Reading Time: 33 minutes

by Gremlin

Caught In The Act Of Porn Surfing By Wife Angie
The room was quiet except for the occasional rattle of the hard drive. The pale bluish light from the terminal cast an ghostly glow upon her intent face. She sat in front of her computer, flipping back and forth from internet site to internet site. With the door to the computer room closed, she could no longer hear the stereo downstairs, but that didn’t matter. It was nice to know that there wouldn’t be any difficult to answer questions from her 5 year old if she woke up, came in, and saw what Mommy was looking at on the computer screen. Even if there were small likelihood that little Maggie would wake up, one time going through that was more than enough. She cringed in remembered embarrassment. It had been quite awkward trying to explain to a 5-year-old why there was a picture on the computer of a bare bottomed lady getting a spanking. Even worse was the possibility of the little tattletale telling daddy what she had seen. That would have been even harder to explain. Steven was never too amused by her perversions, and she was supposed to be using the new computer to look for a job, anyway…

She turned the speakers on. Now that Maggie asleep, she could watch AVIs and listen to the sound! Thank god that kid sleeps like a rock, she thought. She had been waiting all day to go back to the sites she had found while surfing this afternoon. She smiled at her own cleverness. Power surfing! By opening multiple windows, she was able to download, search, and view at the same time. She had 12 windows up and moving. Totally engrossed, she flipped back and forth between the windows, opening picture files. Up popped an exotically bound naked woman being whipped, red marks all over her bottom and thighs. She gasped a little, and went a little weak… lucky bitch, she thought…

The computer beeped, and a message popped up on her screen, interrupting her thoughts. Her first AVI download was complete! Excited, she closed the picture, clicked on the downloaded file folder, and clicked the AVI file [play] button. Sound came through the speakers. A man’s voice said, “You deserve this, don’t you?” and was followed by a humbled girlish voice admitting “yes, I do…” The man spoke again, “Very well, then…let’s finish this now” and then the sound of brisk, sharp cracks and tormented cries filled the room. The girl was getting… Spanked? Paddled? Whatever it was, it was harsh, Angie judged, from the sharp sound of the quick cracks and also from the distressed cries of the wailing girl, who was moaning and yowling, “OW! OW! OWWW!…. ohhh, OWW! please…. oh, please… OWWW wow wow OWWW!” Angie remembered her ex-boyfriend and the punishments he had given her, and reflected that whatever was going on, this girl had to be getting it good for the man to be getting this much reaction from the girl. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! From the loud sound of the smacks and how many she was getting, Angie guessed that the girl was getting a really hard spanking.

Intrigued by the sounds, she wondered how to get the video part playing, then realized the window was minimized. Stopping play, she maximized the window, then started the video clip playing again. The girl was bent over a bed, her arms stretched over her head and bound at the wrists and elbows with leather cuffs. There was no way she could fend off or stop what was about to happen to her. Her panties were down to her knees, the hot red of her apparently already spanked naked bottom drawing even more attention to its appealing pose, while a blue jeans and T-shirt clothed man stood next to her, holding a thin wooden school paddle. Angie and the girl stared at the paddle in alarm. Angie could see holes drilled through the paddle as the man tentatively tapped his victim’s bottom with it. The man said, “Very well, then… let’s finish this now,” and drew the mean-looking paddle back for a full, hard swing. The paddle came down viciously hard on the poor girl, who practically leaped out of her skin. SMACK!!! The man paddled her steadily and quickly. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!! Angie started in surprise: she hadn’t thought a school paddle could be wielded so fast and hard. No wonder the poor girl was bleating like a sheep! Angie’s own paddlings had been, well…. Kindly… slower. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! The girl cried and wiggled and shrieked, but could not escape. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! The man continued paddling her, and the girl’s cries became louder and more anguished. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! The man drew his arm back for a full swing and landed a final, blistering CRACK!!!!! And the screen disappeared.

Wow, Angie thought, intense! The man must have smacked her with the paddle more than 40 times, and her rear was so red it was really magenta… Poor thing, that must have settled her for a couple of weeks. Angie wondered what it would feel like to be that girl, and gave a shiver. As shocking as the video had been, Angie felt hot and wet. She moved the mouse over to the file again, and hit [play] again… “Yes, I do,” said the girl. The man said, “Very well, then… let’s finish this now,” and drew the mean-looking paddle back for a full, hard swing. CRACK!!! CRACK!!! owww…. Owwww…. Ohh… CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! … Angie put her hand down between her legs… and went to play the clip again.

But something was…wrong, somehow. She hadn’t noticed before… there was cool air snaking down her neck. She turned around, and did a double take. She could have died on the spot! There stood Steven, a shocked and angry look on his usually gentle and happy face. Her heart pounding, Angie gulped in embarrassment, her flushed cheeks burning scarlet, and quickly looked down.

“Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Steven demanded. Angie was too mortified to answer, as Steven continued on. “Are you going to tell me, or what?” Being caught shamed Angie into a stunned silence. “I suppose this is how you really spend your time when you tell me you were up all night working on the computer, huh? Let me guess. You do this during the day, too, while you are ‘faxing’ resumes, hmm?” Angie answered him with her eyes, silently pleading, “you don’t understand…”

“No wonder this house is a fucking mess… you’re too busy looking at porn on the internet to take care of the house or look for a job… What in the hell is Maggie doing while you’re up here jacking around? I suppose she’s seen this crap, too, huh?” Angie gasped at his intuition, and kept her eyes down. “You mean to tell me I spent over $2,000 so you can look at porn all day and night? Well? Answer me, god damn it!” He roughly pushed her face up so she would have to look him in the eyes as she answered.

