Reading Time: 13 minutes

by kelsi & Sir Alop

Turnabout Is Fair Play for Polaris
The door to the motel room opens as You approach it and You step inside to find me kneeling respectfully, clad only in a short sleeveless ivory cotton robe and a black leather G-string.

As I close the door quietly and follow You on my knees, You walk sedately to the chair in the corner, turning to face me with feline grace and look down on me as I press my face to the floor between Your feet.

“Yes, yes,” You, say impatiently, “enough of the bowing and scraping, on your feet, boy, and turn around.”

Jumping quickly to my feet, I turn away from You and place my hands obediently behind my back, flinching slightly as I feel the cold steel handcuffs snapped into place around my wrists. With a playful slap to my right buttock You order me to turn around and undress You.

“B-b-b-but Mistress, my hands are cuffed behind my back,” I stammer nervously.

“You have a mouth don’t you pet? Why don’t you use it for something other than whining.”

Blushing furiously, I step a little closer and take the top button of Your shirt between my teeth, pushing it through the hole with my tongue then moving down to the next button. When the buttons are all undone, I carefully take one side of the white silk blouse between my teeth and tug it gently from Your smooth shoulder, repeating the process on the opposite side and slowly drawing the garment down and off your arms. I kneel behind You, carefully tugging down the zip of Your knee length black skirt with my teeth, and it drops to the floor and You step out of it as I return to face You.

Standing proud before me in white lace bra and black satin panties, You motion for me to remove Your black leather court shoes and I bend down quickly, taking each heel into my mouth and pulling the shoes from Your exquisite feet.

Next, I move to suck the bra straps from Your shoulders, leaving them dangling loose around Your elbows and trying to avoid staring at Your large firm breasts as they are released from the cups of Your bra. With difficulty I manage to unfasten the clip between Your shoulder blades and the bra joins the skirt and shirt on the floor.

Kneeling again, I loop my tongue around the waistband of Your panties and carefully tug downwards, inhaling deeply but silently through my nose, reveling in the heady aroma of my Mistress as I draw the black satin down to Your ankles.

“Hmmmmmmm, your speed needs improvement, pet, but you seem willing — is my bath ready?”

“Oh yes, Mistress, just the right temperature and scented with rose oils, as You commanded,” I reply timidly, gazing up at Your back with undying admiration.

Without another word or glance, You walk quickly to the suite bathroom and step gracefully into the tub, settling back with a sigh of contentment as I follow You on hands and knees, stopping beside the bath to await Your further orders.

“Next time I may allow you to wash me little one, but for now you will simply kneel there and watch.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I whisper and settle back onto my haunches, watching intently as You soap Yourself languorously then lie back to soak. As I watch you lying in the bath, my heart is filled with love and admiration and I know deep within my soul that I will happily give myself to You entirely whenever and however You wish. A small pang of embarrassment shoots through my mind as I realise that there is nothing You could ask that I would not do immediately and with pride at being asked.

I am snapped out of my reverie as You turn toward me and whisper, “Lick My pussy little one.”

“Now, Mistress?”

“Of course now — would you disobey me?”

“Certainly not Mistress, I was just inquiring as to whether You wish me to carry out Your order whilst You are still partially submerged.”

Your arched brow is sufficient answer and I quickly take a deep breath before plunging my head into the bathwater between Your muscular thighs and extending my tongue to run the tip gently over Your submerged labia.

As I push my tongue gently between Your swollen pink lips, I feel Your hand grab the back of my head, pushing my face harder against Your pubic mound, forcing my tongue to crush Your hardened clit.

Fighting to remain calm and conserve my breath, I begin to lick up and down Your perfect pink pussy, pressing my tongue into the hot tunnel at the end of each downward stroke and feeling Your strong legs straining upwards against my mouth as You maintain Your grip on my head.

Knowing that I can’t hold my breath for much longer I try to push away from Your pussy, but Your hand remains firmly locked in my hair, keeping me in place for agonising seconds as I begin to writhe, exhaling hard against Your pussy, causing a stream of bubbles to caress Your tender flesh.

You pull my head roughly out of the water and allow me just enough time to snatch a deep breath before plunging my face back between your legs and thrusting it downwards until my outstretched tongue is playing across Your tight asshole. Knowing that I am totally at Your mercy, I push my rolled tongue into Your ass and begin to circle the tip around Your inner walls, my excitement building despite my best efforts to remain calm.

