Reading Time: 9 minutes

by Chastiser

Mike And Amy Sex and Submission In Public Story
The car pulled up at the restaurant car park, and, Mike and Amy got out and walked to the door. Once inside, Mike turned to the Maitre ‘D’ and told him that a table was booked in his Name. They were then led to a secluded booth, the Maitre ‘D’ went to help Amy to sit, but Mike shook his head abruptly and asked for the menus. He then walked round the table to the chair facing the room and waited for Amy to pull the chair out from under the table, he then sat as Amy pushed the chair in for him. He looked up and smiled approvingly at Amy and then indicated that she should sit opposite him.

When the Menus arrived, Mike read carefully and approvingly down the list of available delicacies, Amy left her Menu unopened on the table. Once satisfied, Mike indicated to a waiter that he was ready to order, and, then proceeded to dictate his requirements to the waiter, ordering both for himself and for Amy, being careful with the balace of starter, main course and accompanying wine.

Mike indicated to Amy that she should come round the table to him as he had an instruction for her, she rounded the table and stood attentivley, her eyes lowered demurely. Mike then told her to go to the bathroom and remove her underwear and then return to the table, Amy responded with a sweet, “Yes Master” and a shy smile. She turned gracefully and walked away. Mike called after her “be quick now, Amy”. She smiled and hurried away.

Moments later Mike looked up to see Amy walking towards him, the red silk chinese dress now clinging to every cherished curve, the button front now an invitation, she held her head high with pride at her Master’s approving look. Her Blonde hair draping the shoulders of the dress, highlighted by the red silk, the high collar of the dress caressing her neck. Her matching high heels emphasising every movement as she walked, causing her breasts to jiggle against the cloth, her nipples already hardening, partly from the excitement and sensuality of the moment and partly from the soft caress of the silk. She almost imperceptably stroked the outside of her thighs with her fingertips as she walked revelling in the sheer luxury of the feel of her own skin through the exotic material.

She reached the table and stood by her chair, again Mike indicated that she should move round the table and stand near to him. Amy did so, standing so close that her thigh was brushing his arm. Mike reached behind her, with his hand starting low, he slowly brushed his fingertips up her leg, beginning at the calf, then to the back of the knee. His hand then carried on further up Amy’s leg but now under the hem of the dress, as his fingertips brushed the inside of her thigh Amy gave a little shudder, partly pleasure and partly anticipation, and then his fingers gently brushed the silky strands of her pubic hair and she gave an involuntary gasp which she clamped her lips on as the waiter walked up to the table.

As Amy stood there, with Mike invisibly caressing her, the waiter opened the bottle of wine that he had brought and poured a splash into Mikes glass. With his other hand Mike took the glass and tasted, and then nodded his approval to the waiter. But, when the waiter went to fill the glass Mike stopped him and indicated to Amy that she was to serve him with wine. Amy took the bottle, and although her hands were shaking a little, she filled the glass expertly, knowing that she must not spill a drop as her Master would not permit this.

Mike then indicated that Amy was to again seat herself opposite him and she reluctantly moved away from him and sat down. The starter was served, and Amy waited, not lifting her knife and fork. Mike started to eat, and then looked over to Amy, He smiled and nodded to her, and she too then began to enjoy her meal. Each had a different dish, and occasionally Mike would reward Amy with a taste from his plate or would indicate that Amy was to serve him something either from her plate or from his own, and he relished watching her as she leant forward, for the silk at the front of her dress filled and stretched with her breasts each time that she did, the nipples almost forcing themselves through the fabric.

Throughout the meal Amy basked in her Masters attention, she loved it when she had his undivided attention, his jokes just to entertain her, his smiling eyes only seeing her, His Amy. She could feel herself curling up like a contented cat in front of a warm fire and at the same time she could feel the unquestioning love for her Master welling up within herself to the point of overflowing. Her whole body felt hot for him, the love and desire mixing into an urgent cocktail. Anyone that could see her in the resteraunt could obviously see the love in her eyes and the wantoness in her body and it’s posture.

Again she felt her Master’s fingertips, this time under the table. She felt them brush her knee and her legs parted slightly, willing him to touch her further, and he did, gently caressing her inner thigh again and brushing the sensative spot behind her knee. She could feel herself getting wetter by the moment, she licked her lips, they were suddenly dry! She felt his hand move futher up her thigh, again brushing her pubic hair and she gripped her wine glass firmly. She could now feel her outer lips being stroked, gently softly, and they parted slightly as they became engorged and slightly swollen. Amy gasped again as she felt Mikes finger start to stroke her clit, he was leaning slightly towards her, looking deep into her eyes and he said “do not cum Amy”,she sighed knowing that she must not but realising the magnitude of the task. She gasped again, as she felt two of Mikes fingers slide into the wetness of her pussy and then begin to slide in and out of her. She knew that she must not give any indication of what was happening under the table to anyone in the room and although her legs were shaking and her hands were now clenched she sat upright, her body motionless, again Mike said “do not cum Amy!”.

Mike slowly, gently removed his fingers and sat up, Amy was at first dissapointed, but smiled inside when she was told to continue caressing herself, and she knew that she was allowed to enjoy it but not to cum until her Master said she could. Through the haze of her pleasure, Amy was aware of Mike ordering coffee, and whilst he drank it she could feel his gaze upon her. She knew he was watching her carefully and, while her fingers moved lazily in small circles on the tip of her clit she knew she dare not cum although her body now ached for it, her pussy now soaking with her juices, her legs shaking almost uncontrollably.

