Reading Time: 3 minutes

by Carrie

Diary of A Rich Girl – Chapter 113
When I walked through the door it was delightfully thrilling to watch how people reacted. Everyone stared at the elegantly beautiful girl, me, who didn’t belong there. I felt very saucy. And since I knew my way around I disappeared behind a door that Delmore had left open for me.

I made my way upstairs, found the boss’s door and knocked. I waited a long moment for it door to open, but it was worth it. When a man is glad to see you his eyes light up. But when she’s a beautiful girl he looks like he’s died and gone to heaven.

“What are you staring at?” He said, “You make that Heidi Klum bitch look bad.” He grabbed my bottom and kissed me deeply. Then he slipped his hand into my skirt, down my panty waist and gently grabbed all of me. A nice warm vibe soared through me.

“Long time no see.” I said, “Sometimes that’s good.” His other hand caressed my jaw. I waited with eyes closed for the next long kiss. I was in that state of total surrender. His lips touched my mine and now I had gone to heaven.

He unzipped my business skirt, let it drop, undid my silk blouse and slid off my bra. My sloping tits were full and gloriously firm, my nipples deliciously plump. I was totally primed for fucking. He lifted me up on my toes and kissed me again. In between each breath I said, “Fuck me.” I wanted to make fabulously torrent love, but he, well, he wanted to whip me. “No. Fuck me.”

But he knew better. I got a nice little smack on my bottom. He lowered me. My eyes got demure. The little girl in me took over. I know longer wanted to get fucked. “Are you my little slut?” I coyly nodded that I was his slut. “Then get on the bed.”

I got on the bed like a good girl, hugged the pillow and hid my face. I heard a noise. “What are you going to do to me?” He approached the bed and smoothed his hand over my cute white little bottom. He had his flogger. “Are you going to beat me?”

“Until you hurt all over.” I could already feel the pain. He kissed my cheek. I let him tug down my panty skirt and stockings and then my little frilly baby blue panty just to my thighs. He likes the way it plumps my tush up. The door opened. It was Delmore.

He’s seen me like this before, but he never gets over it. I said, “If you want to stay and watch me get it go ahead,” but he decided that what he had to say could wait. His eyes never left me as he shut the door. I suppose it turns him on in a very wicked way. I mean he knows I get beat. He knows I let Little John pimp me. But he also knows I get much love. That’s why I come back. That’s why I’m Little John’s society whore.

Little John didn’t wait to punish me. The leather seared my bottom. I let out a deep low grunt. It felt as if lava were running through me. He flogged me again. It was hot. Very hot. I turned to him with my mouth wide open. I moaned long and loudly as my arms hugged the pillow and my knees defensively bunched me up. But I couldn’t stay that way. He tapped my bottom. I begged him, “Please not so hot.” He tapped my bottom again. I pushed my knees back, released the pillow and tried to relax so he could whip me.