As I begin to writhe once more due to lack of oxygen, You pull my face back along Your pussy, thrusting Your clit back into my mouth and crying aloud in sheer animal lust as my teeth close around the hard little bud. Just as I think I’m going to pass out, You quickly pull my face clear of the water and release Your grip on my head, collapsing back into the bath as I fall to the floor gasping for air.

Regaining Your composure, You step delicately out of the bath and stand over my prone form.

“Up, boy, and dry me.”

Silently I force myself to my knees and slowly and carefully lick the moisture from every inch of Your naked flesh, paying special attention to Your feet, ass and pussy, then buff your polished skin with a soft towel, stopping only when I am sure that you are totally dry and settling back on my crossed ankles, head bowed respectfully.

Striding back to the bedroom, You retrieve the key to the handcuffs and, as I crawl into the room behind You, bend and quickly remove the steel bracelets from my wrists, ordering me to strip.

I rub my sore wrists surreptitiously as I remove my clothing and kneel before You naked, my legs spread wide and my head bowed.

“Now fetch my favourite outfit and dress me, my pet,” You purr, watching me closely.

Retrieving the required clothing from the bag by the bed, I quickly and carefully help You into black satin panties, a black and red half cup basque, lacing it snugly before smoothing the black silk stockings over Your legs and affixing them to the suspenders. Long black silk gloves and Your thigh length black, spiked heeled boots complete the ensemble and I gaze at You in renewed awe as once again You are transformed into the personification of my dreams and nightmares.

“Now slave, bend over the bed,” You demand, rummaging in Your bag to retrieve a wide leather bound paddle.

As I adopt the required position, swallowing hard in fear and excitement, there is a knock at the door.

“Ahhhhhh, that will be room service with my meal,” You purr, “be a good boy and let them in.”

Knowing that requesting permission to dress will be futile, I go to the door and quietly open it, hiding behind it as the waiter wheels in the trolley.

“Come here polaris, NOW,” You growl impatiently, and I hurry to Your side, avoiding eye contact with the waiter who looks quickly from You to me and back again, a red flush coming to his cheeks.

“Give the poor man a tip and see him out Polaris,” You say as You lift the lid of the platter.

Guiding the waiter to the door I whisper to him, “Be very careful who You agree to serve, some Dommes are not as kind as my Mistress.”

Closing the door behind the confused waiter, I return to the bed and bend over, waiting patiently until You have finished eating and stand up to join me.

“Actually, my dear, I meant give him some cash but I think your tip was quite apt.”

“Thank You Mistress.”

“However, that does NOT mean you will not be punished for your lack of dexterity when undressing me this evening or for your pathetic attempts at breath control, now let me hear you count these good and loud………..


I stride over to the bed and take up the paddle once more, fingering the smooth leather and smiling down at you. I won’t tell you now, but I am delighted that you have obediently taken the position I have taught you to assume for punishment – on your knees by the bed, belly and face on the mattress, your arms stretched over your head, crossed at the wrists, your ass completely exposed for whatever discipline I deem necessary, and your cock dangling down helplessly in mid air, half hard despite your efforts to control it, and unable to make contact with any surface that might bring you relief. I run one perfectly manicured red-lacquered nail lightly over your buttocks, making you tremble in terrified anticipation.

“Such a naughty boy, polaris, tsk tsk, we shall have to do something about this…” I kneel beside you, and you feel my breath hot on your neck, as I run my tongue wetly along the outer edge of your ear. You feel my hands slide up your thigh, and I buckle a black leather studded harness around your legs and waist. I hear your audible groan as the cock ring is slipped over your semi-erect member – a perfect fit. It is just large enough to allow you a complete erection, the soft leather looping around your shaft and balls. I sit back and admire the effect, brushing my long auburn hair back over my shoulders absently.