She knew nothing she could say would make things any better. Steven was super sharp, and caught everything she said and pounced on every mistake. Angie could not look him squarely in the eye as she uneasily mumbled, “I have been sending out resumes… I was just playing around today, and found something interesting, so I decided to wait until Maggie went to bed to look around again…” she lied.

“Something interesting…” he repeated. “Well, how about if I take a look myself and see exactly what it is you * have * been doing…” He walked towards the computer. Angie’s hand shot out for the keyboard, desperate to crash it before he could see what was on it, but she was shaking too badly to hit the right keys. Steven grabbed her wrist, and pushed her out of his way. “Let’s see…” and he moused the find command into action. “R-E-S-U-M-E,” he typed, and the folder popped up. There were 14 items in it, all with dates preceding the purchase of the computer. “So, you haven’t sent out any resumes, hmmm? Well, let’s see what you have been doing….” He did a file find by date, and found the internet logs “BDSM Cafe…Spanking on Line…Susan’s Paddling Page…Victorian Caning…” he read a few of the site addresses. “This is disgusting,” he spit. “This is what you have to show for a $2,000 computer and 2 months? You’re sick, you know that? Really sick…” She didn’t see his hand flick the mouse and keyboard cables free from their bus ports.

“You know what? You are going to sit right here until I get back. I am so angry, I don’t know what to do with you. Do you understand? You will sit right here in this chair and don’t move.” She nodded glumly as he turned and left the room. She was fumbling with the keyboard when he came back in just seconds later. “I didn’t think you could listen, so I have an answer for that.” He produced the red bandanas she had asked him to tie her up with the previous night. “You’re right, Angie, I should try it, it * is * fun,” he said sarcastically as he tied her wrists securely to the arms of the office chair. “That ought to keep you off the net for a few minutes, at least,” he said as he headed back out of the room.

Angie did not know what to think as she sat tied to the chair, listening to him pacing around the house. Tears rolled down her hot cheeks. She was truly ashamed of herself for not looking for a job or sending out her resumes. Steven was so good to her about the layoff. He never said anything to make her feel bad about herself and the layoff, and had, in fact been very supportive. He also gave her everything she needed: money, clothes, entertainment… But he had been quite clear. He wasn’t going to pressure her or nag her, and he wanted her to find the right position, one where she would be happy. But, he was absolutely insistent that she find another job. She felt horrible about letting him down…

She struggled in frustration against the cloth bonds, but they were snug. She could not loosen them. That he had tied her up, and so effectively, was shocking! When she asked him to tie her up in bed or play spanking games for fun, he refused. He could not do anything to hurt her, he had told her… that he loved her too much to do that to her.

She squirmed again in frustration. Damn, she thought. Damn! She was desperate to bring the computer down before he saw what else she had been looking at. What he had seen was bad enough, but why make it worse? She finally decided what to do, and tipped herself and the chair over with a loud THUMP!, and started wriggling towards the computer’s mini-tower. This was how Steven found her, a few seconds later, when he burst into the room, armed with a hank of clothesline.

“You know, you look really ridiculous… I figured you couldn’t be trusted, so look what I have for you, Angela darling….” He untied the bandanas, and pulled her arms between her back. Thinking again, he let her arms go, and pulled her tee shirt over her head. The nipples of her large breasts instantly hardened as the cool air brushed them. “Bra-less again?” he smirked, and undid her jeans. He pulled them off, and then pulled her panties down and free. “Geez, these things certainly are wet and nasty, you little slut!” He pushed the chair out of his way. Working quickly, he pulled her arms back and trussed her them behind her back at the elbows and wrists, then brought the rope down to her legs and quickly cinched her knees and her ankles. For good measure, he brought the tail of the rope that was down by her ankles up and around the thongs on her wrists, and yanked, bringing her ankles up over her buttocks and arching her back into a C. He secured the rope in a safety knot, and stepped back to survey his work. “I think that ought to keep you, for a few minutes, anyway…” he said. There was still a good 5 feet of rope tail remaining, which he looped around the doorknob and tied firmly. “Now you’re not going anywhere,” he said, and left the humiliated and bound girl on the floor of the room.

A half-hour later, Steven came back into the room, carrying a basket, which he set on the floor with a * PLUNK *, in front of Angie’s face where she lay, tightly bound, on the floor. Her eyes widened as she stared at it. Steven smiled at her shocked look. “Let’s see, Angie… what should your punishment be?” he asked her. “Something suited to your crimes, I would think…” He walked over to the computer, plugged the mouse and keyboard back in, and brought the screen back to life. “Hmmm….” he muttered thoughtfully as he opened each of the 12 tiled windows and reached into the basket… “Hmmmmm. A paddling…yup, here’s a paddle…” and pulled out a hardwood breadboard, “hmmmm, another paddle… you seem to like paddles… Good, because I have another one of those…” and pulled out a thin game paddle. “Bondage? I think we have that one already covered, sweetie… A strap…. Mm-hmmm, got that…” and he pulled out a thick leather belt. “Caning… yes, I found one of those, too, ” he taunted her as she squirmed uncomfortably on the floor, and picked out a sturdy garden cane. He opened another window, “Oops! Nope, no leather paddle…Oh well, this wooden spoon will have to do…” and opened another window. “Hairbrush….uh-huh, plenty of those….Strapping again? Good thing I brought a couple of belts… And another caning? Really dear, I didn’t think you would like that so well, but I am prepared…” he put its twin on the table. “Breast cropping? Really, Angie. I am so * happy * you and your sister like horses so well,” and tossed a black riding crop on the table. “Spanking?” he looked at his hand, “Yeah, I’m well armed for that,” and smiled at his joke. He opened the last window. “Another strapping? OK, we’ve got everything covered,” he said as he patted his own belt. There were still plenty of items in the basket, Angie could see, but the pile on the table looked ferocious enough. For a household where games weren’t played, he had managed to improvise all too impressively.

