Reading Time: 23 minutes

by Emmy

Meeting Mistress Sabrina For My Training

Part 1 – First Meeting

It took weeks to do it, but I am finally going to meet Sabrina. She is the Mistress that I have been talking to. It has been talked about for weeks, on the phone and on the internet. I am to get out to where her male sub goes to school so he can drive me out to her house. Bydoing it this way, we all felt it would relax me. They are probably right. I have never been with a woman but I have thought about it for a very long time. It is finally going to happen tonight. I cant wait. I just hope I dont disappoint her. I have looked over my complete wardrobe and decided on a black dress, black stockings and black shoes.

I decide to take a bus out to Tonys school because I am way too nervous to drive. I am right at 1 PM to the place we decided to meet. I remove my coat and get in the car, introduce myself to Tony and we drive away. A few miles down the road, Tony turns the corner onto a side road. He stops his car and looks at me. Mistress has instructed me to bind your hands behind you for the drive out to her house.. I tell Tony I understand. I unbuckle my belt and he tells me to put my hands behind me. I do so without question. This just made me extremely turned on. I have to admit, for a sub he sure can tie a knot, I cant move. I sit back in my seat and he gets out the dildo. I asked him what that was for. Mistress has instructed me to insert this into your pussy. I lean back a bit so that he has access to my pussy. He pushed it in all they way and played with my clit ring a bit since he hadnt done that before.

I settle back into my seat and he reaches over me, brushing against my breasts and does my seat belt up. Tony starts the car again and we get on our way again. Almost to the main highway leading to her place I asked if there are any other instructions he has been given. Yes babe, there is, but you will have to wait and see.

About 5 minutes later we are on the highway and on our way. Without a word, Tony reaches over and undoes a button on my dress. I say nothing. Another 5 minutes goes by and he does this again. Once again I say nothing. Another 5 minutes, another button. I looked at Tony and said what the hell are you doing? I thought I was Sabrinas toy? Mistress has instructed me to undo a button on your dress every 5 kms. I said I will be completely unbuttoned my the time we get there. Tony says yes I know and has this evil grin on his face. Well it seems that I cant do anything about it, so the drive and unbuttoning continues. I guess things will be OK if he doesnt pull my dress open as more buttons are undone. Just then he reaches over for a 4th button. This time he pulls at the bottom of my skirt revealing my leg.

Forty-five minutes later we have talked a lot and all my buttons are undone. He finally reaches over and pulls my dress open far enough to reveal most of my left breast. He tells me that we will stopping in a few minutes because we are almost there. I asked him why we would be pulling over before we even get there. Youll see why babe. The car comes to a stop on another side road. I look around and there is no one around. I notice myself getting turned on again with what was going on. Tony reaches into the back seat and pulls out a scarf. He tells me to face the window on my side of the car. I do so and I feel the scarf cover my eyes, kinda tightly. I guess he doesnt want it to slip. I hear him get out of the car and close the door. A few seconds later my door is opened. Tony takes my right arm in his hand and tells me to get out of the car. With his help I get out. He pushes me forward so I am bent at the waist. He fiddles with something and I feel something cold on my ass. He is inserting a butt plug into me. He pushes it in hard and deep. I am told to stand again. When I have straightened out I think we will be getting back into the car he takes my arm again a leads me somewhere. OMG, its the trunk of the car and demands that I get in. With Tonys help I get into the trunk and he tells me to put my feet behind me. He then takes one foot and wraps a rope around it, then does the same to the other and me feet are bound together. He pulls the rope hard and wrapped around my wrist bindings. Tony has hogtied me in the trunk to his car. He asks me if everything is OK and I tell him yes.He closes the trunk lid. The car starts and I feel the car begin to move. Wow, I cant believe this is happening. Its like I am being kidnapped. I didnt realize we had even talked about making me feel like I was being kidnapped. Now this is exciting.

