Reading Time: 4 minutes

by cajunsparkles

Plastic Wrap BDSM Story
It was a quiet night at home. Master was sitting watching TV I was sitting at his feet were I should be. He looks down at me and smiles and pats me on my head, I look up at Master and smile back. Master continues to watch TV without speaking a word Master turns off the TV and stands up I look up at Master he walks to the kitchen I hear the pantry door open.

I figure he is getting a snack, he walks back to the living room were I was sitting he takes my hand and helps me up. Master sternly says “girl” I cannot see what he has in his hand behind His back. Thinking I did something to displease Master I put my head down and said, “yes Master,” Master says “girl look at me.” I look at Master he says “Display” I stood with my legs slightly parted on the balls of my feet chin down and wrist crossed behind my back. “Good girl” says Master, he walks away to the bedroom I hear Master open the closet not knowing what to expect I could feel my juices starting to build.

He walks back into the living room were I am still standing; He puts the blindfold over my eyes. He lifts my chin and kisses my lips softly then I knew I wasn’t going to be punished. A feeling of relief came over me yet a feeling of disappointment. I do hate to displease Master but I know Master only punishes me because he loves me. My mind was wondering what is Master going to do to me I thought.

My juices were starting to flow. Master took my arms and raised them over my head and took my shirt off. He grabbed the back of my head by the hair and pulled my head back some exposing my neck were he kisses softly then bites hard it makes me squeal and weak in the knees Master quickly places his hand over my mouth.

And kisses were he just bit I feel him but my collar around my neck; I love when my collar is on it makes me feel so close to Master, Master takes off my bra were he kisses each nipple and gives them a tug with his teeth I can feel my juices more and more. He works his way down to my pants where he pulls them down then he pulls my underwear down. “Girl is happy I see” I smile at Master; He dips is finger inside of me and licks it clean, “very good girl” I smile.

Master tells me to step out of my pants. I do so with Masters help so I don’t trip trying to step out of my pants. When I am standing in the middle of the living room fully exposed to Master I can feel my juices flowing out of me down my legs. I hear Master it sounds like he is messing with plastic wrap of some sort; I thought oh Master bought a new toy, and then I felt the cold stickiness of the paper on my leg. I feel Master wrapping me with the plastic wrap.

His warm hands first touching my skin then the cold plastic wrap as he wraps each leg leaving my womanhood exposed he wraps up the rest of my body. The cold plastic over my stomach then he stops, I think to myself what’s wrong, I hear him walk away then he comes back and I feel a course string I am guessing rope go around my breast, my juices are flowing out of me my body tempter is rising more now that I am covered in plastic wrap, after Master finished bonding my breast he continues to wrap me with my arms at my sides with the plastic wrap to my neck only leaving out my collar and my head.

Master grabs my hair and kisses me the only the way a Master kisses his slave I feel myself fall into his arms, my juices are flowing I need Master to take me. Master tells me to lie on the floor; He helps of course, he spreads my legs apart wide so he can see my women hood, were he sticks his fingers inside of me it takes everything I have not to orgasm right now. Master feels my swollen clit “girl do not orgasm” I shook my head yes. Master went down on me licking me pulling on my clit with his teeth; I was fighting the orgasm back trying hard not to displease Master. Master stopped; I was kind of relived because I don’t think I could take anymore without cumming, “roll over girl” with Masters help I roll over “on your knees”

Master helps me to my knees, “Now expose my ass to me girl” so I bend over having my face in the carpet my knees spread wide apart. I feel Master Stand over me, my body is shaking and sweating, I don’t notice all I can think about is cumin I need Master to relieve me. Master kneels down over me and slams his hard cock into my ass I jolt forward, Master rides my ass “girl do not cum”

I am trying hard not to, I feel Master’s warm pre cum filling my asshole, wanting him to cum so badly inside of me so I can cum. Master releases, my juices made a puddle on the floor, Master lays me flat and rolls me over “bend your knees girl and spread your legs” Master licks the juices around my lips I feel myself about to bust I beg Master “please let me cum” “not yet girl” Master then licks me and circles my clit with his tongue; “now girl” as Master bites into my clit, I feel my cum squirt out of me.

“Very good girl you did it” My face is red my body is hot and sweaty I am coming down from the high I was on, my body was starting to get kind of cold just then Master cuts the plastic wrap off. When he is finished he helps me up and tells me to shower he will clean up the mess. “May I be excused Master” I ask Master looks at me and gives me a soft kiss on the lips unlocks my collar and says yes baby you are.