Reading Time: 14 minutes

by Emmy

Submissive Diane Considers Her Choices
My best friend once asked me why a D/s relationship. Thats easy to answer. No one understands me more than a Master. I see the way Master looks at me and I see the way her man looks at her. No comparison. My Master understands everything about me. I bet her man doesnt. Master just looks at me and I know what he wants. There is a certain look for everything. There is nothing I keep from Him. I take care of Him and in return my Master protects me. I have never had this feeling before with any other man. Why would I want anything to happen to this man? I would never intentional hurt him. And he would never hurt me. If I step out of line, he sets me straight. Nothing wrong with that, can be sexually exciting to be honest.

Heres an example:

Master and I were walking along the street one day window shopping. I got playful and decided to start tickling him. He laughed and told me to stop. I didnt. We got to an adult store and he told me to stay outside. I did. About 10 minutes later he comes and we continue down the street. We get to an alley and he grabs me by the hair and pulls me in. He demands that I lift my dress. I do. He looks and sees that I am wearing panties. Oh shit I think to myself, Master hates it when I wear panties. He tears them off and slaps me extremely hard on my bare ass. Then he reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. Suddenly I feel a butt plug go into my ass.

We stand up, straighten my dress and continue our walk. I look at Master with questioning eyes. He looks at me with a smile and says Well, babe, you going to embarrass me, then I will embarrass you. How do you feel anyway? Master, I feel a little silly. Then you will think twice about making me feel silly. OK, Master has a good point. But the plug sure is making me wet. Oh yes babe, expect more discipline later on when I think of what to do. I knew what he meant. It was because I was wearing panties. I keep forgetting that Master likes to be spontaneous, panties just get in the way.

Another time we were on vacation and I was watching the men in their shorts. Nice view. Master didnt think so. We got back to the hotel room and Master made me strip. Once my clothes were removed, he bound  my hands tight behind me, blindfolded me and led me outside to the balcony. He made me kneel then he tied my ankles and knees together. I couldn’t get up if I wanted to. Master tells me that now the rest of the hotel has a nice view. Then he left me to kneel there and think about what I had done.

Master knows all these things turn me on. No man has ever turned me on as he can. Yes, sometimes it hurts, but you know what, thats exciting too. You know the best part? All of these things turn Him on as well, thats what makes me happy.

Here is how a night out would go.

It was a long week for both of us at work. Friday night we decide to go out for dinner and then dancing. Master got home before I did and laid out the clothes he wanted me to wear. He has great taste in clothes. I got home about 30 minutes later than normal. I rush in the house and head straight for the bedroom. As I take my clothes off so I can shower and get ready, I notice my clothes all set out for me. I smile. I showered quickly and got out and walked into the bedroom. Master was standing there with his arms folded. I knew what that meant. He was just disappointed that I forgot to kiss him as soon as I was in the house. He likes that first thing after work. I walked over to him and smile and say Im sorry Sir, I didnt want us to be late for dinner. I reached around his neck and gave him a long passionate kiss. Oops, my towel fell to the floor. I stop kissing him and look in his eyes, he is smiling. He tells me that everything is fine, and that I should get ready to go.

I hurry to get dressed and walk into the living room where Master is sitting waiting for me. As I enter the room he rises to his feet and motions me to come to him. When I am in front of him he puts his arms around me and hugs me. He loosens the tightness of the hug and puts a jeweled collar on me. I look up at him and he tells me that is to remind me tonight who I belong to. I smile and we turn and go to the car. As He drives to the restaurant he tells me he has a few other surprises in store for me throughout the night.

