Thoughts of You
by Agonysgirl
As i lay in my bed, my heart starts to long for the company of Yours.
The walls that once barricaded warm thoughts and sweet whispers of the heart, now yearn for the heat of the love and adoration You have for me.
Do You know that when i am in Your presence and i feel You near i feel as though there is nothing i cannot do? i feel invincible, like nothing can stop me. That confidence that radiates from deep inside You feeds me and makes me strong. When Your arms are wrapped around me i might as well be protected by a thousand angel warriors, because that is how safe You have made me feel. When You place Your fist around my hair and pull me close, i know that is exactly at that moment where You want me to be, and i feel the sweetness of Your heart beat against my ear. i dreamed for what seemed like a thousand nights of how good i would feel finally being in Your control. i never came close to how at home i felt the first time my lips brushed my Masters’ sweet feet.
The day i saw You walk away, i felt a part of me going with You. That part of me that no one gets to see, and i wanted so badly to be able to go with You. The part of me that went home with You, is who i am when no one is looking. It is the me You have come to know. That is the part of me that feels deeper than anyone could know, it is the most vulnerable side of me, full of contrasts. It is the sweet innocent girl that needs a tender touch, but it is also the nasty slut that needs to be used and taken. It is my dark side, and my innocence, it is my submission to only You, it is the courage You gave me the moment You looked me in the eye and told me i was owned. See, all of that went with You because it is Yours. Every thought since, has had You in it sweet Master. i will be strong until i am allowed to see that wonderful smile beaming down at me when i am laying below You. That strength will have to come from You Master, in and of myself i do not posses it. The need i have for You is greater than anything i have ever needed in my whole life. The devotion and trust i have for You surpass anything i have ever felt. The gratitude i have for the place in Your life and the love You have for me in Your heart are unspeakable, i cannot even describe that.
As i sit here trying to find some way to let You know how much i need You in my life, i am stricken with emotions that are so strong. i never thought i would pass this way again, trusting someone to own every word, thought, action, and deed. i never thought i would feel beautiful again yet, already, i am feeling more and more confidant, and motivated to be everything You expect in Your slave. i want to have all the poise and grace, and beauty You want standing by Your side, just two steps behind ::smiles::. I miss You sweet Master. Please do not be long. i have needed You my whole life. And i certainly need You now.