Reading Time: 20 minutes

by desire

Mistress Pam’s Puppy Bitch
The bitch curled up in her basket just on the edge of consciousness covered by the light blanket her mistress so graciously allowed her to have. The heavy studded leather collar around her neck was attached to an equally heavy leash, which was attached to the bedpost. This bitch wasn’t going anywhere at night without permission. She heard her Master open the curtains and as light flooded the bedroom she snuggled down under her blanket. Perhaps He would think she was still asleep and leave her there. Suddenly she felt a foot prod her;

“Get up puppy your Mistress wants you.” She looked at Him standing there silhouetted against the light streaming in from the window, a masterful commanding figure.

She smiled at Him sleepily; “Good morning Master did You sleep well?”

“Well enough” he growled “now get that lazy ass of yours out of there and go and freshen up for your mistress, she requires your attentions.”

“Yes Master” she replied as she stood up and waited for Him to release her from the leash. He undid the lock and removed the leash from the collar, he unfastened it from the bedpost and folding it in half slapped her ass with it.

“Now get a move on and make sure you are clean all over.”

She moved away rubbing her ass.

“Yes Master” she replied and hurried off to the bathroom. She loved her Mistress dearly and she began to get excited at the thought of those attentions her Mistress desired, but more than that she loved the powerful man that was her Master. She wondered if he would join in as he so often did and she began to squirm in anticipation. She looked longingly at the shower and decided to risk it, she wouldn’t be long and he did want her clean all over. As she stood there with the warm water playing on her neck she felt her nipples harden and pinched them gently, she loved that especially when her Master did it. She allowed the warm water to play over her body as she soaped and rinsed herself luxuriating in its touch on her skin.

As she stood there lost in the moment she was brought back to earth by the pain of a hard hand on her wet cheek. She opened her eyes to see her Master stood there scowling at her. Knowing better than to rub her stinging cheek she looked at Him.

“Yes Master?” she asked.

“What the hell do you think you are doing bitch?” he growled, “I told you to hurry up your mistress wants you.”

“Yes Master” she replied as she hurriedly turned the water off.

“Turn it back on bitch, and get down on all fours with your arse under the water.”

“Master????? ” she queried.

“NOW BITCH,” he shouted.

“Yes Master” she replied as she hurried to obey Him

“Do you know what I am going to do and why?” he asked

“No Master ” He dangled her leash still held coiled lightly in His hand and waved it in front of her face as she knelt in the shower.

“I’m going to whip that arse of yours for being selfish and self centred. You have one purpose in life and that is to serve your Master and Mistress.” As he spoke he brought the leash down hard on her wet buttocks.
“Not to pleasure yourself unless we give you permission. Do you understand you worthless cunt?”

“But Master You wanted me clean.” She argued. He brought the leash down again and again in silence. She trembled and shook as the pain shot through her body.

“Are you arguing with me?” He asked. She shook her head.

“Get up bitch and crawl into your Mistress and beg Her forgiveness” She nodded and reached for the towel, as she did so he kicked it away from her.

“Did I say you could dry yourself? She shook her head and started to crawl into the bedroom. Every now and then He pushed her with His foot.

“My love here is your naughty pup, she has been selfish and needs a punishment from You. I have beaten her but she needs to be taught obedience by her Mistress.” Mistress Pam smiled

“Oh dear desire what am I going to do with you? desire reached up and licked her Mistresses hand that was hanging over the edge of the bed.

“Kneel up on the bed my little bitch” Pam said softly. “Hands behind your head and up straight and not a word understand?” desire nodded and did as she was bid

“My Lord will you fetch the nipple clamps, the ones with the weights I think and also some chains.”

“Of course my love” he replied.

“Now slut I will tell you what is going to happen, you will not speak but you must maintain eye contact with Me at all times, understand? desire nodded.

“Then His Lordship is going to put the clamps on you and tighten them until I tell Him to stop. If you show any sign of emotion on your face if you flinch or cry out you will be punished further understand?”

Once again she nodded and maintained eye contact with her mistress as she felt her Master attach the first clamp and then the second. As she felt the jaws tighten on the tender flesh she blocked out everything except the sound of her Mistresses voice.