Dinner was perfect. Master ordered for me. We get to the nightclub but Master tells me to wait a sec. He tells me to take off my panties. Without question, I remove them. He tells me to recline the seat a bit and sit back and spread my legs. I know better than to ask why so I do it. Master tells me to close my eyes and relax. Just as I close my eyes I feel his hand at my pussy. He begins to play with my clit and puts his finger inside me. I grind my pussy into his hand further as he puts in a second finger. After playing with my pussy for a few minutes he pulls his fingers out and I feel something cool go inside me. I open my eyes and look at him. Just then I feel something else go inside me. I realize he has the Ben Wah balls and has put them inside of me. He pushes them deep inside me and pulls his hand away. I squirm in my seat to get used to the balls inside me. He tells me we are ready to go inside. I reach for my panties and he grabs my arm. Babe, we will be dancing tonight without those.

We get out of the car and go inside the nightclub. Took a few minutes to adjust to what was inside me. They always feel like they are coming out and Master knows that. I have to be careful about the way I move.
We find a table close to the dance floor and Master orders us drinks. He knows I don’t drink a lot so he orders me a Pepsi. Master has a beer. During the next 2 hours we danced a lot and the place had filled up. Wow, were there ever a lot of single good looking men in there. Master excuses himself to go to the washroom just as a good song comes on that I wanted to dance to. Almost as soon as Master is gone, a tall dark hair man asked me to dance. I didn’t see the harm since I knew I belonged to Master and that he knew I was going home with him. We start dancing but the dancing is very close and a little on the sexual side. I felt sexy, so why not.

Master came back to the table and spotted me on the dance floor. He smiled and winked as he sat down again. The song ended and the man kissed me on the cheek, walked me back to my table and thanked Master for letting her dance with him. I sat down and Master asked if I had fun. I told him I did. He reaches over under the table and undid 2 buttons from the bottom of my dress. That would leave very few left to undo before my clit would show if I moved the wrong way. Master says, Babe, you seem to like to show yourself off, so why not have fun. And do not do those buttons up again. I looked at him and said quietly, yes Sir.

Another hour goes by and Master and I are dancing to a slow song. He whispers in my ear and tells me to undo 1 more button. Nervously, I do it. I think to myself that if I have to undo one more button, everything will be showing. We sit down at the table but instead of me sitting across from Master, he pulls the chair around and instructs me to sit close. I did. Master takes his right hand and places it on my lap and runs it up the inside of my thigh until it reaches my pussy. He looks at me and smiles and says, you are hot down there and wet. I just nod and smile back. Master undid one more button and reaches between my legs very subtly and attached a shiny silver chain to my clit ring. It is about 3 inches long and has a small shiny weight at the end of it. He kisses me on the cheek and excuses himself.

Almost as soon as he leaves this other man asked me to dance, so I go to the dance floor with him. Having my dress open that much and the chain there is making turning me on a great deal. Master knows I dont
have a problem showing off certain parts in public. Master returns to his seat and smiles at us again. I return to my seat and Master tells this man to join us. He smiles and tells Master that he would love to but he has a couple of friends with him. Master tells him to get his friends. A few minutes later he returns with another man, the same man I danced with first, and a woman.

We all sit and talk and get to know each other. Turns out these 3 people are all lovers and into swinging. Master explains to them that I am submissive and will do anything that pleases Him. Their eyes light up. Master proves his point by telling one of them men to play with my clit. Being the good little girl I am, I allow him access to my pussy. He pulls slightly on my chain, makes me jump a little. As the night goes on, we all get up and dance with each other including me and the woman together. When that song had ended, he asks the woman to sit on the other side of me. She looks at Master and asks if it is OK if she feels my breasts. Master smiles and says by all means, do what you like, Babe doesn’t mind, do you babe? I look at Master and tell him anything that pleases you Sir.

By this point I am really turned on. She puts her hand between my legs. I could have almost cum right then. One of the men looks at Master and says he has a good idea. He has suggested that we get a room at the hotel where the nightclub is and we could all get to know each other better up there. Master agrees and tells the 3 of us to wait until they return. About 20 minutes they return and tell us that we all have a room for the night. Master excuses himself one more time and tells everyone that we will meet in the room. We all get up and leave the club together. Master gives me a kiss and tells me he will be 5 minutes, that he just wants to get something from the car. I know what that means. Master takes our toys with us when we go out just in case something like this should come up.