Angie shuddered, and silently hoped for mercy. She was still quite shocked that he was even considering this. He had never so much as given her a hand spanking in their years together. When she had playfully asked him to give her a birthday spanking, he had reacted in horror. She could remember his words exactly… “I’m not going to beat the crap out of you…” From the pile on the desk, it sure seemed like he had experienced a serious change of heart. She hoped he knew what he was doing.

Steven untied her ankles from her wrists, then stood her up. He pushed the keyboard aside, and brought up a screen. “I hope you really like this sort of game, dear, because what you see is exactly what you are going to get.” The first screen showed a bound girl being strapped with a doubled up belt across her bare ass. He positioned her a little more carefully. Angie shuddered, as Steven picked up a belt and doubled it, then brought the belt back down. SMACK! The belt hissed down on her bottom and laid a blazing red welt across her bottom. ! “How many do you think she got, dear? 12?” Angie hoped that was all, and nodded her head, glad it wasn’t any more. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He belted her again. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Angie sighed in relief as the twelfth hissed down and striped across her. SMACK! the belt caught her by surprise. “You two don’t quite match color,” Steven explained as he brought the belt down a couple more times and surveyed his work. “There, that’s much better.”

Relieved that he was finished, Angie contemplated what he had just done to her. This was her dear sweet husband, the man who wouldn’t give her a birthday spanking? 34 smacks of his hand would have been far preferable…

Steven closed the window and opened up the next. “A bare bottom spanking? OK, coming right up!” He untied Angie’s arms and legs, sat down in a folding chair, and patted his thigh. Grateful to be released, she rubbed her elbows and wrists, and flexed her ankles. She climbed across his lap with a sheepish look, and hung her head down. Steven looked at the screen. “Arm, please!” and he pinned her arm to her back, with his elbow at the nape of her neck. “OK, sweetheart, now, how hard did she get spanked?” Angie gulped, “Hard?” as she looked at the bright red rear of the girl on the screen. “I think * very * hard,” Steven answered, “wouldn’t you agree?” When Angie didn’t answer, he grabbed her hair and pulled her head up. “Wouldn’t you?” he repeated. Angie mumbled “yes, you’re right…” as he released her hair and pushed her head back down. Steven had only asked to torment her… considering what else was coming her way, he planned to give her a little lenience on this. But, of course, she didn’t need to know that.

He spanked her firmly, first in one place, over and over again, then another. Up one side and down the other, he spanked her firmly and steadily. This spanking was a stinger, Angie thought, the heat in her bottom building quickly. She began to cry out as she rocked back and forth and side to side on his lap, trying to escape the steady spanks that landed on her reddening rear. He anticipated her movements, and adjusted his accordingly. He kept on spanking her smartly, firmly and hard. She wiggled to and fro, her rear end waving figure eights in the air as he kept on smacking her. Her legs kicked up, and her cries became wilder. He kept on like that, and when her kicking got to be too much to control, stopped. He pinned her legs with his, and repositioned her across his lap. He began spanking her with renewed vigor. Harder and harder he smacked her, until finally she stopped struggling and moaned in one continuous stream. With a final smack, he stopped, let go of her arm, and unpinned her legs. “My hand is hurting, so that’s enough of that,” he told her and pushed her off his lap. Instantly, her hand shot back to rub her behind, but he pushed it away. “No, I don’t think so…You keep your hands away from your bottom until I give you permission. Which I am not likely to do anytime soon…” He pushed her over to the wall. “Hands above your head and stand there while my hand cools off,” he said as she slowly positioned herself against the wall. “While you’re over there, why don’t you try to think about an explanation for your behavior. Steven had a nice view from where he sat of her bright red bottom. He admired his handiwork for awhile, then went back to work.

“OK, Angie, you can come on out now, and let’s see what’s next…” He opened a new window. In this picture, a pink-bottomed nude girl was on her hands and knees getting a paddling from another girl. Steven picked the thin wooden game paddle out of the pile, and gestured with it to the floor. “Get down,” he commanded Angie. Steven wanted to force her to speak. He knew it would humiliate her so much more if he forced her to talk about what he was going to do to her. “You can count for me this time,” he told her, “and thank me afterwards. Now, what am I going to do to you now?” he asked. When she didn’t answer, he laid the paddle into her sharply. “Oh!” she cried, “you’re going to paddle me,” she gasped. “That’s right, now, please count.” He smacked the paddle into her. “1…2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10… 11… 12… 13… 14… 15!” she counted, her numbers punctuated by smacks, that while relatively gentle, still left a smart sting. “Thank you for paddling me, Steven,” she mumbled as he finished.

Steven helped her stand. “You were lucky this time, let’s see how you fare next…” Up popped a screen of a girl, bent at the waist with her hands on her thighs, receiving a caning. “How many stripes do you see?” he asked Angie. “3,” she replied. “That’s right, plus she’s getting another one, so that makes 4.” He turned around to position her, and was surprised to see her already bent over, hands on her thighs, waiting for him. “Very good, Angie. I’m impressed. You can count for me again, since you seem to do that so well. Now, what am I going to do to you?” Her ex-boyfriend had caned her once, and she had hated it. Angie was happy that she was only getting 4. Some of the other pictures she’d been looking at had been much more severe. “You are going to give me 4 strokes with a cane,” Angie replied. Steven tapped her bottom with the cane, “Very well, 4 it is,” and drew back his arm. As she heard the cane whistle back, she flinched and her bottom swayed wildly. “Come on, dear, you know better than to move around. If you can’t hold still, I’ll have to teach you that as well. Now, count 5 for me, and try to hold still this time.”

