Reading Time: 6 minutes

by Kerri Kerichenko

The BDSM Hood
It had been weeks since I last seen you. It seemed each time I saw you, you had grown and learned more in the ways of controlling me. And now I waited and hungered for you. Hungered for your touch, your caress and yes for the evitable pain that would come with each visit. The house dead and silent the only sound of the occasional passing car sliced into the loneliness.

Hours before I had began to prepare for your arrival. Stripping nude and stepping into the cold shower. The icy water attacked my hot flesh. The goose bumps rising along my skin only made me work faster. Going over my legs and pussy twice to ensure their smoothness. I knew that if you found a single hair it would be removed with a pair of tweezers and my bare bottom would be on the receiving end of your paddle. Not wishing to linger in the frigid water I turned the facets off and began to dry off. Brushing out my dark, chestnut silk hair. Watching in the mirror as each tangle was released until there was nothing but shine left. Drawing back the ass length hair I braided it into a thick, tight, rope. Running to the bedroom I began to light the huge white pillar candles. I was nervous and my hands shook as I fumbled with the lighter to light the wicks. Standing back to look at the illuminated room. The soft dim light cast its shadows across the walls. Glancing quickly to the clock I knew it was almost time.

Running to the dresser pushing back the layers of shirts, skirts and pants and pulled out each of the things needed tonight. The hard and menacing looking crop, the soft and unassuming flogger with it’s many tails, nipple clamps, gags and the new leather hood. Remembering the instructions. Unzipping the black leather sliding it over my face. The smell of leather permeated through my senses. Zipping up the zip I could help but lift my hands and let the fingers trace over my cheeks. The leather was already hot and uncomfortable against my flesh.

Kneeling in front of the footboard the rough carpet dug deep into my knees. I could feel the imprints in my skin. I softly cursed myself I wished I had begged to be allowed to kneel on a pillow while I waited. I knew you would have said no but it would have been worth the shot. But I was excited to hear your voice and to know you would be coming for me. And now I kneeled and waited in the silence for you.

The flickering of car lights moved along the wall. I closed my eyes and prayed it was you. The low hum of an engine was cut. The soft creak of a door opening and then slam shut. My heart thumping loudly in my ears, i was straining to hear footsteps along the path. Disappointed I heard nothing. I shifted on my knees while the door creaked open. Lifting my head to the sound I knew it could only have been you.

Listening to you take your time walking through the kitchen and down the hallway to the bedroom. Whimpering helplessly, in my leather prison. Unable to see I could only imagine what you looked like. How the candlelight would flicker in your eyes and how it would cast it’s eerie but powerful shadows around you.
I knew you were in front of me. Smelling your masculine scent. It made me want to lower my head and kiss your feet through the thick leather hood. Not wanting to displease I kept my knees spread wide with my hands behind my back. “Hello pet.” You said as I felt the palm of your hand against my leather bound cheek. Kissing your palm gently but with the eagerness of a hot submissive. “Hello Master.” I mumbled back through the hood. Beneath the leather the tears welled up. I had missed you so much. I could not believe you were finally here.

Though it was muffled I could hear you removing your shoes and kicking them to the side. The soft creak of the bed springs as you sat to look at me. Unzipping the sipper across my lips. Grabbing my braid and pulling my face near too brush your lips against my full lips. Pulling me back before I could utter a thank you my mouth stuffed with the rubber ball gag. I gagged as the ball was shoved deep to the back of my throat.

Your hand entwined with my hair using it as a leash pulled it me upon the bed. Kneeling instinctively on the bed. I struggled to breathe with the leather. I could already feel the slick layer of sweat building. Leading my head down to the pillows. The hand kept tight in my braid while you groped for the crop. Feeling the small square leather brushing along my skin. Up between my thighs, running slowly up over the round curves of my ass cheeks. Sucking in my breath as it neared my pussy. The lips quivered while the leather grazed its trail down.

Jerking my head back. “Ready slut.” You growled in that deep menacing voice. Whimpering behind the gag I felt the first of many hard cracks come across my fair skinned bottom. Gasping and choking on my cries I tried feverently to keep up and count of each hit. “I didn’t give you permission to cry girl.” You said in that low voice near my covered ear. Choking back I tried to regain control of myself. Each time the crop came down harder than the last. I chocked back a scream and counted. Feeling the final blow come down. Sucking in my breath I counted. Letting go of my hair my head feel down. Defeated across the pillows. The raging sting and blood rushing to the pink stripes across my ass I was thankful for the hood. You could not see the tears mixing with the sweat in my confines.

Your hand sliding across each rounded cheek before pinching one of the many hard, pink lines. Yelping helplessly into the gag the sheer unexpected pain rose threw every nerve in my body. Gripping helplessly to the bed I prayed for you to let go. “Good girl.” You cooed into my leather bound ear. Hearing just those simple words from your lips made me forget whatever pain was before.

“On to your back girl.” You order. Rolling over quickly I kept my hands above my head. You still wielded that crop like a knight wields his sword. Blind I could only feel the leather caress each breast. The round nipples rose to meet it. Like a solicitous slut my back arched and begged more of the leather. “You little slut.” I heard you say as you chuckled. With one expert flick the leather snapped against the nipple. Sending a sizzle of pain through me. Instantly like a wounded animal my back landed back onto the mattress.

The crop found it’s way from one breast to the other. Dancing across my tender flesh I counted each crack in a voice barley auditable. The tears trapped and mingled with the sweat of my hood. The finally crack of the leather fell on my breasts. Grunting into the gag to relieve the pain.

Pushing my legs back your fingers ran along each lip checking for any hiding hairs. Silently I prayed that I had gotten them all. I was terrified of the tweezers and your way of plucking them out one by one. Lifting my hips to follow your hand. I knew you could smell how hot and ready I was. Ignoring my pleading whimpers you withdrew your hand. “So my slut thinks she’s ready?” You asked. Feeling the stripes of soft leather dangle and run over my lips. Moaning into the gag I couldn’t even think to respond.

I felt the flogger leave my skin. Then the loud whistle of it in the air as the straps found their way to my spread lips. The tender pink flesh jumped at each snap. The thin tail found the hard little nub of my clit. Hitting it hard, the instant flash of red-hot pain coursed through me. My body stiffened for a moment. The tails worked there way up and down my lips, clit and inner thighs. The little pink lines found their way across my skin.

Dropping the flogger I laid there motionless. I was terrified to move or to speak. The zipper opening across my lips, my jaw ached with the ball gag. Removing it. I kept my mouth open. Wrapping the braid around your fist. Pulling my head up. The tip of your hard cock was at my lips. Taking possession of it. Your cock filled my mouth. My mouth and tongue knew what was next. Rolling the small circles up your shaft to your head. I heard you moan as my tongue flicked over your head, around the rim and slid back down. Your hips rocked back and forth against my full lips. While your pre-cum rolled down my throat. Eagerly I swallowed each drop as it came. Only left me desiring more. Craving for more.

Your cock throbbed and swelled as my tongue and mouth danced along it. The pre-cum rolled freely as your hips pumped and rode against my lips. Your loud grunts and groans filled my ears as the heavy, salty cum poured into my awaiting mouth. Swallowing it down happily. Sucking the last from your cock. Pulling it free from my lips. Leaving the hood on me, you softly kissed my lips. “Good girl” You whispered. Feeling you leave the bed. Without another word, the door closed quietly behind you. Pulling the hood from my face the sweat and tears from the evenings actions rolled down. Leaning back into the pillows. Frustrated, hot and ready I softly cried myself to sleep.