“You see my little bitch you must learn obedience, you must learn your place in the order of things, you must realise that your reason for being here is wholly and solely for the pleasure of Myself and His Lordship.” desire continued to stare at her Mistress her face not showing the pain that racked through her body as He tightened the screws on the clamps. Mistress Pam regarded her steadily.

“Ok my love that will do, now attach the chains and pull them over her shoulders. Now desire my little bitch you are going to pleasure your Mistress and if I am not happy I am going to raise my hand and your Master is going to pull on the chains, do you understand? desire nodded and as she did so the Master pulled on the chain. Pain shot through her nipples and she gave a small cry, tears formed in her eyes as He pulled again.

“Now bitch get to work please your Mistress or you will get more.” He turned to his lovely wife as she lay back stretched out on the bed.

“What would You like her to do my love?” Pam stretched Herself.

“She can start by washing me with her tongue and if she misses any bits You know what to do” desire leant forward and started to lick her Mistress, she started at her fingers and licked her way up Her arm. She then licked Her shoulders and neck enjoying the salty taste of her Mistresses sweat on her tongue. As she reached the magnificent breasts she couldn’t resist sucking on the nipple, straight away pain shot through her own nipples and she let it go.

“Did I give you permission to do that?” Pam asked, She shook her head and continued to lick avoiding the nipples, she slowly made her way down Pam’s body until she reached that special place she loved so much. Mistress Pam had her eyes closed as She revelled in the sensations the sluts tongue was giving Her. desire raised her head,

“Mistress may I lick and suck Your pussy and arse please?”

“Yes” Pam said as Her breathing quickened.

desire straddled her Mistress and gently parted the soft cheeks of Her arse. She ran her tongue around the tight rosebud and slowly inserted it into the opening, she pushed hard and felt her tongue enter the secret orifice, as it did she rubbed her Mistresses cheeks with her hand. Pam moaned softly and writhed on the bed.

Then desire removed her tongue and began to lick the cheeks and moved into the damp sweet place that was her Mistresses pussy. She licked and sucked and gently took her clit between her teeth, teasing it with her tongue as she did so. She loved the taste of her mistress and liked to make Her writhe with ecstasy as She was doing now. She licked and sucked and nibbled her tongue and teeth darting here and there never in one place too long, she felt her mistress begin to stiffen as she bucked and trembled under the onslaught. She drank deep of her mistress’s juices as She screamed and her pussy throbbed and pulsated.

desire felt fingers in her own pussy probing and stroking and she felt a tongue licking her arse. She didn’t know who it was but it felt so good. She continued to play with her Mistress exciting Her once again, she could feel the excitement rising inside herself as someone sucked on her clit, suddenly her head was lifted by the hair and her Master thrust his cock into her mouth. She gagged as the stiff cock was rammed into the back of her throat.

“Suck bitch” he said as He held her head in place. She nodded and began to suck Him slowly at first teasing Him with her tongue, then as He moaned she sucked harder and faster feeling Him fill her mouth as He thrust back and forth. She continued to rub her Mistresses clit with her thumb as she thrust her fingers into Mistress Pam’s pussy. Mistress Pam was sucking and fingering desires pussy and arse and the room was silent except for the moans of ecstasy coming from all three.

The Master held desires head tight as he began to thrust faster and faster, his fingers entwined in her hair. “Cum bitches” he yelled as He pumped His hot sticky juice into her mouth, holding her tight so she couldn’t pull away, forcing her to swallow His cum. Both women bucked and moaned as the sensations exploded inside them, then sweating and trembling at last they lay still. desire felt her Master stroke her hair, and as she lay exhausted across her Mistress, she slowly began to lick Pam’s legs.

Her Master gently pressed His hand on her head.

“Enough desire kneel up and look at Me” She knelt up on the bed and looked into her Masters eyes. He stroked her cheek and she nuzzled her head against His hand. As He held her in his hypnotic gaze she felt Him remove the clamps from her tender breasts, she didn’t flinch or murmur as the blood rushed back into them.

“Good girl” He smiled as she continued to stare at him. She felt Him lift her breasts in His hands and softly rub His thumbs over her sensitive nipples. This time she couldn’t stop the gasp as sweet sensations raced through her body.

“Does that feel good?” He asked softly. She nodded not trusting herself to speak.

