This part of the resources section is about the things we do. The term ‘BDSM’ brings together the activities of Bondage and Discipline (BD), Dominance and Submission (D/s), and Sado-Masochism (SM). Clearly not everyone interested in BDSM would enjoy all of these activities and theres no reason why they should. Its not a competition to see who can do the most bizarre things. Its about finding what ffulfillsyou, intellectually, emotionally and sexually, and then being free to enjoy it in a safe and legal way. We all have our own special kinks, preferences, and limits. As long as its safe, consensual, legal and between adults, then surely no one else should criticize. You can find some quick definitions of many bdsm activities in our ‘glossary of bdsm words’ and more detailed information in our ‘illustrated guide to bdsm’. We’re not advocating that you do any of this, simply providing information so you know what it is.
In the wise words of Bondage Master, Jack Rinella:
Becoming an expert in bondage techniques takes experience. You’re not going to get from here to “there” in one easy step, but you will get there with practice, information, experience, and the right equipment. Starting out is merely getting the fundamental tools and starting where you are. You’ll hear me say time and time again that you don’t have to do anything with great expense or “whole hog.” It’s best to start out small and slow. You’ll have lots of time later for big investments and marathon bondage sessions.
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