What seems like forever, was about 15 minutes. The car comes to a stop. Tony didnt open the trunk though. There was nothing. Has he forgotten about me? About 15 minutes later I hear sounds outside. A man and a woman. The trunk opens and I feel hands on my body. I hear a womans voice saying hi babe, nice to meet you. I hope you have not planned anything for the weekend, you are mine to do with I please and you will be bound until you leave. no Maam comes out of my mouth. My feet are untied and I am helped out of the car. I am pushed forward again and the plugs pushed way inside me just to make sure they are secure.

I am walked into Sabrinas place with a hand on each arm. Once inside, my blindfold is removed. I am led to a chair in the living room and I am to sit in it. I am then strapped down and my legs are bound to the legs of the chair. Sabrina sits on the sofa and Tony sits at her feet. Sabrina explains to me that for the duration of the visit I will be bound in some form. Most of the time I will be bound to something to restrict my movement. She tells me that she doesnt want her toy to try to make a getaway. I tell her that I am not going anywhere. I know babe, because shortly you dress will be removed and you will not see it again until you leave her. You wont be needing the bag you brought with you either.

We dont really talk to much about limits because before our first conversation, I was told to fill out a form. Sabrina knows my limits. I want my safe word to be red as in stop. Once we all agree to the limits and safeword, Sabrina tells Tony to help me off with my dress. He unstraps me from the chair and unties my hands from behind me. He never released my legs. I remove my dress and hand it to Tony. He pushes me back onto the chair and takes it to another room, while Sabrina straps my arms to the back of the chair.

Sabrina looks at me and tells me that she and Tony had talked briefly before getting me out of the car. Tony tells me you snapped at him? No Maam I dont think so. He told me that you asked what the hell he was doing. Oh that. yes Maam I did. Sabrina explains to me that no one talks to her subs like that, not even another sub. Just then Tony returns to the front room with something in his hand. He approaches Sabrina and holds out his hand. In it he has 2 nipple clamps, a chain and weights. Without saying anything, Sabrina attaches the nipple clamps to me. Then puts on the chain and weights. It hurts but its an exciting hurt. She tells me that I will have to sit there like that until they return. I hang my head and say yes Maam. They start to leave the room together. Sabrina I say quickly before they are gone, what about Tony, he was playing with my clit on the way here. I am your toy, not his. I see Sabrina whisper something to Tony. He leaves and
Sabrina returns to me. Tony is my favorite sub and if he wants to play with you, then he can. Before I have a chance to say anything else, Tony returns to Sabrinas side. He walks around behind me and forces a large ball gag into my mouth and does it up tight. Sabrina tells me that I shouldnt talk back and that they will return to me in a while.

I sit there unable to move or speak. I can hear sounds and laughter coming from the other room. I struggle against my restraints but I cannot move. An hour passes and Tony comes into the living room. He
comes over to me and asks me if I am OK. All I can do is nod. He reaches down to the chain on my nipples and tugs on it for a few minutes. We are almost ready for you babe. Mistress will be out to get you in a while. Before walking away, he added another weight. He turns and leaves the room.

Again, I sit there alone and unable to move. Twenty minutes pass and Sabrina enters the living room holding a collar with a leash attached to it. She walks over to me and places it around my neck. You will be wearing this as well until you leave here. She unties my arms long enough to lean me forward and bind them behind my back. She then moves to the front and unties my legs. She takes the leash in her hand and
tugs on it and tells me to follow her. I am led down the hall into a room. Once inside I see a St. Andrews cross, a sawhorse, a spanking bench. I look around the room some more and I see butt plugs, nipple clamps, ben-wa balls, cock and ball crushers, dildos, vibrators, floggers, paddles, canes, metal hand cuffs, metal thumb cuffs, leather wrist and leg cuffs, rope, clit clamp, blindfolds and a roll of cling film.