Steven’s self-control was commanding, and Angie was glad he wasn’t just whaling on her. His no-nonsense demeanor and self-assurance were oddly comforting, even if painful. She managed to keep still as the cane swished back and he whipped it down across her bottom. Thwack! She crumpled to the floor as the pain blazed through her. “One, oh please Steven, don’t do that anymore… no more, please…” A tear ran down her cheek. He reached down to help her up, and tapped the cane on her bottom again. Firmly, he told her, “Get back down, please.” She bent down and steeled herself as the cane swished down again with another THWACK! “Two!” she squeaked. This time, she did not fall, but her bottom swayed wildly as the pain swished through her. When she finally stopped swaying, Steven struck her again. THWACK! “Three!” she squealed, her face red, as another bright red line lit into her. Settling, she steeled herself for the next. “4!” she cried out as the cane snapped down again. “Too bad you couldn’t stay still so well before or you’d be done by now. Now, please ask me nicely to teach you how to stay still,” he said. Her voice was squeaky and shaky as she stammered, “Please, Steven, teach me to remain still for a caning.” He calmly replied, “If you insist…” and whistled the cane down hard to the top of her thighs. She screeched as the cane bit her, and bolted up. “5…please, no more…please…”

Her hands flew to the stripe on her thighs and she rubbed furiously. “I warned you not to do that. Please hold out your hands,” he ordered her firmly. “You heard me, put your hands out.” Shaking and fearful, she held out her hands. He turned them palm side up, and pushed them down a little. He drew back the cane in a short arc, and brought it down on her palms. Her hands shot up into her armpits, but the look on his face brought them back out as quickly. “Much better. Now, why don’t you see what you want me to do next.”

He prodded her towards the computer, where she grudgingly opened a window. A picture appeared of a girl bent over a man’s lap, receiving a paddling with a leather paddle. She looked at the pile, then looked at him. “We don’t have one of those, so now what?” she asked. “Bring me the wooden spoon, it will have to do for now,” he said. He sat back down in the folding chair, and gestured to his lap as she handed him an olivewood spoon out of the diminishing pile. She squirmed nervously, remembering how badly a wooden spoon had hurt when her parents spanked her with them, years ago. They especially hurt if whoever was using it concentrated on smacking the same spot… She bent across his lap again, and hoped he didn’t…

Steven trailed the hard wood spoon up her thighs and told her, “I am going to paddle you with this spoon all over your behind.” Angie’s heart sank, the tone of his voice telling her he knew how to use it. He pushed his hand into her back, pinning her down, and began spanking her rapidly with the spoon. Again and again and again, he brought it down fast on a spot, punishing it thoroughly, drawing loud cries from her instantly, before moving on to his next target. She gasped and wriggled, but the hand on her back held her steady. He moved all around her rear in the same manner, picking a spot, then spanking it fast and soundly with the spoon until she wailed in a steady stream of cries, then moved on to a new place. Angie was breathless and sobbing when he finally stopped. She rubbed her hands together to keep them from flying down.

He let her rest, still sobbing, for awhile, before he put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her towards the computer again. Steven put his hand on her shoulder, nudging her to click a window. A naked girl was tied face up, spread eagled to a bed, while a woman dressed in a black cat suit wielded a black riding crop across her breasts. The tip of the crop had landed right upon her nipple, and the girl’s face was contorted with pain. Angie felt a sympathetic twinge in her own breast, knowing it would soon be suffering the same fate. She sucked in her breath as if caving in her chest would make her breasts less vulnerable, and felt Steven’s hand tighten on her shoulder. Sadistic bastard, Angie thought to herself, he sure seems to like that one well enough… Maybe he does have a secret dark spot in his hear, just like me, she mused…

Steven looked her in the eye, and laughed. “Sorry, no cat suit sweetie, but would you please be so kind as to hand me the crop and the rope?” Nervously, she picked up the rope and handed it to him, then gingerly retrieved the crop from the diminished pile and handed that to him, as well. He took the items, reached for her hand, and led her to their bedroom. “Come on, Angie, it’s time for bedroom games…” Angie winced as she laid down on the bed. The momentary coolness of the sheets felt good against the heat of her bottom for only an instant as she settled herself uncomfortably. Her eyes wide with fright, she spread her arms and legs. He first tied her wrists to the posts with safety knots, and then her ankles to the four posts of their pencil poster bed. He had pulled the ropes taut before tying them, so that her arms and legs were stretched more than was comfortable. She struggled against the ropes, trying to find a comfortable position, and finally gave up in vain.

She didn’t want him to do this to her, and begged him anxiously, “Please, Steve, don’t… This is too much, I know I can’t take it… please, anything but this… don’t… ok? … please?” But his eyes answered her before his words. He gently smoothed her hair back away from her face, and stroked her cheek. “Angie, I don’t think you get it. You * will * do as I say. And if you can’t keep your mouth shut, I’ll shut it for you,” he said. “No, I’ll be quiet, I really will…” she whimpered. Steven put his hands to her breasts, and rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefingers, then squeezed hard and long. Angie moaned deeply, and seemed to go limp as she melted beneath his fingers. Abruptly, he stopped and picked up the crop. He flicked it against his finger a few times, testing its suppleness. He tapped her lips gently with the tip of the crop, and bent to whisper in her ear, “Remember, I want you to be quiet this time.” He stood up, and teased her with the crop, trailing it down her cheek and throat, to her breasts, her tummy, down her thighs and back up, stroking her nest while watching her eyes, which were fluttering gently as he continued teasing her. “You like that, don’t you?” he asked, as she murmured “mmm hmmmmm….” Through her fluttering lashes, she could see the large bulge in his jeans. Maybe he wasn’t going to do this, maybe he was just teasing her, maybe if she was sweet and sexy, he’d forget about this and just take her…

