upper hips and lower back, and down to by thighs and lower hips. I grabbed the desk hard and began to sob softly as the seemingly endless whipping continued. She stopped for a moment to stoke my cock under neath me and fondle my balls. I could feel her move down to her knees. She resumed whipping my butt and fondling me simultaneously. My ass felt hot and then great heat, I was on fire! The pain began to grow more unbearable, and had she not been stroking my cock so pleasurably, I would have stopped her. The switch moved in between my legs and began to whip my scrotum and penis.

“Ten more Steven, spread your feet apart. We are almost through, sweetheart.” She said softly and sweetly. She then whipped between my legs hard. First hitting my anus, then the tender patch of skin between my balls and anus. I yelped like a puppy. Next she aimed at my balls for three swats. Finally ending on my penis for the final five swats. Then she stopped. I could hear her giggling and gasping at her accomplishment. Clearly she was proud.

“Stay right there, and don’t move” she requested. I turned and saw her looking through her purse. She picked out a bottle of cold cream and tissues. She quickly and soothingly applied the cold cream to my aching bottom, back, thighs, balls, and cock. She moved her finger around my bottom, then to my anus. She inserted her finger. “I always wanted to know what this was like.” she said as she slowly and gently fucked my ass with her middle finger. My bottom began to cool and the finger inside me felt delicious. After about 2 or 3 minutes, she stopped, pulled me up and began to wipe away my tears with one hand, and stroke my hard cock with the other.

“Now that wasn’t so bad. What a good boy, to take his punishment so bravely. I promised it would be worth it. Now it’s time for your reward.” she said as she unfolded a blanket and laid it across a even pile of hay. She neatly unfastened her bra and her young tender breasts sprang out. She slipped off the panties and laid down.

“Come here.” she said, patting the blanket where she wanted me to lay. I kicked off my shorts and underwear and walked over. I laid down on my belly and breathed deeply, feeling more relaxed and free than ever before in my life. I could here water tinkling back into the bucket as Scarlet wet a cloth with ice water and laid it across my very red bottom. She turned me over and began to kiss me deeply and passionately in the mouth. We had practiced kissing for hours sometimes, and Scarlet had gotten very good at it. As we kissed she stroked my cock. I moved my hand down between her legs. Her smooth, shaved-hairless pussy was sopping wet. I began to finger her and she let out a soft girlish moan. Quickly she climbed on top of me (her favorite position) and guided my cock into her pussy. She moaned as I reached up to fondle her breasts. Her breasts were developing quickly and her soft pink nipples felt like two large pencil erasers. I thrust into her deeper and pulled her down to me. Her body melted

“Worth it?” She said smiling at me licking the remaining cum from by cock..

“Absolutely.” I said confidently with a satisfied grin….

I looked up at the clock. Three hours had passed. “Shit! I’ll have to hurry, too much day dreaming.” I jumped into the shower wondering what she had planned. 17th century costume, roses, chocolates, and switches? What was Scarlet up to now?