Master disappears outside and we go up to the room. We walk in and look around the room. Its a pretty big room with 2 queen size beds and a big leather chair. One of them men and the woman sat on one of the beds, the other man took the chair and I sat on the other bed. Not soon afterwards Master came in. I was sitting there with my dress almost completely undone like Master liked it. He looked at me and told me that since I like to show off my pussy that I was to remove the whole dress. I did without hesitation. He tells me to come to him and I did. He put his bag of toys on the bed and told everyone to look through it. Babe is my toy and tonight I am going to share her with all of you. I want you too see how she makes me happy. Doing as she is told is what pleases me.

Master tells the woman to take the wrist and ankle restraints and fasten them tightly on me. One of them men was told to get the collar as Master took off my jeweled collar. The big leather collar is them put on me with the least attached to it. The other man comes over with the nipple clamps and puts them on my, then attaches the chain between them. Master pulls on the chain to make sure it is one tight. They all take a few steps back and look at me. The woman looks at Master and says she will do anything she is told? Master nods his head and says she will if she doesn’t want to be punished. I want any of you to feel free to do what you want with her. She will obey. The woman takes the leash and pulls me toward the balcony door. She reaches over with one hand and opens the door, steps outside and pulls my leash with her. She looks at Master and says anything?. Master nods. She pushes me to my knees and asks someone to bring her 2 small ropes. She ties my wrist cuffs behind my back and then ties my ankles together with the other rope, but pushes my legs apart. She then takes the leash and ties it to the railing and goes back inside and closes the door then the drapes. I am left to kneel there, alone. As I kneel there one of the balls finally falls out. This cant be good, Master hates that.

About 15 minutes later one of the men come outside and starts to pull my nipples and twist them. I close my eyes because it hurts slightly. He unties my feet and the leash and pulls me to my feet. We walk back inside and a blindfold and gag are placed on me. I hear Master say that they were discussing out relationship and things that will be done. I am taken to the leather chair that had been moved. My legs are forced apart to each of the legs of the chair. They are attached to the chair legs. I am them pushed forward and the leash is fastened to the front of the chair somehow. I am over the back of the chair with my pussy and ass in the open. The other ball falls from my pussy. Master asked me if they are both out now and all I can do is nod. I hear movement and I think I know what is next. Suddenly I feel the crop hit my ass. Not once but 10 times on each cheek. My gag is then removed and I tell Master that I am truly sorry. I feel a cock go into my mouth. There is also something happening behind me. I feel something cool around my ass. Suddenly my ass is invaded with a large butt plug. Then something goes into my pussy, its another cock. I have a cock in my mouth fucking me and one in my pussy. This goes on for a while and my blindfold is removed. It was Master. But wait, Master is not inside me. It was the 2 men. Master attaches 2 weights on my nipple clamps. He then leads the woman to one of the beds. They lay down together and start playing with each. All of this goes on for a while and Master and Diane start to make love. I squirm around a bit because that should be me on the bed with him. The man that has his cock in my mouth suddenly cum without warning. I gagged and swallowed as much as I could. Master noticed I let some come out of my mouth and told that man that I should get a spanking for that. Just then the man in my pussy shot his load deep inside me.

Without hesitation, Jeff, picked up the crop and began hitting my ass with it. Master tells him that I let out even a whimper, to hit harder. He says, babe knows the rules. About 10 lashes later he hit a bit harder and I let out a moan. Sure enough, the strokes got harder. There were about 10 more and then they stopped. Master tells Diane that he is about to cum but couldn’t cum inside of her. He pulls out gently, kisses her and walks over to behind me. He takes out the butt plug and pushes his hard moist cock inside my ass, deep. He slams his hard cock in and out hard and fast. It didnt take long for him to cum inside me. He cums and Diane asked if she can clean my pussy with her tongue.