“desire I asked you a question and I want an answer.”

“Yes Master it feels good.” She whispered.

“Good and do you want to come my little slut?”

“Yes Master please may I?”

“No little one you cant, you need to learn some self control and we will see if you can learn it without the beating. Understand?” She nodded once again and then as she saw Him raise His eyebrows;

“Yes Master I understand.”

“Good my little slut now open your legs wide.” As she obeyed him and parted her knees she felt her Mistresses hand on her waist and felt the strap that went around it, then she jerked as she felt something press against her clit.

“Ssshhh little one be still” He said as He stroked her hair, she felt her Mistress fasten straps around her thighs, then incredible sensations shot through her as the clitoral stimulator was switched on. She gasped and jerked as the vibrations teased and buzzed her clit.

He took her face in His hands and raised it to look at him once more.

“Now my little bitch you will wear that as you do your work. You will go and prepare breakfast and you will not cum. You will not play with yourself, you will not switch it off. Understand?””

Yes My Lord” she murmured. He smiled

“Good and if you cum without permission, this afternoon during the obedience class you will crawl and sniff and lick every pussy that is there, pets and owners, just like the bitch in heat that you are. Understand?”

“Yes My Lord”

“Good now go and get breakfast while we shower and dress.”

As she moved around the kitchen she tried not to think of the buzzing in her groin. The sensations produced were becoming painful and she wondered how long she would be able to hold out. She put together juice and toast for Her Mistress and cooked the Master his favourite bacon and eggs. Working became increasingly difficult as the throbbing sensations rolled through her body in waves. She began to sweat and shake and doused her face in cold water. Her legs became like jelly and she perched on the kitchen stool trying to pull herself together and control the urges that wracked her body. As she sat there her Lord and Lady entered the room. He looked at her struggling with herself and smiled.

“Breakfast ready slut?” He asked.

“Yes Sir” she replied and served them as they sat down. She retreated to her corner with her bowl of cereal and put it on the floor.

“desire bring your bowl over here beside Me, you may eat at my side today.”

“Yes Master” she replied as she obeyed Him.

“I want your back to me and your ass in the air and spread your legs.”

“But Master that wi….” She broke off as the crop He carried in His hand landed on her buttocks.

“You were saying?” he asked softly.

“Nothing Master” she replied as she bent to eat her food, assuming the position He demanded. The shift in her position put made her clit more exposed to the stimulator, as he knew it would. The extra strong sensations that shot through her made her moan whole body trembled. On top of this she felt Her master run His crop between her legs stroking her ass and pussy. She stopped eating and moaned again unable to control the tremors that wracked her body in wave after wave of exquisite agony,

“Do you want to come bitch?” He asked

“Yes” she whispered

“What on the kitchen floor like a bitch in heat?”

“Yes ” she said weakly. All she wanted to do was give in to the sensations that chased through her, to allow the release her tortured body demanded.

“Well then bitch crawl into your corner and come. I will punish you later as I promised.” She looked at Him eyes glazed no longer able to think coherently, feeling nothing but the pain and pleasure that shook her whole body. She crawled into her corner and gave herself up to the feelings and emotions. Her body shook and trembled her breathing was fast and ragged, her moans grew louder and louder until she was thrashing about on the floor and screaming.

At last the spasms stopped and she lay crumpled on the floor totally exhausted. Her body was glistening with sweat and the juices from her cunt trickled between her legs, her hair was damp with sweat as well and she still twitched and shook from the violence of the orgasm.

The master glanced at His Lady as He switched off the stimulator by its remote control, to see Her with lips parted, breathing heavy, eyes glazed and Her hand between Her legs.

“My My,” He laughed “it would seem a bitch in heat turns You on more than I do. Do You want her My fine Lady, do You want Your slut?” Pam nodded Her head.

“Then go to her and take her there on the floor, like a pair of rutting bitches. Come on My Lady obey your husband and show Him what you can do.” Lady Pam got up from her seat and crossed to desire, she knelt between the exhausted pets legs and bent her head to nuzzle the girls cunt. desire let out a low moan as Pam’s tongue lips and teeth licked sucked and teased her swollen sensitive clit. He came up behind his wife and lifted Her skirt with His crop. He bent and stroked the smooth round globes of her ass, then bringing His arm up high He brought the crop down hard on Her ass. He repeated the blows several times. She flinched and squirmed but continued to suck desire. He tore her flimsy panties off of Her and kneeling behind Her, He roughly forced His cock into Her ass. She screamed and tried to pull away but he had her held tight. He thrust into her with powerful strokes pushing into her tight ass.

