Reading Time: 4 minutes

by Mirage

Into The Woods For Kink At The State Park
They had planned to meet in the deep woods of the state park… She had been walking for a while now and feared that somehow they had missed their connection… Suddenly she stepped into a small clearing in the center of the woods of which was a wall-less shed… Four poles holding up a tin roof…Several benches, all worn smooth from use… She decided to sit a minute before she walked back to the car…Her disappointment was palpable and she sat staring at the ground…J ust as she blinked, darkness, in the form of a bandana, descended over her eyes…She gasped in surprise, but was soothed by the “S-h-h-h-h-h” in her ear.

The bandana pulled tight over her eyes and her heart raced as she felt the knot being tied…..She felt him move around in front of her and then he was holding her hands in front of her…

“Lace your fingers,” he whispered and she complied only to feel the cord tighten around her wrists and bind her hands together…

The next sensation she felt was her blouse being unbuttoned…And soon the breeze was brushing across her nipples…They didn’t have time to erect themselves before his thumbs and forefingers were tightening on them…Pinching and pulling until she whined in the beginnings of her arousal…His fingers were replaced by his lips, tongue and teeth…Sucking, biting and rasping across the erect tender nubs until she was swaying on her feet…

As his mouth continued to roam over her breasts, she felt his hands at the waistband of her shorts and sucked her belly in to make it easier for him to unsnap and unzip them…

“Shoes off” he whispered and she quickly kicked off her sandals only to feel him slide her shorts and panties off…

“Sit down” he whispered and she complied quickly only to feel his grasp on one ankle and her leg being lifted and moved so that she straddled the smooth wooden bench, the hardness of the cool wood pressing into the wetness of her pussy.

“Stand”…another whispered command and she was immediately on her feet feeling the edges of the wooden bench between her knees.

Again his hands were on her breasts and then slowly moving down her belly and in between her legs…He chuckled at the slick wetness that suffused her pussy and at the wanton way she bucked her hips forward so that his fingers could have access to her clit…She gasped in pleasure at the sensation of his finger roaming over her pussy then demanding access to her innermost parts…He fingered her slowly at first, but soon was raking his finger in at out of her as she gasped and thrust at his hand…Then she groaned as he took his hand away…

“Bend” he whispered as he pulled her bound hands down and she felt the edges of the bench with her fingers…Then the cord being wrapped across her hands again and around the seat of the bench…The effect was to raise her bare ass into the air, and leave her tits dangling, erect nipples pointing toward the ground and expose her to him…

There was a pause as she heard the familiar sound of trousers being removed, then him stepping in behind her…She gasped as she felt his tongue rasp across her upturned ass and dip between the widespread cheeks…The warm wetness traced between the cheeks and she squealed as it ran over and around her anus, creating a new and forbidden sensation…Then down further between her slick pussy lips, lashing around her clit until she was gasping on the verge of cumming…Again another groan of disappointment as he stopped, then a squeal of delight and passion as his turgid penis popped between her pussy lips and his pelvis was slamming into her upturned ass….She knew immediately that this was going to be no gentle session…She was being fucked, almost ruthlessly…..Her cries of passion echoed through the forest as one orgasm was followed by another and another…Just when she settled into his rhythm he changed it and reached around her to pinch her nipples between his grasping fingers…Orgasm followed orgasm and she stood, knees locked, ass held jutting and upturned so that maximum penetration, along with his balls crashing into her clit was all she felt.

Suddenly, she felt his rhythm change again and the head of his penis begin to swell…His fucking was at a maniacal pace and he grunted with every thrust in…No longer capable of making sounds other than gasps and squeals, she thrust back against him with each stroke and panted as his swelling penis filled every part of her pussy…Then he let out a primitive growl and pulling he hard against his hips, grunted again and again as he spurted into her….Her only vocalization was a high pitched keening as her pussy vibrated around his rigid, spurting penis….

Slowly their breathing returned to normal and he, still rigid, withdrew from her…She groaned in disappointment and sagged to a seated position on the bench…She felt the cords on her wrist loosen and started to move but his whisper interrupted….

“Stay put for five minutes…” and then she felt him move away and then there was silence…She called his name, but got no answer…Slowly she extricated herself from her loosened bonds and removed the blindfold…There was no one in sight…Her shorts and panties were neatly folded on the bench and she, suddenly shy, quickly put them on.

She called his name, but got no answer, so she walked slowly back to her car…His car was nowhere in sight and she began to anger that he had left her…The blindfold and restraints were fine, but he shouldn’t have left  her. She waited for a moment, then heard a car approaching… The familiar sight of his car came into view and he rolled the window down as he rolled to a stop…

“Sorry, I’m late,” he grinned “I got held up at the office for over an hour.”