Elaine’s Story Part 5 – Pony Girl Competitions Begin!
The weekend passed even slower then had the previous ones since I had been taken captive.
Maybe it was the helpless condition caused by the training corset. For it had been on three days now and without the use if my hands and arms, existence was very difficult. Breathing was some what easier for I had learned to use my diaphragm, inhaling much like a trained opera singer. While I did not have any chores to accomplish (with no hands to work with) I had free run of the mansion.
Clopping noisily about the halls in my hoof like boots, I explored all the nooks and crannies that had open doors. Some of the rooms I had visited before, mostly when I was being punished for a misdeed, while others I wished I had not ventured into for I knew it was just a matter of time before I would be fastened to many of the weird contrivances on hand and left to suffer in silent darkness. Actually I was beginning to enjoy myself as I lolled about. I was fed twice a day by another slave in captivity much as I was. She was always hooded and obviously gagged so we could not communicate with one another but found a way to commiserate with each other through our eyes. At each meal she would unlock my bit gag, feed me, wipe my face then replace the gag. I had hoped she would leave it a little looser now and then but no doubt she had been made aware of the dire consequences that would befall her if such actions were discovered. My only problem was that whenever I came near Celeste or Dominique, they would stop me and check my corset. Amazingly they would find a way to tighten more and more each time. Soon I tried to avoid them and if I heard their voices in the distance, I would reverse my direction.
Monday morning finally came and I was taken out doors and turned over to the horse trainer. She established a rigorous daily routine for me to follow over the next two weeks prior to the race. Each morning I was taken to the yard and tethered to the Merry -Go Round Training device. I was taught how to high step and strut. A strap was run from the head harness, that held the bit and reins, down my back through my legs and hooked tightly to the corset in front. This horrid strap held my back straight and forced my head up high. Around and around the circle I went for hours on end. The long whip administered by the trainer cracked sharply on the cheeks of my bare ass and curled about my legs over and over again until I was high stepping to the tempo dictated by the blaring tape recorder from the barn. The afternoon hours were spent hitched to a sulky. It was heavily weighted and with the trainer attending the reins I had to trot up and down the hills of the adjoining fields in order to build the stamina in my legs. As always the whip cracking over my ass encouraged me to pull harder and faster as they hours wore on. Each evening I was returned to my stall in the barn where I was fed, some times by another slave or then again I was left alone only to kneel and push my face into a bowl of mush in order to feed myself. This seemed more degrading to me then many of the tortures I had been force to submit to since I was kidnapped and lost my freedom. By the end of the first week, my ass was criss crossed by many welts from the whip that I learned to detest, but at last I seemed to be getting the hang of things and the whip was used less and less. The weekend came and I was allowed to rest for the two days.
Saturday morning, the trainer came by to check on me and saw that the leather corset was rubbing some sore spots above my hips and between my legs. Not wanting anything to hamper my performance, she decided to change the corset from leather to latex. I smiled inwardly for this would certainly be more comfortable than the stiff and unyielding leather. I breathed deeply for the first time in over a week as the corset was stripped from my body. After checking and re-tightening the bonds on my arms she began slipping the latex tunic over my head and shoulders. It took almost an hour to get it on and after zipping the heavy duty zipper down my back and buckling all the elastic straps in place. I found that I had smiled too soon for unbelievably, the latex corset was even more restrictive then the leather one. My breasts were gripped tighter at the base by the elastic foundation and bulged like two large balloons. And the crotch strap was split between my legs separating the lips of my pussy as the thin thongs dug deeply into my soft flesh. One advantage though, was that I could be hosed down to wash the sweat off me at the end of each day, for water would not affect the latex as it would the leather. I was left alone to rest and relax for the remainder of the weekend, that is if one could relax with their body bound as mine was wearing the Horsy boots and the head harness and bridle bit constantly. I tried to take advantage of the time off as best I could sometimes laying in the straw, sitting on a bale of hay or just standing quietly.