Abruptly he withdrew the crop, and slapped it across her breasts. A red line blazed across her chest, and her body tensed against the ropes. Her eyes popped open wide, and a muffled scream came from her tightly pressed lips. He brought the crop down again, and a fresh line appeared. Tears burst from Angie’s eyes… God, it hurts like a bitch! she silently swore to herself, biting her lip to keep from screaming out. Although she twisted and writhed, she could do no more than stay put. Steven cropped her again, this time, the tip of the crop landing on her nipple. She howled as her body strained to contort against the tight bondage of her ties. The crop came down again, and she screamed as it found its target on her other breast. Steven set down the crop. “I warned you… I didn’t want to do this…” he said as he produced the balled up red bandanas from his back pocket and gently tucked the wad between her lips. He poked it in a little further with his finger, careful not to jam it back too far so she would not choke. She tossed her head wildly back and forth on the pillow, screaming “NO! NO! NO…” into the cloth, but all that Steven heard was “mmph! mmph! mmph…”. He stroked her cheek gently, made sure a tail of the bandana was still hanging free, and shook his head gently. “I’m sorry darling, but I can’t have you waking Maggie with your racket.” Her head had stopped thrashing as he stroked her face, but her eyes were still wide as he picked up the crop. He began cropping her again, using short strokes which hit only one breast. Muffled cries came from behind the bandana, and her eyes were squeezed shut, tears streaming from them. Her nipple stood out angrily, and he flicked it with a sideways stroke that caused her body to crunch as much as it could against the ropes. He checked the bandana to make sure it was still where it should be, and returned his attention to her other breast and the crop in his hand, treating it the same as its twin. The muffled cries continued well after he stopped. He pulled the bandana from her mouth, and she gasped a deep sobbing breath, struggling to get up, finding she couldn’t, and falling frustrated back onto the bed, she burst out crying.

He bent down to kiss her forehead, and stroked her hair. “There, there,” he whispered, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Her eyes darkened as she hissed, “You bastard… you evil bastard… that was awful…” Steven smiled down at her, and patted her again. “That’s not a very smart thing to say when you’re all tied up, is it? I think you need another strapping,” he said, and padded off. He returned the thick leather strap. He set it down on the bed, next to her hips, then ran a hand up and across her red and tender breasts, tweaking her nipple, then pinching it harder, making her mouth open in a gasp. He tucked the bandana back in place as she opened her mouth. “I decided to be a little creative with this belt,” he said, picking up the thick strap and coiling it around his hand, and leaving a long tail hanging free. She was still wondering what he meant by that when he brought it down across her thighs. SNAP! SNAP! The strap whizzed down, leaving stripes across her legs. She arched up violently and bucked back down, moaning into the bandana. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! She began crying again as he worked his way systematically down the fronts of her thighs, stopping a handbreadth above her knees. He set the strap down, and unbuckled his thin dress belt, pulling it free from its loops with a swish. Angie began shaking her head “NO…” again, and blurred sounds came from the bandana.

Steven checked the bandana again carefully, then told her, “Now, the fun part begins. I think you’ll like this…” He coiled the belt, leaving a short tail, then brought it down between her legs with a snap of his wrist. Angie shrieked and strained against her bonds as the belt found its target, and Steven was glad he had put the gag back into her mouth. Whap! Whap! Whap! The belt splashed down upon her wetness, striking her in a way that was beginning to affect her in a different way. Angie was straining towards him, and Steven looked at her face and could see that she was about to orgasm. Surprised, he brought the tail down between her legs again, then pulled the bandana from her mouth as she shuddered and bucked, listening to her animal sounds of pleasure, as he continued slapping her softly…

Steven set down the belt and pulled the knots free from her ankles, and then her wrists. She immediately coiled into a little ball, and rocked back and forth, moaning, “ohhhhhh… no, no, no…” He massaged her arms, and then her legs to relieve them from being stretched. “Come on, you little slut. Time to get up. Fun and games are over. I think you’re due a caning, if I remember what’s left on the table.” Slowly, she rose from the bed, and stood on trembling legs. “Please, Steven, no more, please? Come here…” She drew him to her, pressing her hardened nipples into his chest, grinding her hips against his hardness. She grabbed his glossy hair, and pulled his face to hers and kissed him deeply, sucking him in. “I want you, honey, I do…” kissing him again. He pushed her shoulders away from him and laughed. “You really are a slut, you know. Come on.”

Disappointed, she followed him, her legs shaking with each step. He led her back to the computer room and over to the screen. He opened a window, and found a picture of a girl being strapped. “We’re done with that, aren’t we, dear? Hmmm, what’s next?” and opened a new picture file. “Oh, yes… here it is. Another caning. Wow, take a look at that poor girl!” Angie stared in horrified dismay at the girl, who was leaned over a table, a mass of welts covering her backside. Her bottom was completely reddened. From the large patch of red, angry weals stood out, and numerous little red tips shot out around the edges of the large red blotch. She couldn’t imagine what this girl had been through. “How many do you suppose she got, Angie?” Steven asked. Angie replied fearfully, “I don’t know, it looks awful, I can’t imagine…” Steven laughed, taunting her a little. “Come on, take a guess. 30? 40? 50? I guess 40.” Angie gulped and said nothing, but picked up the cane and handed it to him forlornly. Steven laughed again. “Don’t worry, you little bitch. I’m not going to do that to you, I’m not * that * much of a bastard. I think 10 is a much more reasonable number, so long as you behave better than you did the first time. You think you can manage that?” Thrilled to not be treated the same as the girl in the picture, and eager to comply for fear he would retract his offer, Angie shook her head enthusiastically, and went over to the space Steven had cleared for her on the credenza. Remembering the girl’s position, she posed herself carefully, and asked Steven, “Is this OK?” surprising him with her submission. The thought of getting it like the girl in the picture had shocked her into accepting it gratefully. He resolved to make her take her caning well. “Yes, sweetheart. That’s perfect. Let’s see if you can stay that way, hmm? Are you ready?” When she replied yes, he measured his aim, the carefully drew his arm into a half swing, then whistled the cane down. THWACK! THWACK! The cane cracked into her, more gently than before, but the bite of it still caused her to waggle and moan loudly. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! Each thin stripe blossomed into its own wave of stinging pain, yet other than shaking her bottom back and forth as if that could drive off the heat, she held her position well through all ten.