Tony is then told to leave the room and prepare dinner while Sabrina and I get to know each other better. Tony leaves the room and I am left alone with Sabrina. She unties my hands and takes me to the cross and has me put my back against it. She puts leather ankle and wrist restraints on me and tells me they stay on until I go home. I am told to spread my legs so they are even with the cross. She reaches down and clips a ring from the bar to my feet. She tells me to raise my arms above my head in a Y shape even with the cross. Sabrina places a chair right in front of me and stands on it. She takes my wrists and secures them tightly to the cross. She gets off the chair and pushes it to the side. She then places a blindfold on me and takes the leash and ties it to the cross.

I hear some rustling around and she comes to me again. She has a leather strap and begins hitting me with it. She explains that she is doing this only to show me what things will be like there. She tells me that she will no hit hard enough to leave marks, but will be continuing the strokes on my pussy and breasts. It is just an exercise in who is the Mistress. I hear Tony enter the room to announce that dinner is almost ready. I hear Tony say Mistress, may I? Sabrina tells him tohelp himself and that she would look in at dinner. Just dont let her cum. I feel a hand near my pussy. Its Tonys hand and he is playing with my clit ring. He reaches down further to check to see if the dildo is still there. It is, so he pulls it out. He stands in front of me and puts his cock near my pussy. Sabrina had just walked back in and said would be fine until we get there. Tony rams his cock into my pussy. His hands are on my hips for balance. I feel a hand at my clit. Its Sabrinas. Tony pumps as hard as he can for the position he is in and Sabrina is pulling on my clit ring. Tony is about to cum, I can tell. So am I. Tony asks Sabrina if he can cum and he is given permission and told to hurry because I was close to cumming and I am not permitted to cum yet. Just then he explodes into my pussy. He pulls out and I feel a mouth on my pussy. He has been told me clean me up with his mouth and get me ready for dinner.

Ten minutes later, I have been released from most bonds and plugs and clamps. I still have the collar on with the leash, the wrist and ankle cuffs. We all go into the kitchen for dinner. Sabrina points to the chair she wants me to sit on. I sit down and Tony bends down and ties my ankles to the chair. Sabrina sits at the head of the table. Tony dishes everything out and is seated at his place. The three of us enjoy dinner and conversation. Sabrina tells us that once dinner is cleared up we are going out for a while.

An hour later dinner is done and the kitchen tidied. It was 7 by this time. Sabrina tells us to get ready, that she wants to leave about 8:30. I ask her where my clothes are and she tells my I am wearing what I am going out in. She said she may give me a see-thru robe to wear, but that was it. I go into the washroom and clean up a bit and brush my hair and fix my make-up. While I am waiting for them to get ready I go into the living room and take out my book and begin to read. At 8:30 Sabrina tells us that we are ready to leave. I put my book down and stand. I walk toward Sabrina and she hands me a see-thru robe. I put it on and notice there is nothing to close it with. I look at Tony and say, hes completely dressed and this is all I get? Babe, you are being tested, he has proven himself.

We get outside and get into Tonys car. A blindfold is placed on me. We drive for about 10 minutes and come to a stop and the car is shut off. I am helped out of the car and my blindfold is removed. Sabrina tells Tony to talk my leash as she grabs the bag she brought with her and we start walking. I am looking all over the place. We are in a kids playground with no one around. It is almost completely dark out. I am lead over to the swing set. I am told to remove the robe which I do without question. Sabrina pulls out a long rope and tells Tony to through it over the top bar of the swing. When he has done that he is
told to bind my wrist bands together and to make sure it is tight. He is then told to put on the rope hard. He is told to not stop until my feet are just off the ground. When I am completely off the ground he is told to tie the other end to the side bar of the swing. A spread bar is then attached to my ankles. Sabrina then starts to play with my pussy again. This time after a few minutes she inserts her fingers into my ass and pussy, then she starts to lick my clit. Moments later I tell Sabrina that I want to cum. She stops suddenly. No babe, you will not cum until I TELL you can, understand? yes Maam comes from my mouth, but I really want to cum I dont care, you will have to wait and if you are lucky I may let you cum before you leave my place tomorrow. Tony. come here please so that you and I may play while babe watches. Lets really want to make her cum.

