Reading Time: 4 minutes

by Carrie

Diary of A Rich Girl – Chapter 54

“A Fist Full of Dollars”

It was a lovely day to stroll through the city. I put my hair up in a high ponytail, got my fun gym bag, and threw a whole bunch of stuff in it and headed out the door. All my old regulars greeted me: the Park Avenue doormen, the pizza guys, and the cop who eats sushi Even a church bell rang as I turned the corner and crossed east to Lexington. I hadn’t felt this well since before I had gotten married and it seemed as if all my admirers had really missed me, which only reassured me that I had done the right thing – – getting rid of him.

It was also great to have my old routine back again. I was showing up at the office and doing more work. I was getting back into things and feeling like my old self. I must mention that my lawyers are feasting on my x. I’m not only getting everything I want, but he’s moved to London where the climate better suits him. One of his most outrageous actions, which of course went by way of his attorney, was to request that if the child is a boy he would be named after the father. I told the attorney, “Why would I want to call my son cocksucker?” That ended that.

My cell buzzed and it was mother calling me to tell me that I had handled the situation correctly — including my pillow surprise. I had almost forgotten that she and I were luncheoning at the Pierre, so I had to skip a few shopping errands and wait for mother who loves to treat me at Bergdorf’s. Even though I’m now worth a little fortune, she still likes take me out…how nice.

We gossiped and she wanted to know if my evenings were now lonely. Actually they weren’t. In fact, I had visited Little John last night to buy some high grade weed. It was something I needed and I always enjoy getting high with him. A few of his friends had dropped by and we all went to his private room. I was supposed to stopover at a girlfriend’s birthday party, but Little John convinced me to stay for a while. In ten minutes he had me high and floating. I could barely keep my eyes open, but just enough to see anybody passing me joint.

I didn’t recognize one of the guys at first. Then he pushed back his dreadlocks and smiled, Remember me? I made the connection. It was a while back, before I had met Little John. It was when I was learning how to skate. The guy had taken me to a quiet area where we could skate together, so it was nice seeing him again after all that time. Mr. Dreadlocks taught me well. I asked him where he’d been and he said someplace like Corfu, but I couldn’t make it out, and it didn’t really matter.

The weed was good, maybe too good. Feeling dreamy and light I slipped off Little John’s shoulders and onto the bed and began to daydream. There was something stronger in that weed than weed. It made me soar and feel freer than anything you could imagine. Little John gives it to me now and then, but not more than that. I let go of myself and fell and on my back. I stared straight up into space. It was one of those moments when the ceiling becomes interesting.

I was soaring up there, beyond my body, twirling my fingers in the air, finger painting with space when suddenly I could feel the mattress lighten. Little John was leaving. I found my voice and called after him, but he was already gone. Someone passed me the joint and I aimlessly reached for it and took another long deep drag. I drifted in and out of focus, seeing nice pretty things dancing across the ‘sky’. I was in a state of mindless grace. Nothing in the world could bother me. My hands played with the air as if it could be stretched and shaped like dough. I was having a ball.

Then I felt a tug. It was a tight quick tug. I tried to lift my head up, but it was too slow. I felt another tug. I turned to the side and saw one of Jimmy Choos fall to the ground. My white anklet socks with the little red bows followed. A breeze from the open window confirmed that I was being undressed. I tried looking for myself, but I was so stoned that I got lost. Fingertips hooked into the waistband of my tights and tugged causing my hips to sway easing the garment’s removal. I looked out and saw a pretty girl’s body sprawled out in her v-string mesh frilled party panties.

I called for Little John, but there was no intention in my voice, just empty sound. A voice neared and said, “Lift your bottom up.” I looked up at the guy and wondered, “Why?” His mouth touched my ear so I would better understand, “I want to take your panties off.” I reached up and poked at a cloud and shifted my hips. He tugged down my panties. I was gazing into a brew of forging shapes coming toward me. My black tank top was removed. Unhooked, my bra was tossed. I watched it crumple over my shoes. My eyes drifted up curiously and dull wondering if the guy over me was a guy or maybe something else.

I touched his dreadlocks and giggled. He said, “Shift your hips and glide.” I thought we were skating again, I smiled and reached out for balance. His face seemed pretty as if it were some picture in a magazine. I felt like turning the page. Then I let out a gasp. My grogginess faded and the heat within me raised. My mind and body drifted away in the current of emotion.

When they were done with me they left me sprawled out on the bed. My panties, anklets socks and the rest of my clothing were scattered over the floor. The door opened. It was Little John. “You’ll be late to that party.” I yawned, “All three of them?” He nodded his head and showed me a fistful of dollars. I hugged the pillow and fell asleep.