She goes to work on my pussy with her tongue and also playing with my clit with her right hand. I tell Master that I am about to cum and he tells Diane to stop. She does. I am so close to cumming. Master
explains that her, that my pleasure comes when he tells me. I am left completely alone bent over the chair. Everyone gathers to one bed and begins to pleasure Diane since she hasn’t cum yet. It doesn’t take much for her to orgasm. They all lie there for about 20 minutes and relax. Master gets up and begins untying me from the chair, including my hands. He takes my leash and pulls me over to the other bed.

Orders me to lay down on my back. He pulls on my wrists and Greg attaches them to the leg of one side of the bed while Jeff does the same to the other side. My arms are pulled extremely tight. They do the same to my legs. I lay there spread eagle on the bed. A longer chain is attached to my clit ring and attached somewhere to the foot of the bed. If I even try to move, my clit ring will be pulled. A ring gag is placed on me and then blindfolded again. I hear them talking and saying they should leave, that it was late. Master tells me he will return in a few minutes. I hear the door close. I lay there wondering what was going on. About 10 minutes later I hear the door open and close again. I hear Masters voice telling Diane to help herself. Master had explained to me that the men had left but Diane had wanted to stay and play more.

A dildo and butt plug are put deep inside me again and she plays with my clit some more. I really want to cum, but I know I cant until Master tells me I can. I am left alone again and I hear them kissing again. They fall to the bed next to me and begin fucking again. They take there time and Master tells Diane that we play all the time but he will never cum inside anyone else but me. Diane said that she was ok with that. They start fucking hard and Diane says she is going to cum. I hear her cry out in delight as they continue to fuck. She doesn’t cum just once either. She cums about 4 times and Master says he is going to cum. He pulls out of her and I feel him straddle my face. He inserts his cock with her cum into my mouth and starts to fuck my mouth. Diane begins to fuck my pussy with the dildo buried deep inside me. Master cums hard into my mouth. Some spills out because I am unable to swallow properly because of the ring gag. Master tells Diane to stop again because I was getting close to cumming again.

They go back to the other bed and lay back and they talk. After about an hour, there is silence. They have fallen asleep. After a while I begin to fall asleep as well. Several hours later I feel something between my legs. It was Diane and she was going down on me. Master sits near my head and begins to play with my nipples and pulling on the chain. He pulled hard. Diane sucks really hard and fucks my ass with the dildo, hard. I begin to squirm because I am on the edge of cumming. Master leans down and says cum little one, cum hard for me. Just then I couldnt control myself any longer and I cum hard right into Dianes’ mouth. She sucks it all up. I am not released right away but Diane excuses herself to the washroom to clean up. Master continues to play with me while she is gone.

A few minutes later she comes out and says goodnight to me. They stand at the door and talk for a few minutes. I hear her say that she likes the way he has control over me. The door closes and I know Master and I are alone. He comes to the bed and releases my feet and clit. He takes off my blind fold and removes the gag. He begins to stroke my hair and tell me that I was a good girl. I smile. Suddenly, he pulls my hair and tells me that one thing did upset him. You let the balls fall from your pussy tonight babe. I am sorry Master but with all that stimulation, it was hard to keep them in. you upset me babe, I thought you could do it. You realized you will be disciplined for this don’t you? Yes Sir. He tells me that it will not be sever but I will be uncomfortable the rest of the night. He releases my hands and places them behind my back and ties them tightly. He pulls my feet together and binds them together. I am then rolled onto my side and my feet are pulled up behind me and bound to my wrists. He has hog-tied me. He places the ball gag on my mouth and tells me to sleep well. He them crawls into the other bed.

We wake in the morning and Master unties me. We go into the shower together and he tells me that we are going home. We get dressed and leave the hotel. Back at home you tell me how much you love me.

That is why I have chosen this lifestyle. No one else has ever loved me the way Master loves me.