“Now remember, Polaris, do NOT cum without permission, or I will be VERY disappointed.” I draw back the leather paddle, and bring it down with a satisfying *SMACK* on your right ass cheek, regarding you coolly as I hear your sharp intake of breath and see you jump almost imperceptibly. Again, I bring the paddle down, this time spanking your left buttock, and hearing your gasp as you struggle to count your swats. Four more swats, two on each cheek, and tears sting your eyes. I reach into my bag and pull out a small slim vibrator. You try to keep your eyes averted, but cannot help but look as I stand beside the bed, lifting one booted foot and planting it next to your body. I tug the black satin crotch to one side and slide the vibe deep in my dripping wet cunt with a pleasured little sigh, slowly slipping it in and out. Your cock and balls swell with desire, straining against the snug black leather harness, wishing with all your might that it was YOU fucking me, instead of the vibe.

Abruptly I stop, and grab you by the back of your hair, lifting your face off the mattress. I press the artificial dick, glistening with my juices, against your lips. “Suck it well, polaris my pet, make sure you get it very wet. It will make things easier for you.” Your eyes widen as you realize the implications, and you suck and lick the vibe for all you’re worth, making it as wet and slick as possible. I remove the black silk gloves, and retrieve a small silver jar from the bag. “Good boy,” I chuckle, and apply a generous dab of lube to your tight asshole, pressing in a bit with my finger. I pull the toy from your mouth and press it against your anus, stroking your back gently, as if quieting a nervous racehorse. “There we go, nice and easy,” I whisper, as it presses relentlessly past your tight ring of muscles. You groan, long and low, as the vibe slides up your ass, all the way to the base, and I fit it securely into the snug harness. I switch it on low, and you squirm on the bed at the new, invasive sensation, your stiff member dangling helplessly between your legs, aching for relief.

I take up the paddle once more, and resume your spanking. Six more hard slaps, and both your cheeks are pink and super sensitive. You are painfully aware that I spend at least an hour a day at the gym, and the weight training has given me power behind my swing. You try so hard to count, but by the last two swats, you are moaning and biting the sheet. Mercifully, I stop and lean forward to kiss each stinging butt cheek, leaving a perfect red lipstick print on both sides. “Well, polaris, not many subs can say their Mistresses will kiss their asses, dear,” I giggle.

I stand up beside you and drop the paddle back in the bag. “Make me a cup of tea, love,” I say, gesturing vaguely to the room service cart, “You can eat whatever is left there.” I settle down in a comfortable armchair, propping my booted feet up on a low table. You rise shakily to your feet, the vibe still buried deep in your ass, your cock stiff and standing straight out from the harness, and hasten to obey me. Gratefully, you notice I have left you an entire half of my sandwich, as well as some cut fruit and sliced cheese, and you wolf down these morsels as you prepare my tea. Wiping your mouth quickly with the back of your hand, you kneel gingerly before me to offer the cup, acutely aware of your stinging butt and the vibrator buzzing inside it.

“No, no,” I dismiss you with a wave of my hand, “not here – put it on the night stand by the bed.” I don’t hide my amusement as I watch you struggle gamely to your feet and cross the room to place the cup carefully on the night stand.

“Good boy,” I approve. “Now, fetch me the champagne from the ice bucket.” You cross the room and bring me the bottle, kneeling again as you offer it and a single glass. I wrap the cold bottle in a small towel and hold it between my thighs, popping the cork; white foam bubbles out of the long neck, dripping over my hand. I smile down at you and tease wickedly, “Now what does THAT remind you of, dear?” You groan softly and I notice your cock straining against the snug harness. I hold my wet hand to you, and you obediently tongue the spilled champagne from my skin. Regarding you thoughtfully, I down one glass, then pour another, rising to my feet.

“On the bed, little one, on your back, spread eagled,” I order. I cross the room with purposeful strides and place the fresh glass of champagne next to the cup of tea. By the time I turn to face you, you have already assumed the requested position, and are waiting breathlessly….

Swiftly, without comment, I fasten your wrists and ankles to the bedframe with supple black leather cuffs attached to steel chains – which, in turn, are affixed to the four posts of the bed. I run my polished nails lightly down the length of your body, feeling you shiver with anticipation. Taking up the glass of champagne, I take one long sip of the icy liquid, then lean forward to lick your nipples. They grow hard under my cold tongue, and I nip at them lightly with my teeth, causing you to moan softly. I dip my finger in the champagne and paint a freezing, wet, line down your belly, then follow my finger, tracing its path with my tongue. You jump as a little frosty wine spills into your navel, and I lap it up, like a cat lapping cream. Your cock, supported by the snug harness, is hard as a rock and pointing straight at the ceiling. I down the last of the champagne and suddenly take your entire dick in my mouth, making you shiver, shockingly cold, but tight and wet and delicious.

