Reading Time: 7 minutes

by AssiduousMaster

She Willingly Submits To her Violator
Master was gone and she hated as she always did when she could not accompany him. She really did not know why Master continued to take assignments that required him to travel especially without her. After all it was her station in life to provide all his needs that she was capable of. As usual that old ugly thought that he was with another submissive had creep into her mind. No matter how hard she tried she could not fight the thought and actually felt silly for fretting. After all she lived with her Master and spent ninety percent of her time in his presence. Together they had found and restored this fine home and decorated it together.

She had taken her bath and completed her whole treatment even though Master was gone. She loved the way her skin felt afterwards even if she hated the taste and smell of the avocado, oatmeal, egg, sour cream, Epson salt and tea. The only thing she truly liked was the milk bath. She had on the red silk wrap that Master liked so well. She was on her way to the den to read and watch TV and play card on the computer and if she were lucky she would get to chat with Master on line.

As she walked past Master study, she stopped in front of the massive oak doors and pushed them open and entered the cavernous room. She knew she was violating an unspoken rule but she needed to invade her Master space and since he had elected to leave her at home. She could not curl up in his lap in his overstuffed calf leather chair as he watched the storm and smoked his pipe and sipped his cognac. Nor could she intertwine herself in his legs and arms as he slept. She stepped into the room and breathed in her Master private space. Which she truly did not understand why he had demanded such a space and had actually given her one too at the other end of the house? She never willingly used her space except the three times he had punished her by confining her to the damn thing.

She smelt the leather bound books and furniture and the smell of the furniture wax on the cherry desk, cordenza, and book shelve’s. She stood there in ah for she did not know how long. Before she got a beer from the bar frig and started a fire in the giant fire place and curled up in her Master chair behind his desk looking out the French doors over the terrace to the raging sea. Which seemed to be striking out randomly and striking the angry lighting and the thunder cheering them on equally and the spray beat loudly just beyond the doors though the house actually sat on a knoll high above the sea? Mother nature might eventually win but had failed to do so in the last 300 plus years that the house had stood there.

Her mind drifted back to the day they had found their home. They had been looking for a site to build their home for almost a year and had narrowed it down to six. They were leaving the site that they both favored though for entirely different reasons. When Master turned down a dusty side road that neither of them had noticed Master turned and had to stop a short distance down the road and move some large limbs that blocked the roadway. As we proceed the road pasted through a grove of trees so entangled that sunlight did not reach the roadway at high noon except at both ends.

The trees had an aroma that she had never smelt before and there was a breeze so refreshing that she had turned off the air and rolled down the windows allowing the wind to whip her hair. As they topped a knoll the view of the ocean came into view. It was beyond breath taking, she had spent hours painting the view over the years seeing something different every time. Then they saw the house, she had never seen Master so excited over anything before or since.

He drove to the rusted gates and got out and tried to open the gates to no avail. He opened the trunk and got out his boots, tool belt, three pound hammer, machete, gloves, and flood light. The gate was no match for Master doggedness and the hammer blows. It took him almost and hour to clear the path to the porch, another 30 to get onto the porch disappearing into the house. He had not taken the walkie talkie which was odd because he had bought them so she could take notes and not have to enter the structures which were unsafe. Master had fallen through more than one porch or floor. He was gone so long she had begun to worry, she had taken out her cell and was about to call him when he appeared and beckoned her.

She got and when she reached him he literally dragged her into the house. Though it was really hard to imagine, let alone see. She had to admit she fell in love with it, perhaps not as unconditionally as Master but loved it nonetheless.

She was brought back to herself by a load clap of thunder and a strike of lightening that most have lasted a full three minutes and the spray beat louder upon the French doors. She wrapped her arms around her knees and snuggled deeper into Maters chair. The next thing she knew someone had a hand full of her hair and had slipped a blindfold over her eyes and ear plugs in her ears and spread Vicks under her nose and a wiffle ball gag into her mouth and tied tightly.

Next came the cuffs on wrist, thighs and ankles, her wrist were attached to the hooks in the recesses in the floor that Master had installed for this purpose throughout the entire house. Next the ottoman was under her and the Dead Man Walking had removed his hand from her hair and weight from her back. She knew that Master would kill this bastard in such a manner that he would beg for the end to come. Not she his children or any other person alive could stop this man from being killed by her Masters hand.

She faintly heard the sound of the hoists that Master had built into the walls and ceilings thoughout the house in concealed panels. Her ankles and thighs where attached to hoist and pulled almost to the point where they ached she was not touching the ottoman at all and it was removed. Her floor pillow had been placed under her rolled in such a way to support her head and neck but leaving the nipples of her full beast several inch off the floor. The next thing she felt was a flogger of some sort was being slowly and painstakingly dragged over her body ever so softly.

The intensity of each stroke became ever so slightly harder and harder until she knew they were leaving whelps on her bottom, thighs. and back just as she knew she could stand no more the flogging stopped and was replaced my an ever so soft touch of a hand in some sort of glove then her bottom was struck with such force she saw a bright white light before her eyes which had been derived of light from the start of this ordeal.

She was horrified when the violator began to explore her pussy and asshole the touch was familiar yet foreign. Though she tried to fight the urge her body betrayed her and her Master. She was ashamed of herself but bathed in the pleasure. Never before in her life had she not had the use of her sight, hearing and smell and to be explored this way was to much she would simply have to make Master understand as she began to cum the violator knew and took the crop to her ass and pussy savagely.

The pain seared into her very souls or so she thought, She heard the crop hit the top of the desk and felt a warm liquid of some sort was being applied to her ass, pussy thighs and back the more the violator rubbed the warmer the liquid became. He partially removed one ear plug allowing her limited hearing in her left ear as she struggled to hear she heard the water in the bath chamber come she knew the violator was wetting a towel but for what and how many. She heard his footstep but was not sure in what direction he was going.

He wrapped her in a bath sheet so warm she thought she would faint. Next she felt a metal probe being inserted into her pussy and ass and electrodes attached to her clit asshole and area between her asshole and pussy opening. The violator laid down beside her and put a noose around her erect left nipple and tightened it and attached the end to the ceiling pulling it to the side before attaching the electrode to it, he repeated this action to her right. The violator attached additional electrodes to the base of her breast top and bottom.

When he finished he stroked her hair and the side of her face and a female voice whispered your Master will be both proud and ashamed of you slut. She knew when they turned the power on to the electrodes they made her muscles mildly convulse causing her to cum uncontrollably. The violator released her legs and arms and carried her up the stairs to Master and her bedroom where she was bound to the bed with her thighs chained to the head of the bed leaving her fully exposed. She felt the violator get on the bed between her legs and she attempt in vain to twist to prevent him from entering her.

No man but Master had used her in the past ten year. He smacked her pussy hard and yanked on her nipples and she gave up her futile efforts hoping Master would forgive her. Just before the violator entered her someone else straddle her face and removed the wiffle ball gag replacing it with a pussy just as the violator buried himself in her. She knew at once that the violator was Master no other cock could fill her pussy the way Master did. Her legs were released and she wrapped them around her Master familiar neck and the pussy got off her face and the blindfold was removed and she saw her Master face as she had the most intense organism of her entire existence.