Sabrina sits on a swing next to me and tells Tony to pull out his cock so she can suck on it. Now that isnt fair. They know how much I like sucking cock. I look away for a sec and see a couple in the distance. Oh no, I think to myself, I hope they dont come this way. Sabrina, there are people over there. She stops sucking on Tony long enough to tell me she doesnt care because she and Tony are dressed. She tells Tony to blindfold me so that I wont have to worry about those people seeing me. They return to there fun. They arent exactly quiet about it either. Tony came in Sabrinas mouth. My blindfold is taken off and Ilook around and see no one. I ask if they came by but they did not answer me. Sabrina reaches into her bag and pulls out the flower and walks over and around behind me. I receive 10 strokes on each ass cheek. She stops for a few minutes long enough for Tony to suck my juices from my pussy. He stops and she begins the strokes on my ass again. It wasnt really hard, I think was just enough to make me know
that is all a test. So I dont moan or cry out. I dont want to disappoint Sabrina. Once again Tony sucks on my clit and pussy. This time he is told to put the butt plug in. She begins the strokes again and again she stops. This time I have a vibrator put way up inside me. And again he starts to suck on my. I cry out, I am going to cum Maam!!!. Tony is ordered to stop immediately. Oh so close to cumming and denied the release.

I am let down from the swing after being there for about an hour. I am ordered to my knees and my hands are bound behind me again. While on my knee, my ankles are bound together. The rope that was used to suspend me is then taken down. Tony is told to pull my arms way out behind me and Sabrina begins wrapping the rope around my breasts and back. For the final touch she pulls the rope between my legs a tightly over my pussy. She pulls it hard and secures it to my collar. Tony lets go of my arms and walks in front of me. His cock is hard again. Sabrina grabs me by the hair and pulls back as Tony shoves his cock into my mouth. He fucks my mouth and doesn’t take long to cum in my mouth. It surprises me and I end up gagging and spitting some out. Sabrina looks and tells me for that I will have to wear the harness all night. My feet are untied and things are packed up and we go back to the car. This time though I am lead to the trunk again. You are our prisoner the now and will be treated like one. I am ordered into the trunk and again my feet are tied together and tied to my wrists. The trunk closes. The car starts and we begin to move.

We arrive back to Sabrinas place 10 minutes later. I am helped out the car and we go inside. I am taken into the bedroom where I am told to lay on the bed. My hands are bound together over my head and the rope is attached to the headboard. A very thin rope is attached to my clit ring and the other end is fastened at the foot of the bed. It isnt tight at all, just enough slack so I can roll over, but cant slide up and try to undo my hands. If I did, the rope on my clit would pull, hard. Tony kisses me and tells me good night. Sabrina sits on the sideof the bed and tells me that I have dont well so far, She kisses me and tells me to sleep well. They both leave the room and I hear the door lock from the outside. I hear noises in the other room and I can only assume they have gone to play for a while. I am not exactly sure what they are doing, and I am not sure I want to know.


A few hours pass and I dont hear anything. I have been taking cat naps so far. I finally drift off and wake to the sun coming into the room. Someone is awake because I can smell coffee. Just then the door opens. Its Sabrina. Did you sleep OK Babe? No Maam, not really. Well, lets go have a coffee and figure out what we will do before you have to head back home. I am released from the bindings and this time all of it. Even the wrist and ankle cuffs are removed. Sabrina hands me the robe from the night before and I put in on. We walk into the kitchen as Tony is pouring 3 coffees. I am told I should fix my ownonly because no one knows what I take in it. We all take our coffee into the living room and find a place to sit. Curtains are open and its a nice sunny day out there.