“So My Lady You prefer Your pet to me, I don’t see You getting that excited for Me. Suck Your bitch My dear while I give You just what You deserve.” As he spoke he continued to pound her until once again all three reached the peak and climaxed together.

Lady Pam and desire were huddled together on the floor while their Lord knelt beside them. He watched them as they whimpered and trembled. He felt angry with them, angry that they could get so much enjoyment from each other without needing Him, angry that watching them could arouse Him so, making him lose control. He wanted to beat them both, to punish them for making him feel this way. He knew He couldn’t punish His Lady, but the slut was a different matter altogether.

He pulled Lady Pam up by her arm.

“Go and clean yourself up My lady, you have guests this afternoon. I will deal with your bitch.” Pam looked at him realising that he was angry.

“I’ll take her with me to help me,” she said.

“Oh no she stays here, you will have to help yourself, and don’t forget you need to show you are in charge this afternoon.” Pam gave desire one last look as she left the kitchen and went upstairs. desire looked at her Master fearfully, she too had heard the anger in His voice, and She waited for whatever was to come.

“I’m going to My Chair,” he growled, “you know what to do.”

desire nodded, “Yes My Lord.” He turned and walked away and desire followed Him crawling on her hands and knees. She knew she had displeased her Lord but she wasn’t sure why, and usually he was so fair, only punishing her if she had done wrong.

She crawled to where he was sitting stern faced in His large chair and she knelt before him in the subservient position he demanded. She knelt with head bowed waiting for his commands. He let her kneel there for a while saying nothing and waiting to see if she dared to raise her head. However she knew better than to move a muscle when He was in this mood. She didn’t know what she had done to displease Him, but she did know she was in trouble.

Eventually He said to her; “desire do you know why I am angry with you?”

“No My Lord” she replied softly.

“You have no self control, I was trying to teach you self control but it seems to be impossible. All I asked of you was to contain yourself, not to cum, but you forced me to let you. Then you enticed your Mistress to behave like a bitch in heat with you on the floor. She disgraced herself and what would have happened if anyone had seen her, and it was all, your fault, because of your lack of self-control. So I am going to punish you as I promised. First of all I am going to write a sign on your tits in permanent marker. It will say, “I am a bitch I have no self control. Then you will crawl to every owner and every pet and you will either suck their cock or lick their pussy and you will also lick the arses of all of them. Then you will be taken to the dungeon and be used by every owner as they see fit. This will be done in front of the other pets so they can see what a disgrace you are. Your mistress will preside over this punishment and if she doesn’t adhere to my commands exactly she will join you. Do you understand?”

desire nodded tears streaming down her face, “please don’t punish my mistress, My Lord it was all my fault.”

“Well at least you have learnt that much. At the end of the day I will decide if I even want to keep you. I may auction you off or just give you to the local dungeon master to be used by anyone who goes there.”

Desire flung herself forward and hugged his ankles; “Oh no My Lord please don’t send me away I will be good, please keep me.”

He kicked her away; “Get up girl, what did I say about self control?”

she knelt back up “Yes Sir sorry My Lord.”

“Now stand up and come here to me.”

She hurried to obey him,

“Over my knee Girl I am going to give you something to be going on with.” She bent over his knee tensing waiting for the blows she knew would come. He raised his hand and brought it down on her ass hard. Over and over until her ass was red and hot. She knew better than to cry out not even when he picked up a studded paddle and beat her with that as well. In between blows he rubbed her sore ass and fingered her pussy, making her squirm in pain and pleasure, but she knew better than to ask him if she could cum. At last he stopped and pushed her off and she fell to the floor.

“Go and get yourself cleaned up,” he growled “and then come back here so I can put your sign on you. You may pick the colour but it must show clearly.”

“Yes My Lord, blue I think My Lord.”

“Blue, desire not red?”

She stopped confused did he want her to pick colour or not. She thought for a minute; “My Lord I will be happy with whatever colour You want.”