Mike paid the bill and then motioned for Amy to go to him yet again. Reluctantly she took her hand from her clit, and, with legs that could hardly carry her she stumbled towards Mike. He pointed to the floor, and Amy knelt by his feet, as she moved her legs she could feel the wetness draining from her pussy and soaking her inner thighs. He reached into his pocket and took out a narrow patent leather collar, and while she lifted her head willingly Mike fastened it round her lovely neck. She felt meek and defiant all at once, meek towards her Master, the Man that owned her body spirit and soul and defiant to those onlookers that cared to watch this small ceremony, as she was proud of her submission to her Master and cared not what they thought. Next, Mike reached again into his pocket and took out a length of fine chain, this he affixed to the collar and then he stood. After indicating to Amy that she too should stand, he proceeded to lead his beautful Amy out into the night air.

He led her to a small copse beside the lake near the resteraunt, and they walked on the cropped grass between the trees, a faint dew moistening their shoes as the night was cool, but not cold. once they were hidden from sight, Mike stood Amy against a tree, reached into his pocket once again and withdrew some fine cord, with which he proceeded to bind Amy to the tree.He fastend her hands behind her with her arms wrapped round the slender bole of the tree. Now that Amy was secured, Mike leant forward and kissed her, softley at first but with increasing passion, his tongue searching between her lips, sliding in and out. and then he kissed her neck, nuzzeling it, gently biting it, teasing it with his tongue. Amy began to squirm but was unable to move as the passion again began to build within her.

Mike moved back and began to undo the buttons on the front of Amy’s dress, starting at the top, taking his time, enjoying the exposure of more and more of Amy’s beautiful flesh in the strong moonlight penetrating through the branches of the trees. In that light her skin looked like ivory and her eyes were dark almost black. The faeiry light bringing out exciting new skin tones on Amy’s body the darkness of her nipples striking, matching the dark triangle at the top of her legs. Mike bent his head and started to lick Amy’s breasts, his tongue moving in circles around the nipple, the temperature of the air cooling the trail of his saliva almost immediatly. And then he took one of Amy’s nipples into his mouth, the peak between his teeth and she groaned as he gently bit, the pleasure and the pain mingling into a sweetness and a burning that she could feel all the way down to her clit.

Mike’s tongue then began it’s journey downwards, over the curve of her belly and then down into her pubic hair, she could feel the tip of his tongue as it caressed the opening cleft of her lips and gave a little cry as she felt it flick the tip of her clit, and she cried each time the tongue flicked and she could now feel her juices starting to run down the inside of her thigh again, she was on fire, so aroused, but knew that her Master’s last instruction was still in place and that she may not yet cum.

Then, Mike stood up, and while Amy watched admiringly and lovingly, he removed his clothes and stood there in the open air, the moonlight accentuating his musclature, His eyes too were black, hard, but not menacing. She looked down, his cock too was hard, the veins and ligaments shadowed in the eerie light, it seemed to be reaching for her, lunging towards her, demanding her. she gushed again involantarily, glad that she was tied as her legs could no longer support her.

Mike stepped towards her again and kissed her bruisingly on the lips, as he pressed against her she could feel the hardness of his cock probing between her legs, the hot tip brushing against her lips, seeking her out. mike reached behind Amy and with a single pull released the knot holding her to the tree. He took her weight as she slid forward and he lowered her down onto the cool grass. He parted her legs and moved closer, sliding his cock within her as he did so, she was so wet that he slid deep within her at the first thrust and Amy cried out, the desperation in her voice telling him that she needed him there, needed her Masters flesh within her, needed him to posess her completly and totally as this was the only way she could be fulfilled and satisfied. She could feel the cool dampness of the grass beneath her and the heat of her masters body above her, she could also feel the cold of the chain that lay between them and the fire inside her pussy that was already starting to engulf her and consume her. Her clit was burning, the sensation spreading to the whole of her lower body, the muscles in her thighs trembling now uncontrollably and the muscles inside her pussy grabbing at her masters cock as it rammed into her, his pubic bone pressing onto her clit and stoking her into a higher and higher frenzy. “Now Amy, cum for me” Mike said, and the explosions started, each one triggered by yet another thrust of that rigid penis inside of her, she could feel it begin to swell, to increase in size and
fill her even more, the glans at the tip burning her cervix with every contact as her Master too reached the point of orgasm. Then it happened, Amy screamed, the breath rushing from her lungs, as her body could take no more, each muscle cramping wave of orgasm shook her body, the pent up feelings of the evening being released on the bikini atholl that was her pussy. And then the sweetness of the moment to her as she heard Mike cry out too, as he came within her, the jets of his cum drenching her, soaking her, each spasm bringing forth another burning torrent of semen. She could feel every muscle in his body clenched with the effort of his cum, his face screwed up in estacy, her name on his lips. And then, that wonderful quiet calm as she cuddled his weight upon her, the respite that allowed her to hold her Master close to her, his penis still inside her but quiet now, his breathing subsiding, his body relaxed.

“Amy”, he said, ” I love you!”

“Master”, Amy whispered, “I love you too and give you my body and soul!”

And in the background all that could be heard was the lapping of the waters of the lake and the quiet tapping of the branches above them as a faint breeze played with them. As they laid there together as one, complete in their love, it was as though time stood still for them so they could savour that moment where each discovered that they had found what they had been searching for, for so long.