The phone rings and Sabrina answers it. It seems as though it is her Dom friend, Bob. I guess he knew Tony and I were going to be there that weekend from the conversation I could hear on her end. Only hearing one side of the conversation I couldnt really tell what was going on. I did get that we would be meeting him somewhere. Sabrina hangs up the phone and tells us to get ready, that we would be going for a drive. She tells us that she is going to have a shower and then stands up. Shelooks at me and wiggles her finger like she wants me to follow her. OK, so I get up and follow her down the hall to the bathroom. You are going to have a shower with me. I want to make sure you dont play with yourself and cum while I am not watching.

I bend over the tub and start running the water and adjust the tapes until the water is the right temperature. While I am bent over I feel Sabrinas hand between my legs. She pinches and pulls on my pussy lips. I am getting wet already. We get into the shower and Sabrina tells me she wants me to wash her from head to toe. I begin by taking the shampoo, put some on my hand and shampoo her hair. While I am reaching up doing that, she plays with my nipples. I rinse her hair and take the puff full of liquid soap and begin to wash her starting at her shoulders. I work my way down and get to her pussy. She tells me to do that last because she wants me to play with it a bit. I finish washing her legs and move back up to her pussy. By this time I am on my knees and she has her legs spread apart. She tells me to take the liquid soap and put some on my hand and clean her pussy area with my hand. I do as I am told and start on the pubic area. Rubbing gently, moving my hand onto her pussy lips and onto her clit. The water runs over that area and is rinsed cleaned and then she tells me to put a finger inside her. I want to please her so I do as I am told. I pump my finger in and out and she tells me to put in a second finger. Then she asks if I am OK. Yes Maam I say. Good, I want you to put my clit on your lips and lick. While I am fingering her, I begin to lick her clit. It seems I am OK with this, I guess because we are in the shower. I begin to suck on her clit a bit and Sabrina begins to moan. I start doing it harder and harder and she gets louder. Just then she tells me to move my head back and she starts to stroke her clit. Don’t stop fingering me babe, I am going to cum. I didnt want to do it in your mouth because I know you are not ready. Ohhhhhhh Babe it feels so good. Her pussy gets tighter and very wet and hot. She cries out that she is cumming. I keep my fingers inside her and pumping until she tells me to stop. She motions for me to stand and kisses me. Not just a kiss on the cheek. An opened mouth kiss with the tongue.

OK babe, now I am going to wash you because you are still not allowed to cum. I will let you cum when I have decided that you are good enough to become my sub. She starts with the shampoo, just like I did. That is rinsed out and she washes my body, leaving out the pussy area. When I am washed, Sabrina takes some soap in her hair and washes me the same way I washed her. She did the same thing to me that I did to her. She starts with one finger and then 2. Then she starts sucking on my clit. Since having the clit ring added I am way more sensitive so it doesnt take long until I moan and tell her that I want to cum. Just as I
thought, she stopped suddenly. Not yet Babe. I turn the shower off and take a towel and dry her off. When she is dried, she leaves to get dressed and takes me with her as I dry myself. I am told to sit on the bed as she dresses. When she is dressed, she hands me a corset and tells me that she will help me put it on. It has rings all over it and straps hanging from the bottom. once I am tied into it she places the wrist and ankle restraints back on and the collar and leash. She looks at me and says that we are ready to go. We leave the room and see if Tony is ready to leave yet. He says he needs just a few minutes more. I am told to sit down and my wrist are attached to the corset. I am going to go do a few things and I dont want you touching yourself. She leaves the room.

About 15 minutes later they both come back into the living room. Tony has a camera. Sabrina comes over to me forces my legs wide apart and Tony positions the camera to take a picture. Sabrina pinches my pussy lips and Tony starts taking pictures. After various pics were taken of my pussy and breasts, we are told we can leave. Sabrina the coat I came with and drapes it over my shoulders. We get out to the car and I get in and it is removed. The drive was nice. I took about an hour to get to where we were going. Tony and Sabrina get out and my door is opened. My hands are released and my coat is given back. Put this on and tie it when you get out.