She knew he had been gentle with her, and she gratefully thanked him as she stood. Steven laughed, reminding her, “That little bit of training will serve you well in the future, darling. Besides, we’re not done yet, are we?” He turned her around to face the computer . “Your turn,” he said, gesturing at the computer, which she was now starting to regard as something evil. She opened a new window, and in it was a girl over the lap of a stern, matronly woman, who had a large hairbrush drawn back over her shoulder. There were numerous dark roses of color splotched across her backside, and her legs had kicked up quite high, and her hand was flying back to protect herself. Angie sniffled and picked up the hairbrush from the pile, and handed it to Steven, who was already seated in the folding chair. “Yes? Now what? Tell me,” he prompted her. “A hard hair brush spanking, oh please Steven, no more,” she whispered, as she looked at him forlornly. He looked at her with an expression that stopped her begging. “Now, tell me why you are going to be spanked. I want to make sure you understand why,” he told her, holding his hand out to stop her from climbing onto his lap. Her face flushed red as she mumbled, “You’re going to spank me because I wasted time playing around with the internet instead of looking for a job.” He prompted her when she stopped, “And what else?” “For being irresponsible by not taking care of the house, and letting Maggie see stuff she shouldn’t see…” He had forgotten about Maggie, and when she reminded him about it, he saw red for a moment. When he recovered his composure, he gestured to his lap with the brush. “OK, I think you understand, but I will remind you as we go along.”

Feeling foolish and stupid, she climbed across his lap again. She reached her hand back, but he pushed it away. “It would be very stupid of you to put your hand back there, because I’ll smack it if it gets in the way. Try to control yourself this time,” he warned her. She grabbed onto the chair legs, as he rubbed the bristles of the brush over her redness. “Now, I am going to spank you with this brush for not looking for a job,” he said, and began spanking her, slow and hard with the brush. “You will…” SMACK! “get off your lazy ass…” SMACK! “…and start looking for work…” SMACK! “I am not…” SMACK! “…going to bust my ass…” SMACK! “… supporting you…” SMACK! “…when you aren’t doing * anything *…” SMACK!!!! “…to help yourself.” SMACK! “Do you understand me?” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Each stroke of the brush caused her to cry out, her back arching as the hairbrush landed solidly. Dark splotches of color blossomed where the brush made its mark.. “Yes! Yes! I understand, Steven, please…” she begged. “Good.” SMACK! “Now, let’s talk about the internet, shall we?” SMACK! When she didn’t reply, he said “didn’t you hear me?” and smacked her even harder, repeated himself and smacked her again. “Yes, ok, ok, ok, we will…” she moaned. “OK, then. Now, you should not….” SMACK! “…be wasting time…” SMACK! “…looking at stupid porn pictures…” SMACK! “Especially when you have other things…” SMACK! “…I expect you to be doing.” SMACK! “Is that…” SMACK! “…clear?” SMACK!!! The words tumbled out of Angie ,”oh yes, yes, yes, ok, ok, ok, it’s clear, I understand!” ” Good!” SMACK! “Like you have any business…” SMACK! “…looking at that crap…” SMACK! “…anyways…” SMACK! “Now, let’s talk about the house…” SMACK! “…shall we?” SMACK! “Ok, ok, ok, please, yes,” the girl babbled. “This house * will*…” SMACK! “…be clean…” SMACK! “…every day…” SMACK! “…without me saying another word…” SMACK! “about it.” SMACK! “That means everything…” SMACK! “…the dishes…” SMACK! “…the laundry… SMACK! “…the bedrooms…” SMACK! “…and no more CRAP…” SMACK! “…laying around…” SMACK! “…when you’re done with something…” SMACK! “…put it away!” SMACK! “And that includes that car…” SMACK! “No more food in that car…” SMACK! “I’m tired of sitting on crumbs when I drive it…” SMACK! “OK?” SMACK! “Yes, I understand, really I do, I do, I do,” cried Angie. This spanking was really hurting her, and it was all she could do to not bawl her eyes out. As each smack landed, her legs kicked up and her head flew up. She didn’t realize how hard he could have been until he started on Maggie. “And, now, what about Maggie?” he stopped spanking her to lecture her about it as she lay miserably across his lap. “I can’t believe you can’t control yourself any better than that… Letting her see this garbage… What in the world is wrong with you? That is really too much…Do you really think that was appropriate at all?” She meekly replied, “No Steven, it was wrong, very wrong, I’ll never let that happen again, I promise.. I swear…” To which he replied, “You’re damn right, it never will, because this will seem like fun if I find about that ever again.” With that, he began spanking her with the brush, hard and fast, catching her thighs, too, as she rocked and bounced on his lap. Thinking about what she had done had renewed his anger, and she was surely feeling at as she shrieked and cried and carried on. Her hand flew back to protect herself from the brush, but he brought it down on her hand, and she pulled it away and to her mouth, bawling as the brush struck again and again and again. He smacked her mightily once more, then stopped. “Do you think you’ve learned your lesson, dear?” Crying and sniffling, “yes, Steven, please, please stop. I can’t take anymore, please…” she begged, and he let her up. Giving her a gentle push towards the wall, he said, “Go ahead and rest a little bit, sweetheart. I think you going to need it. You can rub now, if you want. You have my permission.” Her hands flew to her bottom, rubbing furiously at the red splotches. Walking stiffly to the wall, she continued to rub as she stood there sniffling.

