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Welcome to the BDSM Cafe…

Cafe Info:
We’re glad you could drop in to browse for a while and sample the delights we have on offer. This is a friendly place where you can take your time and relax with friends without any pressure. The Cafe was created by, and is run for, those with an interest in BDSM but anyone with an honest curiosity is welcome. Its a sad fact that the term BDSM is still enough to send some people running for cover with images of frenzied leather-clad sadists molesting an armadillo with one hand whilst whipping each other indiscriminately with the other. Fun though that may be (except perhaps for the armadillo) its a million miles away from the truth. Of course the world of BDSM is strange and sometimes risky, as is any other area of human relationships, but it is inhabited by ordinary people who simply choose to live their lives in an extraordinary way. Perceptions are changing, as images from the darker side of sexuality increasingly cross-over into the wider public consciousness, but the process is slow. Here at the BDSM Cafe we don;t preach or make value judgements. We’re just presenting the human face of BDSM, and maybe have some fun in the process.

One thing we need to be clear about up front though, and its this. Bdsm Cafe is a legal site. All pictures are either of professional models or consenting amateurs and all of them are 18+. No illegal acts are depicted, suggested or condoned. There are a number of links to external, third-party websites and we have no control over the content or management of them, but we do not knowingly link to any site that doesn’t embrace the same standards of safety and legality that we do. Be safe, legal and happy.

BDSM Cafe is committed to bringing you all that is best in the BDSM world, including help with personal contacts, extensive BDSM resources and links, a place where BDSM writers can get their stories published online, and free pictures in extensive galleries, some of which are updated daily and others on a regular basis. All of this garnished with a dash of humour and a pinch of perverseness. We want you to feel at home here and visit often, and so we welcome your suggestions about how we can improve the BDSM Cafe to make it more fun and more useful.

Unlike most cafes, this one is completely free. We do not have, or propose, any membership deals or restiction of access by adult verification systems (AVS) which would cost our guests money. The BDSM Cafe has been free since we started it, and it will stay free. Its our way of helping to put a smile on the face of the online BDSM community. However, as private individuals we have to cover the cost of running the site ourselves and, with a lot of visitors, the running costs mount up. We’ve tried to do this in various ways that don’t impose any cost on our guests. The simplest way that you can help, if you will, is by clicking one or two of the advertising banners each time you visit the site and checking out the sponsors. They’re all pretty good, no rip-offs, and you never know, you might see something you really like. Looking costs nothing and it would be appreciated.

In case you were wondering, the BDSM Cafe is run (if that word doesn’t imply too grand a degree of organisation) by us. We’ve been pouring the frothy-coffee and making cyber-burgers here for quite a while now and its been an education that money just couldn’t buy. Enjoy your visit and let us know how we can make the next one even better for you.