Monday morning came all too soon and the routine started anew but with two major variations. Another set of reins were added. Thin chains hooked to my nipple rings. The whip soon taught me that the purpose of these reins was to signal when I was to back up and turn to the right or left as I was backing. The reins on the bridle bit were used for all forward motions. There was to be a Dressage before the actual race and the Ponies had to display their talents before the judges. The second variation was that the race was to be a Handicap race. My handicap was that I had to perform blind! For the rest of the week I had to wear a special hood that shut off my eye sight. It was made of heavy latex and fit snugly over my head with a hole for my hair to formed into a Pony Tail. The hood contained a hard rubber bit which held my teeth wide apart and contained rings for the reins and bridle. The trainers whip came into use time and time again as I stumbled awkwardly about in the darkness induced by the ever tightening hood. But again it was only a matter of time before the rigid training produced the desired results for by mid week I was strutting and parading satisfactorily as well as pulling the sulky without too much coaching from the nasty whip!
At last the week of the races came! Auntie, Celeste and Dominique all came to watch me practice and seemed please with the results. Early Tuesday morning I was lead out into the yard and cleaned up all spick and span. I could even feel someone (a slave no doubt) shinning my latex corset, hood and boots. On a leash, I was taken to a horse trailer and guided up the ramp and inside where my neck was fitted into a retaining bracket while my legs were spread and locked by wide cuffs to the sides of the trailer was to make the trip to the race site held in an immovable stance while the trailer bounced over the bumpy country roads. Fortunately the journey was not too long for the neck bracket was very snug and I could feel every rut and stone as we rolled over them, jolting my helpless body, shaking me up considerably.
Arriving at the track I was backed out of the trailer and tethered in the corral presumably with other Ponies, for I could hear nickering and the stomping of hooves every now and then along with the soothing voices of the trainers and owners seeking To calm their ponies. I was content to be left alone for the moment. It was odd, considering that I had been blinded by the hood for a good week now, how I could count the minutes and hours passing. I knew that the race was soon to start and sure enough my owners came to add the new harness and attachments. From the description I could hear, the harness was a beautiful white one that gripped me unmercifully as the straps were buckled and locked. A high white plume was added to the top of my head harness giving me the appearance of added height. I felt a pair of fingers slide up inside my hood and was startled to feel plugs being pushed into my ears, first one and then the other. There were to be no verbal commands! I had to respond solely to the touch on the reins and the tip of the whip as Auntie, who was to drive, applied them. As the head strap was strung down my back pulling my head extra high I knew it was going to be along after noon!
The Dressage came first, lasting almost two hours as we were paraded before the judges. I high stepped, strutted, bowed and performed all the tricks I knew. The ear plugs silenced the applause and cheers from the crowd so I had no idea if I was doing well or not. At last I could feel the racing sulky being attached to my harness. A light flick the whip started me forward and after several turns about the track I was stopped and tugs on my nipple rings indicated that I was to back into the starting position. My nipples were yanked to the right and left a number of times before I was in placed. I stood anxiously with only the hollow ringing in my plugged up ears to soothe my nerves. Suddenly the whip cracked across my ass viscously and we were off! I lifted my knees high and strutted as fast as I could in the restricting harness. Right foot, left foot, I must remember to pace, not gallop ! Keep my stride steady. I knew not what was happening, was I leading the pack or trailing far behind? I only knew that the race was to be ten complete laps of the track and I tried to judge the distance as Auntie flicked the whip time and again. Panting through the straining bit, I counted the laps as best I could, five now, no six……oh damn I lost count ………would it never end? I felt as I would collapse any second. More and more the whip demanded ! Up! Down ! my knees pumped trying mot to miss a step……….The whip was lashing my ass relentlessly so I knew we must be coming into the last lap now. My head ached, my back ached, my legs were so numb, it seemed as if nothing mattered any more, Just concentrate on trotting remembering all the days of training, this was the final moment !!!!!!!
Auntie pulled back on both reins at the same time. The signal to slow down and come to a walk. She took me around the track on a slow pace to cool me off and then we stopped at the judges stand. The trainer came out and stripped off the head harness and hood. The bright sun light blinded me at first and I stood dazzled by all the commotion. It seemed as though I had come in first. Every one was all smiles. But then came the final announcement. AUNTIES PONY WAS DISQUALIFIED FOR BREAKING STRIDE JUST BEFORE THE FINISH !!!!!!!! Oh no! My knees felt weak!
Auntie stood before me glaring and said …. “You shall pay for this you worthless slut!!!! ”
to be continued?

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