The only thing that remained of the pile on the table was the breadboard.

Angie’s sniffling had stopped, and Steven decided that she’d had enough of a rest break. “Come here, Angie, I want you to show me something. I can’t seem to find that movie clip you were watching when I came in. Would you care to find it for me?” Angie shuffled over to the computer with a doomed look on her face. “Steven, please… I know you saw it already, do we have to do this?” she whined.

“Oh, Angie… Of course I already saw it. What’s wrong with seeing it again?” he asked innocently. “Don’t be such a big baby. Come on, open the file for me or I’ll have to back up to that caning picture and even you up…” Reluctantly, she found the file, and opened it. Staring down in embarrassment, Steven forced her head up to look at the screen as the man’s voice said, “You deserve this, don’t you?” and was followed by a humbled girlish voice admitting “yes, I do…” Steven handed her the breadboard and cheerfully said, “I couldn’t agree more, darling. Now, why don’t you march over to the bedroom and finish this up?” Angie trudged off, carrying the breadboard like a poisonous snake. Steven clicked everything closed, shut the computer down, turned out the light, and rejoined Angie, where she she laid across the bed, her bright red bottom beckoning to him as he came into the room.

Steven picked up the paddle from where Angie had laid it on the bed. “”Arms over your head, Angie, just like the movie…” When she had put her arms up, he asked her quietly, “You deserve this, don’t you?” to which she humbly replied, “Yes, I do.” Steven tentatively tapped his victim’s bottom with the paddle. “Very well, then… let’s finish this now,” and he drew the paddle back for a full, hard swing. The paddle came down viciously hard on poor Angie, who practically leaped out of her skin. Steven paddled her steadily and quickly. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!! Angie wailed loudly. “OWWW…… OWWW…. OWWWWW…… OW! Ow! OW! OWW! OWWWIEEE!” The paddling continued relentlessly as Angie danced in place, crying and screeching. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Angie cried and wiggled, but could not escape. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Steven continued paddling her, and Angie’s cries became louder and more anguished. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Steven drew his arm back for a final, full swing and landed a final, blistering CRACK!!!!! and tossed the paddle down on the bed next to the writhing and sobbing girl. She pulled her legs up onto the bed, and curled up on her side into a C. Angie hugged her chest as she cried and wiggled, desperate to find a comfortable position, but not finding one…

“So, Angie, did you like your punishment?” he asked sarcastically. He smiled at her as he set the paddle down.

“You bastard! It hurts like hell, I won’t be able to sit right for a week. How could you be so mean?” Angie replied through her tears.

“Why, Angie, I’m surprised! I thought you enjoyed this sort of thing. Weren’t you the one begging me just the other day to spank you?”

“Steven, that’s different! This is all your fault! If you would only play with me like I asked, I wouldn’t have to play around on the internet! If you don’t want to play with me, that’s fine, but don’t expect me to not go out looking if that’s your attitude!” Angie cried at him. She regretted her outburst immediately. Steven’s amused look was replaced by an expression of stern determination that told her in no uncertain terms that she would pay dearly for her smartness.

“Why, you little bitch! That’s your explanation for this? Honestly, after all I do for you… As well as I treat you… You have the * nerve * to say something like that to me? Well, I have news for you, Angie. Things are going to be a lot different around here from now on. You’re going to be getting it for a long time to come after tonight, I can assure you.” Steven opened the drawer to the nightstand, and pulled out the receipt for the computer. “Read it, Angie, how much did it cost? Tell me.” He thrust the receipt in her face.

“Uh…. $2,538.42….” Angie stammered.

Snatching the receipt back, Steven said, “That’s right, dear. Tomorrow, you can get on the internet, and find me a good solid paddle. And when it comes, we’ll start working that off on your ass. That ought to fix all of your problems for quite some time, don’t you think?”

Angie pulled him down onto the bed, and snuggled up to him as tightly as she could, and her warm body enticed him. She felt him swell and grow against her leg, and hoped she could keep him occupied and make him forget….. He caressed her tenderly and lovingly, murmuring “poor baby” into her ear as he nuzzled her hair and massaged her sore bottom. Yes, I love him so, so much… she thought. She pushed her breasts into his chest, and reached down to unbutton his jeans… It ached her to move but she was so turned on… Yes, things were definitely going to change around here. The house would be spotless by tomorrow evening, but the very first order of business would be “losing” that receipt before the paddle showed up …

Reality Check………..

