Your ability to feel safe and secure on the internet is crucial to your peace of mind but it’s constantly under threat these days. This matters increasingly to us all, but perhaps more so to those of us who visit websites which deal with themes that may not be acceptable to our partners or employers. Given the predatory nature of some web-operators and the tidal wave of spam that threatens to engulf us all its perhaps understandable that some people feel vulnerable. Its such an important issue that we want to set out clearly how BDSM Cafe deals with issues of privacy. If we’ve missed anything, let us know.
Visitors to BDSM Cafe – this website does not attempt to collect any personal data about visitors
Email Addresses – visitors to BDSM Cafe frequently email us with comments, questions or with stories or features to be posted at this website. We do not, and will never, make these email addresses available to any third party. Any communication with us is treated in the strictest confidence.
Writers Posting Stories – authors contributing to BDSM Cafe may have their stories published using pen-names to protect their anonymity. We will not divulge real names or email addresses to any third party. Some authors however prefer to use their own names and have their email addresses published to invite readers comments. We have no control over information put into the public domain in this way.
That just just about covers it. We value our own privacy online and so we value yours too…… Bdsm Cafe