Reading Time: 4 minutes

by CAP

Chaste BDSM Slave Initiation
When I arrived at her house, I didn’t think a lot about it. She greeted me at the door, jeans and a T-shirt, nothing spectacular, but looking very chaste. I walked inside and went into the customary “nice place” bit, though it truly wasn’t. A chair in the corner, a lamp on the stand, a kitchen to the left, a bathroom to the right.

“So what’s up? We gonna watch a movie or some..” I started to say, but was interrupted by a hard slap across my chaste face.

“You are going to be quiet, that’s what you’re going to do. You agreed to be my slave for today, and I’m going to use you as much as possible” she replied with a grin.

“Well I just figured we could..” must have been the cue for my second slap, harder than the first, and to the opposite cheek. I wondered what I was getting myself into, but who wouldn’t?

She tossed me a plastic bag that read “Lustplugs

She tossed me a plastic bag.

“Go into the bathroom and put that on.” she said, smile widening.

Shutting the door and bathing myself in harsh flourescent lights I tipped over the bag, spilling it’s contents onto the hard tile floor. A black skirt, crotchless panties, garters, stockings, 4″ heels, a black bra and a white blouse greeted my astonished eyes. Reluctant to recieve any more slaps to the face and quite turned on, I stripped down to nothing and began to adorn my new atire.

The panties went eaisly on my legs, sliding up past my calves, over my knees through my thighs and up to my crotch. I was quite hard by now and had to skillfully manouver my cock through the hole in the crotch.

Next came the stockings, as I had seen in so many movies I unrolled them up my legs and laughed, imagining how corny I must have looked. With some difficulty I managed the garter belt, and bra, only having experience in the past with removing them, not putting them on.

I slipped on the skirt and tucked the blouse into it, leaving it unbuttoned about halfway down, to show my silky chaste bra. The heels completed the outfit and I looked in the mirror, damn I was sexy.

Walking was another thing.

As I came out of the bathroom, hobbling on my far to high heels, I sympathized with every woman ever to wear these ungodly things, but knew how nice they made my legs look. My mistress whistled at me in mock fashion.

“You sure make a sexy chick, you know? Come on, it’s time to get started.”

I moaned as she slid her hand under my skirt and grabbed me by the cock, she dragged me wobbling into the kitchen where a large pile of dirty dishes resided.

“I want these spotless in 20 mins, and if they’re not… well, you just make sure they’re done.”

20 minutes, bah, this should be easy I figured. What a quick 20 minutes.

“Times up.” she said, startling me. During the washing period my cock had lost it’s stiffness and hung limp between my legs. She planned to keep it that way.

Swiftly, she reached between my chaste legs, and snapped a sort of cock restraint onto me. I shuddered when she whispered into my ear, “Get ready for the best cock cage that will confine your manhood!”  Then just as quickly, she rammed a butt plug into my ass. The sudden shock of the plug into my ass caused my erection to come back with full force, though there was no where for it to go. She was naked now also, which made me even harder.

My chaste cock strained on the sides of the chastity ring and throbbed until it hurt. After a while my cock adjusted to the ring and the pain went away. Forcing me down to my knees, she slapped a collar around my neck and hooked a leash to it. A hard tug started me on my way into the living room and she hauled me over to the couch.

She sat down and I started to sit next to her when she pushed me off, and pulled hard on the leash, stopping me short of the floor, wrenching my neck back up.

“You’re not worthy to sit on the couch with me, you’ll sit on the floor.”

She grabbed the remotes and flipped on a movie, though I couldn’t see what it is since she held the leash tight, making me watch her the whole time. My cock started on again from staring at her moist cunt lips. From this far away I could smell the sweet sent of her pussy and wanted to taste it more than anything.

In the background, I could hear moaning from the TV, I assumed it was a porno. When I heard a woman scream in pleasure, my mistress tugged on my collar, pulling my head into her lap. My tounge went straight up into her, as far as it would go. I licked at her tasty juices and tickled her with my tounge.

During this oral stage, she shut off the TV. When she was satisfied, she pushed me off, stood up and dragged me to the bedroom.

“Too bad you didn’t make me cum, guess you need some punishment.” she said. Bent over the bed, my legs tied to the corners, my arms tied to the bed posts, my ass was extremely vulnerable. The buttplug was removed. I could hear the rustling of buckles behind my back and then felt warm fingers begin to probe my asshole. In an instant, the warm, soothing fingers were replaced with a long hard rubber cock.

I opened my chaste mouth to scream in pain, but quickly had a gag shoved in it. The cock was drawn out, only to be shoved right back in again, deeper and harder.

She started to rapidly fuck my asshole. My cock strained at the chastity ring as my asshole was strained by the dildo. With a final push, she unstrapped the cock, and strapped it into me. Moving around in front of me, she got on the bed and spread her legs, shoving my face into her hot pussy, screaming with orgasmic ecstacy.

“Do you want to be my slave forever?” she questioned.

“Yes.” I replied.

“Are you sure?”


“Good,” she said, reaching over the edge of the bed. She came back up with a long needle looking instrument and a coil of silver metal.

“Then forever it shall be, chaste one.”

I could feel the heat of the soldering iron by my cock, and watched as the silvery brazing poured inside the lock, cooled, and hardened. She smiled knowingly.