I sit up and grin at you, setting the empty glass on the bedside table and taking up the cup of tea which has just barely cooled enough to drink. I sit between your spread legs on the mattress, facing you, the crotch of my black satin panties so close to your balls you can feel the warmth emanating from me, my legs draped over your hips, the heels of my boots resting in the palms of your hands.

“Remove my boots, slave,” I order, “and take care that you do not make me spill this hot tea, or I will beat your ass with the crop, and I guarantee you will not climax for a week.” You whimper softly as you struggle to remove my boots very carefully, a difficult task since your wrists are bound, but you manage admirably.

“Stockings too, Mistress?” you whisper, and I nod, unhooking them from my garter belt with a quick, practiced motion. I lean back on one elbow, sipping the hot tea, and place my right foot in the middle of your chest as you slide the silky stocking off my leg then begin to lick and suck my toes, bathing my foot with your adoring tongue. When I have had enough, I give you my left foot as well, so you can show your devotion. I set the hot tea to the side and abruptly pull my toes out of your sucking mouth, tossing my panties on the floor and sliding up your body to straddle your face. I part my pussy lips with the index and middle fingers of my right hand, gripping the headboard with my left. “Ohhhh yesssss…good boy,” I purr, as your tongue licks at my hard clit and wet cunt, licking and sucking like a starving man. I rock my hips, grinding my pussy down on your face, and you fuck me with your tongue. I suddenly pull away, and you glance up, worried that you have displeased me in some way.

“No, pet, you are doing fine,” I murmur soothingly, stroking your cheek. “I just have a little treat in store for you.” I pivot on your face, so I am facing your feet; picking up the tea cup once more, I finish the remaining hot liquid. Then, bending down, I take your swollen, aching dick into my mouth, which is super-warm from the tea. I feel you gasp against my pussy and redouble your efforts, sucking my clit and plunging your tongue deep inside my wet sex. My mouth is unbelievably hot and tight around you, and I feel your shaft throbbing, desperate for release, as my lips slide up and down.

Without changing position, I reach back and release your wrists; you moan helplessly against my cunt and grab my ass with both hands, pulling me down tightly against your talented mouth. I purr in pleasure as I feel you slide me just an inch or two down your face, my clit grinding against your chin as your tongue expertly services my asshole. I cum hard on your face, warm honeyed juices all over your chin, as your wet tongue plunges in and out of my tight anus. “Ooooohhhhhh….good boy, polaris!” I groan, my smooth ass cheeks trembling under your hands as I rock my hungry pussy on your chin, riding out my orgasm.

I lift off your face and resume my position sitting between your legs, grinning at you. “You have pleased me well, slave,” I whisper, reaching between your legs to switch the vibrator buried in your butt from low to high. Your eyes widen instantly and I feel your entire body react intensely to the increased stimulation. Your penis is wet and throbbing and stiff, standing straight up, and you writhe in desperate need on the bed, knowing you must wait for permission to climax. “Please Mistress, ohhhhhhhhh please…” you beg.

“Very well, you may cum for me now, love,” I chuckle. You don’t need to be told twice; you grab your aching cock with both hands and jack off furiously, the first jet of hot jism hitting you squarely in the jaw, the remaining spurts covering your chest and belly. I lean forward to suck you gently, and your body tenses and arches up off the bed, emptying the last of your semen into my tender mouth.

I let your relieved member slip slowly from my mouth and sit up again, gazing down at you fondly. “Thank you, my sweet Mistress,” you whisper hoarsely; I shut off the vibrator, withdrawing it gently from your ass as I unbuckle and remove the harness. Your skin is flushed and covered with a sheen of sweat and your own cum, your eyes glazed and a dreamy smile on your face.

“Good boy, polaris,” I say, patting your leg. I sit on the edge of the bed, putting on my panties and stockings. I smile down at you and give your spent cock an affectionate little squeeze. “Now, go bathe and clean yourself up, darling; we have a party to attend tonight.”