“Ok desire blue it will be then.” She breathed a sigh of relief at having passed that test. She crawled out of the room and went to find her Mistress, her ass still very red and sore.

Pam was waiting for her in the bedroom. Dressed in a skin-tight red leather catsuit, slashed at the front and laced up both sides, desire thought she looked lovely and would make her Lord proud of her this afternoon.

Pam looked at desires red ass, “Oh pet what did he do to you?” desire told her all that had happened and was to happen.

“Mistress you have to do it otherwise he will make you share it. It will be all right. I can cope with it. May I shower please Mistress?”

“Of course my pet off you go but hurry, we mustn’t keep Him waiting. Desire rushed off to the shower letting the cool water play over her red ass, trying to prepare herself for the humiliation and abuse she had been promised. She turned the shower off and quickly dried herself, brushed her hair and returned to her mistress.

“Good girl now let’s go. Are you ok?” she asked. Desire nodded and attaching the leash to her collar the mistress led her pet downstairs. Their lord was waiting for them.

“Stand up desire,” he said. Desire did as she was bid and in blue permanent marker he wrote the words “I am a bitch, I have no self-control” across her chest. “Follow me.” He barked at them and they followed Him into the training room.

Two large chairs dominated the room and around the room were smaller versions of the throne like seats. In each chair sat a Master or Mistress, and beside them on a cushion on the floor sat their pet. There was no cushion for desire. As they entered the room all the owners and pets stood up out of respect for their hosts. As he sat down he motioned for them to sit. Pulling desire in front of Him he forced her to lay flat and put his feet on her.

“My friends today I have a special treat for Y/you all. This slut here has disgraced herself today, as you will see when she kneels before Y/you all. She has been ordered to lick or suck the cock or pussy of Y/you all whether Master/Mistress or pet. She will also lick your asses so I would ask you all to be naked to allow her access. Afterwards I am giving her to the Doms and Dommes to do with as you will. I only stipulate she must be fit for work tomorrow, whip her, fuck her, humiliate her do what you want with her, but teach her a lesson and let her be a lesson to the other pets here.”

As he spoke he ground his feet into desires back causing her to squirm in pain. He removed his feet and said;
“Get up bitch and show them your shame.” Desire got up and knelt beside her master, her cheeks burning in shame, as she bowed her head. The writing on her chest was clearly visible to all as she knelt there. Some of the pets laughed but were quickly frowned at by their owners.

“Right desire off you go start crawling to your betters and pleasure them.” Desire looked beseechingly at her mistress but was tapped on the rear by her master. She started crawling around the room and came to her first couple a Domme with her male slave, he was one of those who had laughed at her.

The Mistress opened her legs wide so desire could lick her pussy and slid forward on the chair so her ass was available as well. As desire licked the mistress slapped her on the back with her riding crop. She kept on licking till the mistress gave a shudder and moaned. Next she turned her attention to the pet, his cock had grown hard watching his mistress and he thrust it in her mouth hard, as she started to suck he pumped he mouth thrusting it in and out. As she tried to pull away he looked at His Lordship who nodded, so he held her head tight as he came in her mouth, forcing her to swallow it. Once he had finished he turned his ass around so she could lick it.

One after the other she went round the room, crawling from one couple to another, licking pussy and ass and sucking cock each one making her swallow. She felt sick but kept on with her task until she had finished them all. She returned to her Master and knelt in front of Him awaiting His commands. She couldn’t look at her Mistress she felt so ashamed. He raised her head to look at Him;

“Are we learning self-control now desire?”

she nodded “Yes My Lord”

“Good girl.” He looked at the Doms and Dommes, “she’s all yours to do with as you will for next hour, make a good example of her for the other pets. Go with them desire at least keep your dignity.” Desire got to her feet to walk away when she felt a whip snake around her neck pulling her up short.

“Did I give you permission to stand?” He asked softly. She shook her head as she fell to her knees and crawled away, following the Owners into the playroom.