She scrolled back up the page, looking over the draft of the story she had just written, making a few corrections here and there. As she reviewed her work, she thought about what she had written. It was OK, but it still needed to be brushed up, she mused. She considered the characters, and thought about their models… She hadn’t quite captured the spirit of her leading man, who despite his sharp wit and ribald sense of humor, could be so sensitive, thoughtful and romantic… And she hadn’t described his amazing eyes… dark, almond eyes that burned with merriment and usually danced with laughter, but could turn into ominous and frightening storm clouds in a flash… and his beautiful face… so expressive…. His face was almost chameleon like in its way of transforming from the look of a playful, mischievous boy, into a soft, gentle, amorous romantic, and into a controlled, stern, and determined disciplinarian… His face had the sexiest complexion… one that developed the most intriguing spots of high color when his mood switched. She smiled as she thought about how wildly turned on she got whenever his face would develop that striking color, and how seeing his face like that brought out her * naughtiest * nature… And the girl… she smiled. She’d hardly described her at all… The unruly, baby-soft honey brown hair that brushed her shoulders like an amber cloud and curled around her face in the most curious way… Intense, deep blue Irish eyes that could charm anyone with their wide-eyed innocence yet would gleam in the most lascivious, wanton, and wicked manner whenever her mind wandered into its darker corners… Thin, yet powerful muscular build, her lush and full breasts that seemed to draw every man’s eyes to them, the deeply cut musculature of her strong legs, or her best body feature, her high and bubbly-round ass that was all the more pronounced by the way she carried herself… the curvature of her back pushed it up and out in a most attractive way …

She needed to develop the characters more fully, she mused, but the story was pretty good the way it was. Oh well, later… she thought, as she saved her work and closed the word processor. Time for a surf break, she thought, and clicked on the BDSM Pleasure Palace… Boy, would Danny have a cow if he ever caught her looking at this stuff! She loved the site, there was so much there to look at, she really was spending way too much time with it, she thought, but headed to the IRC logs anyhow to continue reading the mischievous adventures of her cyber friends… The graphics started loading, and a strand of barb wire crossed the bright page right as her daughter started yelling for attention from the family room downstairs… Really, that child is too bossy, she thought, but yelled down the stairs, “I’m coming!!!” and left the page open to continue loading.

Downstairs, her daughter was demanding more food. “Really, sweetheart… We just ate dinner! Is there a hole in your tummy somewhere?” she asked as she poked the little girl playfully in the belly. “Want a peanut butter sandwhich?” and got out the ingredients and started making the sandwhich. “I’m thirsty, NOW,” yelled the girl up from the family room. “Oh, all right, pushy thing, make up your mind” she said, and stopped what she was doing to poura glass of milk and take it down to the child.

As she handed over the glass of milk, she heard a key jiggling in the front door lock. Oh, Jesus Christ! Her mind screamed in alarm. Danny! What the hell is he doing here? He was supposed to be at a meeting tonight! Her mind racing, she looked around the messy rooms in dismay; there was nothing she could do to straighten them quickly. All hell would break loose any second now. As she surveyed the mess, she realized with a sinking heart that she had left the computer on, and what she had been doing when she walked away from it… Oh, shit! She screamed silently, and turned tail, bolting up the stairs as fast as she could, as the door opened and Danny stepped inside. He had barely gotten in the door, as she tore past a very surprised man and rounded the corner of the second flight of stairs and raced up them faster than he’d ever seen her move before.

“What in the hell is going on here?” he yelled up the stairs to the vanished figure, as the door to the bathroom at the top of the stairs swung shut. “I have to go to the bathroom, bad!” she yelled back down, as she stood next to the partially ajar door, watching him carefully. A second, non-chalant voice also answered him from below. “I’m watching TV, and Mommy’s working on the computer.” He knew his girlfriend too well. For her to be acting so strangely, she must have been up to something no good. Looking around the disaster stricken house, he silently debated what he should do, then turned to follow the girl’s path up the stairs.

“That’s bullshit, dear,” he called up the stairs, “I want to know what is going on around here and what in the hell you’re doing.” She could see him climbing the stairs from where she stood, as her heart pounded in alarm. Her eyes flicked to the computer room across the hall. She could see the strand of barbed wire glowing malevolently back at her, and as she desperately considered rushing over to crash the computer, the door burst open.

“Playing with yourself again?” he asked her, reaching out a hand to grab her crotch as she stood, shivering and shaking in embarrassment. Her hands flew down to protect herself, and she laughed nervously. “Nooooo…”, she said, and burst out into another nervous laugh. She glanced at herself in the door mirror. Guilt was written all over her flushed, shining face, and her eyes had that intensely wicked look they got whenever she was thinking naughty thoughts… “You’ve been doing something, I can tell. And whatever it was, it was sexual. Now, are you going to tell me?”

“No, I can’t…” she said in a shaky voice, trying to keep his eyes on hers and away from the screen across the hall. They both burst out laughing, both their faces red and flushed in excitement, their eyes shining. He put his hand to her crotch again, and rubbed, getting a little whimpering moan out of her in exchange. “Yes, it was sexual, you bad girl. In front of your daughter, no less, you little slut. Tell me, what was it? A vibrator? Yes?” She startd to shake her head no, then realizing it might get her out of a jam, she nodded yes, and they both burst out laughing. He rubbed her harder. “You bad, bad girl… You ought to be severely punished…” His voice trailed off, his eyes intently focused on hers. The barbed wire flashed in her eyes, and she involuntarily looked over, then quickly looked back. But it was too late. Danny had followed her glance, and saw the wire at the same time. He looked back into her eyes. “Oh, you little slut! I know what you were up to. Come on, honey, let’s take a look. Show Danny what you’ve been up to…” and he grabbed her hand and led her over to the computer screen…

The computer glared at her malevolently as she stood in front of it, a silly grin across her face, as Danny scrolled down the page, his eyes wide in amazement. “Really, dear, I didn’t think you liked that sort of thing…” He stood up, unbuckled his belt, and drew it free. “This is what you do instead of taking care of the house? Instead of looking for a job? You little bitch…” He turned her chin up to meet his gaze, laughing at her embarrassment and humiliation. “Well, let’ see how a little aversion therapy works, sweetheart…”.

She smiled in mischievous delight as his hands reached out to undo her jeans.