We begin to walk toward the wooded area. We get to a Hot Spring and there is a man standing there. Sabrina approaches him and gives him a hug. This must be Bob. Tony and I are not introduced to him. I hear Bob say that must be the toys? Sabrina says Yes, but babe is the one we are training, Tony is here to help and watch. The 4 of us continue out walk further into the forest. We are following a path so it must be a well traveled area. About 30 minutes later we reach what looks to be a deserted beach. I look around and there is no one to be seen. Sabrina tells me to remove my coat. I begin to question her and she gives me
danger eyes. Immediately I take it off. Tony takes it from me and places it on a nearby rock. I am told to kneel in the sand. I know not to question after that look I just got. Bob takes my leash and ties it to my wrist restraints. He pulls tight so my hands are pulled up hard behind me. He tells Sabrina the key to good bondage is to make sure it is good and tight. Last thing you want is for your bitch to be able to get free. A rope is then attached to my wrists and brought down to my feet. They are tied tightly together. I am hogtied now, but on my knees. Nipple clamps and weights are then attached. Then finally a blindfold is placed on me. I am then told that I am wearing a sign on my stomach. I ask what it says. babe, it reads, I am a slut in training. My Mistress is watching and I am to suck your cock. But why Mistress? Right at that moment I feel a sharp smack of leather across my breasts. I get 5 strokes on each breast. I have told you not to question anything, havent I? Yes Maam. Then trust me that W/we will let no harm come to you. We will be right here. Once you have sucked on 3 cocks, we will cum back. yes Maam is all that comes from my mouth and I lower my head.

I think they have walked away when I sense someone in front of me. Nothing is said and I feel a cock enter my mouth. My mouth is being fucked by someones cock and no is saying anything. Without warning cum
fills my mouth. I swallow because I know I have to. I hear a zipper being done up and then nothing. This person has walked away. Also as soon as he is gone, I feel another cock enter my mouth. Same thing, he cums in my mouth and leaves without a word. Some time passes and I am just kneeling there. I know if I struggle to try and get free Sabrina wont be pleased.

More time passes and nothing happens. Makes me wonder if Tony, Bob and Sabrina are even around, its so quiet. Just when I start to get scared I sense someone is there. I hear one guy say Oh this is the place and there she is. Wow, never expected this to happen. I hear another guy say Shes ours to fuck her mouth, lets do it. Nothing else is said and I suddenly feel 2 hands on my head and someone in front of me. I hear a zipper and then a cock enters my mouth. The guy behind me is hold my head still while the other one fucks my mouth. I can tell the guy behind me is hard too. He is standing really close and holding my head tight. The front guys cock is getting harder and harder by the second, He explodes into my mouth. Also as soon as he is done the other guy has moved around and shoved his cock into my mouth. Same thing happens, he pumps his cock inside my mouth and loads my mouth full of cum. One guy says, We should leave, this is all we came for. Besides we are being watched. I hear them walk away and talking in the distance.

I can sense someone near me and all of a sudden, my blindfold is removed. Its Sabrina. She sits on a nearby rock. She tells me that she is a little disappointed that I didnt swallow all of the cum. She tells me that the first 2 men were Bob and Tony. While you were sucking the other 2 cocks, who I know by the way, Tony and I had a talk. Babe, are you ready to be my permanent toy? I raise my head and smile yes Maam. Then I am happy to announce that you are now collared to Me. She stands up and comes to me and kisses my cheek. Tony unties me and I am told to stand. My coat is handed back to me and we start back for the car.