The other pets sat around the walls watching eagerly to see the punishment, knowing it could all too easily be them. Desire knelt waiting for them to tell her what to do. One of the Doms went to a chair and sat on it,
“Come here bitch” he said. “Over my knee” desire did as she was bid and he picked up a studded paddle. He commenced to paddle her ass until it was red and sore. In between blows he rubbed her ass and fingered her pussy making her moan and squirm. “Getting excited slut?” he asked. “No Sir.” she whispered. He laughed “Liar, but at least you are learning to control it.” He rolled her off his lap onto the floor.

Next came the female Domme who had been first in the line for pussy licking. She tied desire to the St Andrews cross with her back to it, placed weighted clamps on her nipples and clit then proceeded to flog her tits and stomach and thighs, the tails of the flogger catching in the clamps, causing desire extra pain. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she said nothing as one after the other they whipped, caned, floggged, and abused her.

By the time the hour was up she was totally, mentally and physically exhausted. She crawled back out to her Lord and knelt before him, He looked at the pitiful girl before him proud of the way she had handled herself throughout her punishment and his heart softened. He knew he would never let her go but the threat didn’t hurt sometimes.

“Go and shower desire and you may go to your basket for the night.”

Desire reached forward to lick his hand and nuzzle her head into it. “Thank you My Lord,” she said faintly.

He turned to Lady Pam, “Go with her and help her then return to me here.”

Pam smiled “Yes My Lord” and hurried out after desire.

She helped the aching girl up the stairs and into a hot shower, washing her down. Then she wrapped her in a big fluffy towel and dried her, holding her close as she did so. Desire gave herself up to the moment, thinking that this moment made the whole afternoon worthwhile.

“Now pet into your basket and get some sleep, see you in the morning.” Desire snuggled down under her blanket smiling sleepily at her Mistress.

Pam turned and went downstairs again. She too wanted to be in her Lords good books and she knew just how to do it. Something he would not be expecting, she smiled to herself as she entered the room where he was.

“Is our pet settled my love?”

“Yes My Lord.” She moved towards him and put her arms around him laying her head on his shoulder. She looked into his eyes,

“My Lord do we need to stay with our guests or could we slip away, I feel the need for a spanking to atone for my sins.” He looked at her and grinned

“I’m sure they can manage my Lady, just let me make arrangements.” He went into the next room and after a while returned.

Taking her by the hand he led her to the playroom and locked the door.

“Now my Lady what’s it to be, stocks, whipping post, cross, or across my knee?

“Across your knee I think My Lord more personal and I can feel how interested you are.”

He laughed; “OH My Lady I’m interested all right now come here and let’s get you out of this suit.”

She got on her hands and knees and crawled to him and knelt in front of him.

He raised her to her feet, “No need for that My Lady you do not need to crawl to me.” He held her close kissing her deeply, their tongues entwining as he pulled down the zipper in the back of her suit. He peeled it off of her and she stood there head held high unashamed in front of her Lord. He sat in a large armless chair and beckoned to her. She went to him willingly and lay across his lap shivering in anticipation of what was to come. He rubbed her bare cheeks running his finger up the crack of her ass and then inserting a finger in her cunt. She gasped and squirmed and just as she was giving herself up to the sensations he slapped her buttocks hard. She squealed as he did it again and again, rubbing her in between each one and fingering her pussy. She was overcome by the feeling that he generated and knew now why desire liked it so much.

She could feel him grow hard beneath her and suddenly he stood up with her in his arms and put her on the leather couch. She hadn’t realised just how strong he could be. Turning her over onto her knees he entered her and she moved back to meet him. The spanking and the playing had inflamed her and she wanted nothing more than for him to fuck her hard, to feel him pump his juices into her, and for the first time she thought of him impregnating her and feeling sorry it was too late. They moved together, two magnificent animals working together for their mutual enjoyment. The movements got faster, more frenzied as they both built towards their climax, then with loud shouts they came together. Pam had never experienced an orgasm like that before and she collapsed, utterly spent, still shaking and moaning. Her Lord took her in his arms and held her close, rocking her like a baby, smoothing her hair, until she lay calm at last.

She smiled up at him, “Thank you my lord,” she whispered.

“Let me get rid of our guests my love and we will go upstairs and end our day together, as a good husband and wife should.” She nodded content to obey him and thought what a wonderful end to a very traumatic day. What more could she ask for a wonderful husband and a lovely pet to attend to all her needs. She sighed, life was good, and with that she drifted off to sleep.