Sabrina has decided that Tony and I can drive back together and she will go with Bob. The drive back was nice. Tony and I talked a lot about everything, just like on the computer. By the time we get back to Sabrinas place it is already 5 PM. Bob and Sabrina decide that we are just going to order pizza so we can play some more while we wait. We go inside and head straight for the playroom. Bob decides he is going to tie me to the sawhorse. Sabrina and Tony watch with interest. Once again my movement is restricted. I large dildo is placed in my pussy and this time a weight is added to my clit ring. Bob takes Tony off to
the side and talks to him. I cant hear what they are saying. Sabrina asks me if I am OK and I tell her yes. She says that she has a surprise for Tony. What Mistress? She explains to me that Bob is giving Tony tips on how to enter a womans ass since he has never done it before and that it is my ass that he will enter for the first time. I smile. I will warn you now babe, Tony is wide. We will be right here in case you cant handle it. Thank you Mistress.

Sabrina starts to play with my nipples as Tony grabs the bottle of lube and positions himself behind me. He pours a bunch of lube onto his cock and then onto my ass. With Bobs guidance, Tony places the head of his cock against my ass. Very slowly he begins to push his cock. I take a deep breath as he pushes in further. He pulls out just a bit and then in further. Bob tells him to just push straight in. He adds more lube to my ass. With one final push, Tony is all the way in. Bob tells him to fuck my ass just as though it was my pussy. He reaches down and places his hands on my hips. He pumps my ass slowly at first. He is moaning and telling Mistress that it feels great. He pumps faster and faster. Bob then reaches down and pulls on the weight attached to my clit ring, then starts to rub my pussy. Mistress I am going to cum.
Thats OK little one, but wait until Tony is ready. Just then Tony says that he is going to cum. Thats good because I dont think I could wait any longer. Tony and I both explode at the same time. He keeps his cock inside me for a minute then Bob tells him to pull out slowly. Tony pulls out and bends down to suck my cum from my pussy. He puts a finger in my ass and sucks on my clit. Mistress, I am going to cum again. She tells me that I have deserved it and that I have permission to cum.Just as I cum, there is a knock at the front door. Pizza has arrived.Sabrina answers the door while Tony puts his pants back on and tells the delivery guy that his tip is in the other room. He comes into theplayroom while Tony takes the pizza to the kitchen. The pizza boy gets behind me as Bob takes the dildo out of my pussy. Bob tells him he has his choice, just dont let her cum. He grabs the lube, lubes up and shoves his cock deep into my ass. Bob looks at Sabrina and smiles and says this guy knows what he is doing. Minutes later the pizza boy unloads into my ass.

The pizza guy leaves as I am released from the sawhorse. I put on a robe and we all go into the kitchen. We have our pizza and a bottle of wine. Once dinner is done I help Tony clean up and go into the living room where Bob and Sabrina are. We all just sit and relax and talk about last night and today. Sabrina says that everything has gone well and is pleased that I came to her.

As a reward I am able to sleep unbound and with Tony. The night goes on and by 10 I am exhausted and want to go to bed. Sabrina tells me to go to her bed because she may be up for a while still. I excuse myself and say goodnight and leave the room. I go into the bedroom, take off my robe and crawl into bed. Not 5 minutes later I am out. I wake in the morning with Tony beside me starring at me. Why didnt you wake me when you came to bed? We could have had our own fun. I know babe, but I remember my first weekend and I know you were extremely tired. We had agreed to get up then and have breakfast ready for Sabrina when she woke.

We quietly went into the kitchen and I made coffee as Tony made pancakes. Sabrina woke up at the same time we were bringing her a tray. We all just sit around and talk some and soon I tell Tony that I have to get back to the city, the kids will wonder what happened. We get dressed and gather our things. When we are ready we say our good-byes to Sabrina and tell her that we will see her on-line in a while.

The drive back to the city was nice and not much talking. Tony gets me home, leans over and kisses me and tells me he is glad I have joined the family. I get out of the car and walk away, Tony drives away. I
smile as I go upstairs.